Reviews from

in the past

I've finished this on PS4 and are currently replaying on PC but other than the far easier true ending requirements I really don't enjoy this one as much as the original VII. Also no VR scenes with Nepgear? why even bother

Note: It crashes consistently if you use Vert's Sylhet spear during the F* C fight (Censored for spoilers but hopefully if you're at that point you can tell) if you're on PC, I don't remember it being an issue on PS4

This is basically a rerelease of megadimension neptunia VII but with bonus VR sections. If you have already played VII, don't bother with this, theres virtually nothing different. The VR sections involve you sitting in a room with the various girls while they do things around you and you just sit there. Sometimes you can nod yes or no to questions, that's pretty much it. I don't know why I bought this when I already played VII. I guess if you haven't played VII and own a PSVR, go off I guess?