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Required an unreal amount of grinding for weapons and team members as a single player experience. Kind of wish I convinced more of my friends to play through it with me in co-op, which sounds like the ideal way to do it. That said, one of my favorite Metal Gear stories and has two incredible needle drops near the end. The last boss fight is pretty thrilling.

Mais uma obra prima do meu mano Hideo Kojima

É uma sequência do Solid 3 em basicamente tudo, mas a melhor coisa desse jogo são os controles que são deliciosos e até agora os melhores da franquia, apesar de ainda achar um sacrilégio não poder se mover deitado
Tem uma ótima história, e os único pontos negativos é o pacing em alguns momentos isolados, o final boss que é beeeem chato e fdp e que esse jogo é comunista pra cacete hein (ironia)


I'm sure Peace Walker is a very enjoyable experience if you wanted to play MGS on a road trip with your PSP.
But as a game? It's extremely dull and slow, and practically everything it does is done better in MGS5.

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At last, I can finally be free and move on with my life! I beat Peace Walker! (...Sorta.)

So, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is the direct continuation of the story that Portable Ops planted back in the day, and it's also a continuation when it comes to the gameplay since it's another recruitment base builder type of game to be played in short bursts more than the usual sneaking narrative-driven Metal Gear game... And man, I wish it wasn't.

For Portable Ops I understood why it was that way, the PSP was really new when it came out, and I think the simplicity was kind of the charm of it, it didn't really feel bothersome to binge for a long time since the stages and enemy paths were simple enough to the point where it made for a fun time especially since the story was really well paced and it always made you long for more. Peace Walker however, considering it was released five years after feels like it has enough substance and layer of complexity in order to be a normal sneaking Metal Gear game, and more of a direct continuation gameplay-wise to Metal Gear Solid 3 give or take. The characters are there, the story is good enough for it to be and the scenario and levels while not the biggest, they give enough play for the portable system for it to be, probably. However, the end result was Portable Ops but way bigger for its own good, a whole buncha grinding if you're looking out to do everything you wanna do and a whole audiobook of hours of lore dumps and character interactions that if paced evenly could've been greater for its characters if embedded in the story somehow, the absence of a Codec or actual character interactions really disconnects the flow of the story with the game itself, when you go into a new level it's pretty much certain that you're not gonna be interrupted by anything until you complete your objective or go out of your way to call someone, which is undoubtedly something that makes Metal Gear, Metal Gear. And it being missing is kind of a miss.

The game itself was also designed to be kind of a mix between an offline and online experience, akin to a Monster Hunter (funnily enough considering some of the Side Ops you can do related to that franchise) game where you could have people help you out in main and secondary missions, maybe actually make the latter fun to play somewhat. But unfortunately as this is a nearly 14-year-old game the online is pretty dead unless you plan out and go out of your way to actually do these missions online, so in terms of longevity that didn't last long which hurts the experience somewhat, it feels like a chore to go out of your way to do Side Ops all by yourself especially when later on they become sorta necessary to get the real ending of the game.

I also gotta make this point and say that every boss in this game is repetitive and kinda sucks as a whole considering the combat in this one is pretty poor compared to other Metal Gear games, the airdrop supply system is awful too and you need to spam it so much throughout that the cycle gets stale fast.

So in the end the game does really just feel half-way through of being a really neat experience considering the story is as unhinged as it is introducing the characters and concepts that it does, being the first real introduction to a Metal Gear as a weapon. Some parts are really eh here and there but overall I think it holds up nicely, I just wish it was presented in a better way because I could just not care enough about building MSF myself and sending off troops on their own and recruiting new ones, it would take a long ass while to actually do everything and I guess that was kinda their point with it, considering the fact that it had cross-saves with the PSP version as well, but unless you had nothing to do back in the early 2010's.

I really didn't have much motivation to actually push through and finish this game for the longest time, and I technically didn't finish it, I didn't get to finish Chapter 5 that requires you to do a number of Side Ops and actually finish ZEKE. I just couldn't. I had enough of this PSP parasite brethen of a hellspawn video game, so I did the next rational thing and watched like 6 hours of gameplay seeing everything that was there to do after where I left off and man, it would not have been any less worth it. Like yeah Paz's reveal was... There. And The Boss' ventures as a spacewoman narrated by the very big lesbian that is Strangelove were nice but they would not make me play any more Side Ops. I hate Side Ops.

