Reviews from

in the past

La verdad es que es una mejora comparado con el 1, la historia mola bastante, las misiones son mas divertidas y las interacciones de los personajes entre ellos son mejores, tengo ganas del 3 después de este final.

One of the best games I have ever played.

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amazing gameplay, setting, characters, and continuation of the epic story from me1. suicide mission is one of the best endings to a game ever, props to them for having the balls for that.

One of the greatest games of all times for a reason. This universe will suck you in and you won't want to leave. Strong/memorable characters, improved combat systems and side missions that enhance the overall story all combine to create one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. I cannot understate how much I love this game and I find myself continually revisiting it after all these years.

Played through Mass Effect: Legendary Edition on Xbox Series X

Fantastic. One of my favourite games.

Totally a "B-Plot" in the overall Mass Effect trilogy arch but what a fantastic one. With a superb suite of supporting characters an excellent opening and one of the best final missions in gaming.

Look forward to my next replay in a few years :)

Better than Mass Effect 1 in almost every regard. The levels are more shooting gallery in design, but it's better than the samey planetary outposts in ME1

Thanks to the PS Plus deal of this month, I got the chance to get into the Mass Effect series.
First of all, I tried playing the first game prior to the sequel but I couldn't get into the game because of the slow pacing and clunky gameplay. Fortunately for me, Mass Effect: Genesis, a short comic book that re-caps the story of the first game and let's you make some important decisions, was featured in Mass Effect 2. So, with Mass Effect 2 having the option to carry over your decisions from the first game, and the story being very simple, I didn't have any problems with getting into the game.
Now, "simple" story doesn't mean it's bad; it's actually a good story, but mostly because of its exceptional world-building and very likable, well-written and diverse characters; probably the biggest highlight of the game.
Another highlight of the game though, is the amount of unique dialogue options and impactful decisions it has, especially during the climax towards the end of the story that still gives me goosebumps.
Also, everything related around the gameplay and the audio design in Mass Effect 2 is significantly improved over the first game, making it a much more fun experience overall.
However, If I had to name one thing that slightly disappointed me in the game, is the toned down RPG gameplay elements; playing Mass Effect 2 feels more like playing a basic third person shooter game instead of playing an RPG game.

+ Good narrative
+ Fantastic world-building
+ Compelling characters
+ Meaningful dialogue options
+ Enjoyable gameplay

- Underwhelming RPG gameplay elements

Narrative: 7/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 8/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
Mass Effect 2 isn't only a mass improvement - pun intended - over the first game in almost every way, but it's an epic Sci-Fi journey in every sense of the word, a masterful RPG and an utterly brilliant videogame experience even to this day.

Do I recommend it?:
Definitely! It's easy to get into the game even for newcomers.

Such a big improvment over the first one love everything about this game!

Still the only Mass Effect I've played/beaten and it was so long ago. I have the full collection now, I should do a full playthrough soon.

The weakest of the mass effect trilogy fight me (says the kaidan romancer).

The best to ever do it. GOAT characters. GOAT missions. GOAT worldbuilding. GOAT writing. Pretty good gameplay. Still my favorite in the series, but they all fit together into a package that has not and probably will never be replicated ever again.

Definitely not a perfect game, but I'm fundamentally biased towards it as it holds a lot of nostalgia. :')

Terra meter: 82%

Story/narrative - 4.5/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 4/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5

I am relatively liberal with five-star ratings, but in this case, Mass Effect 2 earns it as a contender for my favorite game of all time. Oftentimes the middle entry of a trilogy is the "weird" one to varying levels of success - ME2 expertly walks that tightrope. It understands that as a middle entry, its role is not to set the story's stakes or to draw together a conclusion. Instead, ME2 focuses on fleshing out the world, introducing factions and characters with well-developed, complementary and/or contradictory agendas. Also, Martin Sheen kicks an immense amount of ass.

Improves on some aspects while also declining in some of the core qualities of the first game. I thought the characters and their stories were interesting. The main story, on the other hand, was pretty boring and not nearly as well written as in ME1, and the antagonist was sooo much better and more complex in the first game. The DLCs were fantastic and the suicide mission was a blast, a really tense moment that I will probably never forget. Overall I think I liked it a bit more than ME1 but unfortunately the story wasn't as good. Still a fantastic game.

Desarrollando el conflicto mejor que su antecesor, se las arregla para meter un cast amplio de personajes cada uno mejor que el anterior
La misión final simplemente peak gaming

A worthy continuation of the great game! I especially liked that you can export the hero from the first part, and the actions taken affect the plot.

This is a game that everyone seems to love a whole lot but I have never really understood why. The original Mass Effect had a lot of interesting ideas and RPG elements whereas this one jettisons a lot of that and just presents a relatively straight forward action game with some dating mechanics.

Also think the story is pretty lackluster. Basically nothing of consequence happens. Lots of character building happens, but none of it is terribly interesting. I think if they had combined Mass Effect 2 and 3 together and simply made all the character stuff in 2 the sidequest segments in 3, it'd be a better game.

I like sub-cinemax level sex scenes as much as the next guy and I will always love Tali Zorah vas Nornandy, but I just don't get why this game has the legendary status that it foes.

A game that redefined my love for video games. Would consider this game the best one in the trilogy, could very much also be one of the best games ever made. Super fun to play, engaging and a lot of choices with impact. Renegade BroShep for life.

"overrated as f!ck in my opinion"

esperava bastante pelo que tinha visto e ouvido falar, mas mesmo com algumas melhoras, repete os mesmos problemas do seu antecessor. Uma pena, pois era um dos jogos que eu mais tinha expectativas de jogar.

The best the series ever got. Every character is so unique and memorable. Everything you learn about this universe just makes you want to know more. The encounters can get pretty same-y, and not all of the abilities are particularly useful, but the combat is fun and satisfying. Fantastic.

One of the best games I have ever played!

Prettier but not entirely better. Mass Effect 2 continues the series’ penchant for billion dollar box office flavored storytelling, a trait that can be polarizing for an audience with a more nuanced taste. What sets it apart from ME1 is its shift towards a more people-focused narrative, which I found immensely more appealing compared to the event-driven approach of its predecessor. In ME2, the depth of the loyalty missions adds layers to each character's backstory, making the journey feel more personal and rewarding. While there are elements that feel like steps backward, the streamlined weapon system, for instance, lacks the punch of its predecessor while the overall combat experience remains intense. However, the suicide mission really won me back in the end, delivering one of the most dramatic endings in the trilogy.

i didn't very far into this. I may pick it back up and finish the trilogy at some point in my life, but not right now

Where the first game has a very strong narrative arc, I feel like this one succeeds more in the shorter stories, like a season of Deep Space Nine. The parts where you shoot dudes are better than the first game but still quite boring.