Reviews from

in the past

Loved this game. Super fun gameplay with tons of depth and super cute graphics. Loved the plot and loved all the anime aspects (love triangle, crossdressing, chosen one) super kawaii, super fun and just an all around blast for anime and gaming fans.

Lembro que peguei ranço pq fiquei preso numa área de floresta e o maluco tinha um Medabot super tank e um Medabot de cura super op. Um dia eu zero ele.

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This game have a good idea poorly executed.
I can understand it has a lot of random battles (it's really annoying sometimes), but the impossibility of not being able to escape from them unless you have a consumable item (which by the way you can't buy anywhere) is not acceptable.
You cannot choose the medabot you want to attack, neither the piece of that medabot. You may hit (or get hit) the head or the legs indiscriminately, even if you see where medabot is "pointing", the shot (or whatever) hasn't to hit there. That is a problem cause you organice the turns of your medabots to hit different parts, but one of then hit where it wants and next one fail the hit, wonderful.

The game is pretty easy except for the final fight which is ridiculously hard and you are forced to do it 2 times.

It is unnecessarily long. About 30 hours or so of which easily half is left over.

He story is chaotic too, nothing relevant.

The characters have no depth.

You get the parts by fighting, some you can buy but they are useless.

It's very unbalanced.

I could continue but I think it's enough. Bad game for me.
Sorry if I offended anyone, it's just my opinion :)

This game is really fun, the combat system is neat, if a little drawn out at time, and the encounter rate is also pretty high. It's hard but it's medatbots and that's really cool and the story is medabots and that's really cool. Really cool game!

I have started playing this game countless time and for the life of me I can't finish it, but the combat is very interesting and swapping parts of your medabot for the combats is very fun. This game has a special place in my heart.

MEDABOTTSSSS. Probably the most underrated RPG i've ever played.

No es un buen juego, pero es que le tengo una nostalgia brutal. Y eso que es un remake del 2º juego con "mecánicas modernas".
Los combates no tienen una buena mecánica base (no decides a qué enemigo o parte atacar, así dependes demasiado del azar), no decides qué piezas de medabots apuestas en cada combate, y si pierdes las de tu medabot inicial (Metabee), jamás las puedes recuperar.
La historia es tontísima y poco relevante.

Pero yo estaba enviciado como un enano a la serie de televisión y quería jugarlo en mi gameboy también. Así que eso hice.
Y qué buenos vicios le metí, madre mía.
Lo recuerdo con tanto cariño que quiero jugarme a los más nuevos, pero no salen de Japón. También estaría interesante tener un remake del 1 para entender la historia del Fantasma Renegado.

I love these games way too much to be frank. It's basically the most anime game of all time with its cringey dialogue and character interactions. Some parts of the game can just be frustratingly hard, but there is always some way to overcome with the different medaparts available. I love the battles and once you start getting more tinpets, your ability to use different strategies more. Hell, sometimes just running out the clock is the most effective strategy in this game. While that sounds like a slog, it's still tense and fun. Plus there is the potential loss of a medapart on the table for losses, which is a fun way to force you into improvising.

9/10, this and Rokusho version are my comfort games, I will be playing this again for some reason in a couple years. More of this series needs to be translated and released outside Japan.

I also want to note the game time. It would have taken me about 34:18 to beat the game, however, I was able to speed sections up which brought time down to 16:38. It makes the encounters less cumbersome, because the encounter rate is a little high. I highly recommend if you emulate.

fun battle system and it was cool how you could switch out parts of the robots to make your own guy

Bem arrastado e difícil, mas o sistema de combate é muito bem trabalhado, para um RPG simples portátil do GBA.

Medabots was a short-lived series created amid the "Pokemon craze" of the late-90s, with many of its games on Nintendo's Gameboy exclusive to Japan under the name "Medarot".

Unlike other Pokémon knockoffs - Digimon; Medabots put to death the "creature" aspect of the series, toward collecting "medaparts" and "Tinpet" to build robotic fighters and become a "medafighter": "a human who controls a Medabot through a Medawatch, engaging in Robattles."

"Medabots RPG", features some of the most polished graphics, gameplay, and soundtrack we had yet to see on the Gameboy Advance, only a year past its release.

You can tell the Pokemon influence instantly from its graphics to its musical score: "Medabots RPG" is definitely worthy of its Game Freak heritage, from a technical standpoint.

Fans of "Mega Man Battle Network" will enjoy this entry for its wholesome slice-of-life elements featuring robots, while Pokemon fans might feel at home with the "Medaparts" collecting and "Robattling" in this overlooked Gameboy Advance classic.

Very unique battle system. I'm surprised that these games didn't take off more than they did.