I'd love to see it revitalized in Master Collection Vol. 2 whenever that happens, especially in an age where it could be way more accessible for everyone to play 'cuz I know for certain that would crank it up a notch when doing some of the more grindier quests or ease up boss fights a bit.

Didn't imagined this game to be that long, Wished there were more in-game cutscenes than comics one (which felt artistic since they did retraced Yoji Shinkawa artstyle).

Anyways: this is one of the other PSP must-play that turned out greatly as a HD remaster with a really good gameplay, story, characters and mission system.

why the goddamn missions are so hard

i couldn't beat this game because of that damn button-mashing part. the rest of the game (at least what ive played) is pretty fun though, the stealth gameplay is great and things like developing weapons or managing the base feel like a huge improvement from Portable Ops.

spent A LOT of hours grinding post game to unlock date with kaz. honestly even if i couldnt have sex with kazuhira miller it would have been worth it because man this game is fun. finally defeating the peacewalker custom with an s rank on my first clear was the most accomplished a metal gear game has ever made me feel

HIGHLY recommend all custom ai + monster hunter bosses if you have the spare time

I thought it was better than MGS 4, a bit too much management and base building but also good stealth segments and really good comic sequences instead of cutscenes. Boss fights were ok but not as good as in MGS 1-3. I particularly liked Snake in this one. He has some interesting things to say on the cassette tapes and dives into political theory while also dealing with some philosophical themes. Good game :D

to me, the best metal gear game, loved building the squad

hot coldman...


fun game, very impressing for a psp game, my only complaint is that it's a lot easier compared to the previous mgs games and that the comicbook cutscenes don't hit as hard as normal cinematic ones, but makes sense for a psp game

A severely underrated if flawed game, but a fun pick up and go one nonetheless. I'll always argue that Big Boss's story didn't need to be told anymore past 3, but this would have been a solid place to end it as well. Snake casting away his old identity and fully embracing the name of "Big Boss" is a chilling conclusion that needed nothing more afterwards. "This is Outer Heaven." Chills.

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This was a little disappointing after the perfection that was MGS3, but I can't say its a bad game. It was unfortunately limited by the psp and the unfortunate systems, I don't really like the auto aim or stealth of this game at all but the boss fights are sort of fun for the first few times, the story however is amazing and dealing with the idea of nuclear deterrence and Big Boss' trauma, I will admit I didn't play chapter 5 but at the same time this game isn't good enough to replay boss fights just to build metal gear zeke. Although the cutscene of Paz and Galvez' True intentions is good and informs some of the events in MGSV, which I do appreciate. It's an alright game, just not the greatest gameplay.

2nd Favorite MGS. highly repayable. highly entertaining gameplay. fun co-op. boss fights are the weakest part with its over usage of the "bullet sponge" approach. its lacking that creative boss design that was prevalent in previous entries. managing mother base is surpassingly not a chore. and is optional.

given that this game was designed & developed for a handheld i think its very impressive all things considered. definitely the most fun "on the go" experience i've had. Monster hunter crossover is great too.

Good Job kojimbo.

Not gonna lie, I tried several times to play this, but I just can't get into it; the gameplay and boss fights are boring.

Man, after Metal Gear Solid 3 I was so excited to play another game as Big Boss, he was left in such an interesting spot at the end of that game and I was really interested to see how a game would be where you're starting to become the bad guy and establish Outer Heaven. However I guess I overestimated what a PSP game is capable of, because this is extremely disappointing, basically all the gameplay and mechanics from the PS2 Metal Gear games have been stripped away into a more basic version, and replaced with awkward gameplay, annoying bosses and for some reason a base-management sim. I didn't mind the Mother Base stuff at first, fulton launching soldiers is pretty fun, and it gives you the chance to unlock items if you're invested enough, but once progression started to get locked behind me needing more soldiers I was pretty annoyed, because it's such obvious filler which breaks up the pace of a game which already has horrible pacing due to how short and unbalanced missions are.

