Reviews from

in the past

Le meilleur des Mass Effect !!!

Il mio primo Effetto Massa aspettato su Playstation. Per me nella sua interezza considerati i DLC è il migliore della saga. E che chiappe Miranda.

if the first game is greater than the sum of its parts, this game has the proper parts to make up the sum.

way dialed back on arbitrary half-assed rpg mechanics that add nothing to the game, fat is trimmed on fluff filler content, gunplay and control is exponentially improved, and all the substantial content is highly centralized where you will actually access it.

the first game sets up an amazing setting with beautiful characters, with fun but rudimentary gameplay and a central story which feels a bit disjointed at times. here you actually have that tight shooter action and cohesive central narrative to support that secret sauce.

the more i fall in love with these games as i go, the more depressed i get about the inevitable development hell and studio collapse story to come with mass effect 4

suomise peli that I cant get through

Mass Effect 2 is an absolute masterpiece. The characters are incredible, the choices you make actually feel meaningful, and the suicide mission finale? Unforgettable! Sure, the Mako stuff is awful and the side missions get repetitive, but the core story, the crew you assemble, and battling the Collectors is next-level sci-fi gaming. If you love RPGs and space adventures, this is a must-play.

Легенда, воистину. Тут идеально все, спутники и их подвязка к сюжету, все разные и интересные. Все выборы из первой части напрямую повлияли на наполненность мира, даже какие-то незначительные квесты! Боевая система была улучшена. Локации больше не повторяются, для каждого квеста она разная. Это большой скачок, и наверное самая интересная и лучшая игра в серии

mrs lawson i buuried 80 million in the normandy

Legendary Edition 2 : N7 Elite 🏆

Perusi lo usa per simulare gli appuntamenti

This game taught me you sometimes have to do bad things to do what you want (be an asshole to nail Miranda)

this had a mass effect 2 on my sexuality, i really want to reclaim rannoch for my wife tali