Reviews from

in the past

Melhor que os dois últimos, mas pelo amor de Deus, só existe o Sigma nesse jogo?

It's a big mind-boggling to me when this game is labeled as a Platform Shooter when it feels just as electrifying and exhilarating as an action game.

The stage, enemy, and boss design are at their best and X, Zero, and all the weapons and techniques you acquire for both of them are so fun to control. Being able to fully control Zero in particular was such an amazing experience. They even manage to tell a pretty cool story on top of all of that. The action and stakes pile on and on and it is hard not to be drawn in by it all.

Mi primer megaman, sin saber que debías recoger mejoras por las pantallas logre llegar al final y casi terminarlo, pero me fue imposible la ultima fase del ultimo jefe. Muy bonito el reto que brinda este juego.

Un salta de la saga X de la snes a Ps1. Un megaman x sencillo con graficos increibles para su epoca. La musica como siempre increible aunque creo que tiene al Sigma mas facil de derrotar de los primeros 4 juegos.

tem seus problemas. ele é datado, maaaaaasss... ELE É INCRIVEL!

Playing this is like getting the best blowjob ever, this game rocks

Lindo lindo maravilhoso cheiroso melhor jogo da saga X disparado, ele joga seguro em quase tudo já que ele não inova em quase nada mas ele faz tudo de perfeito com só o básico

makes me drown with the Ultimate Armor along with the Black Armor from X and Zero respectively

Jogo perfeito em tudo


De uma época onde meus esboços eram robôs com braços de canhão.

Complete playthrough as both X & Zero on SEGA Saturn.

6th February 1998 got me buying Mega Man X4 with me veg in Supermarket. X4 going for seven thought I’d succumb to the hype. Glad I did.

X formula perfection
I don't need to say more

Só fica atrás do primeiro porque de resto. Melhor jogo da série inteira. A campanha do zero é especial.

They really dropped this then released nothing but straight ass for like 5 years

If I become a Maverick, you have to… take care of me. Promise me, Zero.

After 8 classic Mega Man games, 3 Mega Man X games, and multiple handheld and spinoff games in either series (shout out to Mega Man Soccer), you’d probably expect Capcom’s formula to feel tired by now. Maybe it even did—I don’t exactly know how well-regarded this game was by critics. But for someone like me, Mega Man X4 represents a Capcom near the absolute pinnacle of their creative potential. X4 is an unshakeable fan favorite for good reason.

X4 has gorgeous 32-bit spritework, CD-quality music that perfectly matches every breakneck second of the experience, a unique story path for both X and Zero, and a fantastic collection of Mavericks, weapons/techniques and movement abilities that will be impossible to forget. It’s fruitless to attempt describing just how good this game looks and feels in motion. Mega Man X4 is an achievement in every sense of the word—one that I fear Capcom will never be able to replicate for the remainder of this subseries.

Capcom chose beautiful 2D artwork and incredible CD-quality music over shitty PS1 3D graphics

A lot of people would have this as their favorite X game, but I think it's a bit style over substance. The head upgrade is very broken but in the kind of way that makes the game better. It's really easy and I prefer the game feel of the SNES trilogy.

Incredible all it took to outdo X1 was add Zero as a full playable character while keepng the stellar level design and mavericks.
This game fucks.

Mega Man X4 is one of the most beloved MMX games, and it's not hard to see why. It takes the usual MMX formula and slightly expands upon it really well with an extra playable character in the form of Zero. I do have some problems with the game, but I can't deny that it's still a really solid entry to the MMX series.

Mega Man X4 is pretty much structured like a typical X game. You got your starting stage, then the main 8 stages, then the final stages. You platform, shoot stuff, fight bosses, and get collectibles to grow stronger. Pretty typical. However, there are some deviations. First of all, X4 has a heavier emphasis on story than in previous titles, so you'll be seeing more dialogue, cutscenes, and extra bosses between stages. Secondly, stages are now split into two halves, so if you game over in the second half, you won't have to start at the beginning. X4 is probably the easiest game in the series because of this, so it's not a bad starting point if you want to get into the MMX games. Thirdly, and the most obvious thing, Zero as a playable character! While X has a ranged weapon and can collect armor pieces, Zero has a melee weapon and can only expand his moveset and strength through defeating bosses and collecting heart tanks. He's definitely the hard mode of the game, but still fun to play as nonetheless. He even gets a slightly different (and more interesting) story to play through. It's a definite upgrade from his nothing-burger inclusion in X3.