Best part of this game is Naked Snake and to a certain extent Kaz, they've got a fun dynamic which makes me believe they've known each other for a while, but the rest of the characters aren't interesting, with the villains being not anywhere near the quality as the previous games. The cutscene style is pleasant to look at too, even if it makes it feel a bit disjointed going from 30 seconds of 3D models to a few minutes of moving stills and the quick-time events are a good way to keep you paying attention. The game does also have some interesting parts with Snake's character which leads into his Big Boss side, such as admitting he doesn't care for peace, as well as somewhat starting to recruit child-soldiers, but the overall narrative isn't that interesting to me, and the mission structure not really helping with that either as it'll be a 3 minute sneaking session where you can't even crawl, and then 5 minutes of cutscenes.

Overall, my experience with Peace Walker was pretty disappointing, I went in expecting a game like MGS3, but instead got an experience with less depth than Metal Gear Solid 1, and a story which is pretty generic even if it does have some moments that shine through, and I'm not really a fan of using The Boss in the way they did. I really did want to like this game, and I can see why people do really like this game as there are parts I enjoyed, but the mobile phone quality of this game on top of the fact it's too focused on grinding out my army instead of just giving me a good story means I'm not up to finishing it as there's no point in giving hours to a game I don't have any interest in.

I will be entirely honest and say I watched the true ending of this on YT cuz I did not feel like grinding lol. I truly feel this game's amazing story is held back by its origins of being a PSP game with far too much grinding for my tastes. Lots of interesting ideas with the most tedious executions, but a touching story making it somewhat worth it. I would kill for a proper remake in the style of a mainline game.

bringing back the boss as an AI is so bad

Yea sorry Kojima, I'm not doing hours of grinding and side content just to unlock the final chapter of this game lol. Thank you YouTube summaries.

Desde o início, ele já estava melhor que Portable Ops, pela gameplay e os controles serem mais parecidos com MGS4 (ao invés de MGS3, como PO). O sistema de montar um exército foi melhorado de maneira significativa, com a implementação de sistema de fulton (onde vc pendura o soldado que vc quer num balão e sai voando pro exército [é sério]). Isso sendo facilmente uma quality of life change (ñ sei o termo em pt), deixando PO no chinelo.
Além de ter missões mais interessantes e uma história melhor. Falando nisso, a história é muito boa, com a introdução de personagens como Paz, Kazuhira Miller, Dra. Strangelove, etc. Sem contar no desenvolvimento de personagem que o Big Boss tem, em como ele ainda não superou a morte da Boss, por mais que tenham se passado dez anos.
Outra coisa a abordar são os gráficos. Eu joguei a versão HD lançada no PS3, então eles estejam um pouco melhores, mas pra um jogo de PSP, ele é lindo.
E uma coisa que me chamou muita atenção foi a música, que é boa pra caralho. Isso é comum na saga, mas foi que me chamou atenção.
No geral, que jogo perfeito. Pra mim o melhor até agora (sim, até melhor que Snake Eater). Mas vamos ver se isso muda nos próximos jogos da saga, ou anteriores, pq eu ñ joguei mgs4.

tem os piores bosses do mundo

minus a star for paz that shit is gross

I really, REALLY wanted to love this game. It starts off strong with an interesting setup: the same game feel of MGS4, and some really cool comic book cutscenes with really cool interaction features. But slowly but surely, things start to go downhill.

The mission-based approach isn't inherently a bad thing. As much as I prefer the long, connected gameplay experience of the previous MGS games, I don't think missions are a terrible idea, either. I also fully understand that given this game was originally a PSP title, they couldn't really have the same structure as the previous games as this was designed as a 'pick up and play' title. That being said, I think the handling of this is extremely poor. The game has an identity crisis as the missions all connect one after another to create that of a traditional MGS narrative, but it's split into chunks that feel completely unnecessary and ruin the flow of the game. On top of that, some main missions require you to develop specific weapons/items to proceed (I'll get to that), so these pauses between missions are sometimes even longer in order to accommodate that. If the narrative was more appropriately structured to account for this mission structure, this wouldn't be a huge issue, but as it stands, it feels like watching a movie that has 15 ads you can't skip through every 10 minutes. Getting to a pivotal scene and getting cut off and booted back to Outer Heaven to find out Alligator is more proficient in R&D is NOT a great feeling, and it happens almost every time. It's miserable and detracts from what's one of my favourite stories in the series, as the game constantly steps on its own toes to ensure missions aren't too long, ruining the pacing of an amazing story.

Before I continue with my criticisms, let's talk about that story. I never expected this game to tackle Big Boss' PTSD and guilt surrounding his relationship with the Boss, but it's done so well and so beautifully here. I also love that we get to see him build up his cast of characters similar to the modern timeline, which helped a lot in developing his character. The comic book cutscenes and voice acting really lend a lot to making this character an all-time favourite. I will say I REALLY could've done without Chapter 5, as it kind of sullies the perfect, beautiful ending of the game. I understand why it had to be there, but there was definitely a more appropriate way to have it be there. Now, back to the criticisms.

WHY is base building here. Like the mission-based structure, I don't think this is a bad idea in concept. Being able to build up Outer Heaven YOURSELF is an amazingly cool concept, but its the combination of these two ideas that really doesn't do it for me. I would've loved if Outer Heaven was completely separate from the main story, and was instead an optional side objective that affected side ops instead. I really don't like resource management in this form and having it directly affect my ability to progress in the already chopped up main story really rubbed me the wrong way. I know MGSV also has these two ideas to some degree, so I'm really hoping it handles it better because there IS a way to have these two coexist in a satisfying manner.

So that's about it, really. I think the story is amazing, but I HATE how it's presented and has to share the spotlight with tedious base management. Not a bad game, but it's not what I really want from these games, so this is entirely a me thing. Really suffers from being part of the canon timeline, because I think these faults wouldn't have bothered me nearly as much if this wasn't a required title.

pq se em 1974 os cara ja usava IA nas metal gear e em 2005 e 2009 as metal gear sao todas tripuladas ? Gameplay poderia ser melhor, história bem maneira e cutscenes mt fodas

This game made me kill hatsune miku multiple times....
Apart from a grind ass game, gameplay is kinda neat and the true final boss is peak

The Metal Gear games have been many things to me: ingenious, frustrating, poignant, juvenile, thought-provoking, hilarious, heartbreaking. But tedious? Never! …Until Peace Walker, that is.

Peace Walker is a fascinating exploration of the Metal Gear formula. It eschews the cinematic model of story-driven action present in every previous game, opting instead for a heavily-stratified short-format mission structure. Where in past games, you move naturalistically from objective to objective, learning new information, acquiring new items, and revealing new story beats along the way, in Peace Walker, capital G Gameplay and Capital S Story are mostly cordoned off from one another, with much of the dialogue being completely optional and accessed from a discreet menu. One the one hand, this shift in design philosophy makes complete sense. Peace Walker was originally developed as a PSP game, and I totally get not wanting players to get stuck in the middle of a lengthy cutscene when they need to get off a crowded bus. I’ve been that player. I’ve missed my stop because I was trying to find a save point. Shit sucks.

But. Because of this shift in design philosophy where gameplay and story feel so separate, what we’re left with feels less like one cohesive play experience, and more like a series of tiring scavenger hunt checklists, with the option to listen to the latest episode of a mostly-unrelated radio drama every so often. Which is a shame, because Peace Walker’s story is really fascinating! Though at times in danger of retreading old ground, it always finds new angles with which to examine its cast and themes. Metal Gear games have always found unique ways to blur the line between storytelling and gameplay, and having them feel so distant here makes both feel weaker than they probably actually are.

I wish I liked Peace Walker more than I do. It’s an intricate machine with a million little independently-moving pieces; I didn’t even mention the base-building meta-game that ties all your missions together, for example. If you really gel with the particular repetition that it offers, you could sink a lot of hours into Peace Walker and be happy. But ultimately, I come to Metal Gear for a Good Time, not for a Long Time, and Peace Walker seems more committed to providing the latter.

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Thank you Zardonov, your 6 missions that i watched on youtube and rocket peace paved the way for MGSV to be the most fun game on the planet

Cara o jogo ate q é legalzinho, mas tipo, mais para o final começa a ficar chato e enrolado, e bem, é difícil opinar sobre ele