As for the level design, it's pretty good overall. Emphasis on "overall". There's a good variety of levels that provides a nice amount of challenge, but there's one that doesn't. One of the 8 main stages is a level where you're riding on a hoverbike the entire time, constantly moving forward with little time to react to obstacles. This level is a nightmare, as one mistake can mean starting it all over, and it's even worse when you're going for all the items. To make it even MORE worse, it ends with an annoying boss fight that sucks no matter which character you're playing as. It's easily the weakest link in an otherwise strong chain. Some of the other bosses can feel pretty stupid to fight against as well, whether they be too hard or too weak. X4 still has some great ones though. Magma Dragoon and his Street Fighter references are a ton of fun, and I always enjoy doing Storm Owl's fight without his weakness.

I'll be honest, this game's story always leaves my brain two seconds after I play it. I think it's about an army of Reploids called Repliforce trying to overthrow something or other, and of course Sigma is behind it. Zero beefs with another robot because he likes his sister. There's bad voice acting. Yeah. It's not very good, but hey, the gameplay is so I suppose it doesn't need to be. Despite the quality of the story, there's at least some good effort put into how it's presented (minus the voice acting), as the major cutscenes are all fully animated. So that's cool.

Sound and visuals:
The music is great, but that should be no surprise. The sound design is good too, except for the voice acting, as mentioned before. While it is funny to hear in the cutscenes, X and Zero have voices during gameplay, and X's is just the worst. He sounds like a 5 year old, and I just can't take it seriously at all. I play on the Japanese version of the game whenever I play as X for that reason.

As for the visuals, they're quite good. They're colorful, clear, and have aged fairly well, which is something I can't totally say about future games in the MMX series. I especially love the animations for the bosses in this game. The bigger playable sprites with all their extra frames of animation do take a bit of getting used to, though, if you're going from the SNES games to this one.

If you like any of the SNES Mega Man X games and somehow haven't played X4 yet, then you gotta. It's more of the same goodness with a bit of extra, not to mention the whole new graphical style. It's easily accessible to play through the Mega Man X Legacy Collection.

It's got some problems but overall one of the best X games.

Mega Man X makes his jump to the 32-bit systems, the Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn!

This game doesn't play too differently from previous X games, but its level design is tight and the levels don't feel either too short or too long, and they also stand out in their own ways.

The overall presentation is just very pleasing on eyes, bright, colorful and still holds up to this day, although I will say that while I liked this game's instrumentation way more than X3's, I only found a few songs memorable. Others were either too atmospheric, or just didn't catch my attention.

New to X4 is the fact that you can either play as X or Zero, from start to finish, unlike X3. And playing as Zero is extremely fun! His playstyle makes it so you have to get pretty close to enemies to destroy them, but the moves he unlocks are just really fun to play around with.

And it's also clear that in terms of story, Zero is the one with more important stuff going on, because X's story doesn't really have much besides the character of Double which... is a bunch of nothing.
Zero's story goes more into his backstory which is nice, but also goes into his relationship with Iris.

Okay, I'm sorry, the 2nd part is a lie, because while I do find Zero and Iris to be a cute couple in concept, the story does not give me anything to make me care about Iris, making it so when that scene comes, it feels very unearned.

Besides that, the Repliforce being so stuck up about their pride made me feel like they were a bunch of fucking idiots.

But overall, in spite of the plot being weak, I had a lot of fun playing Mega Man X4, and it's probably my favourite in the series so far!

Best X and overall Megaman of all times IMO.

Un juego increíble, con una excelente jugabilidad, gráficos y música.