Reviews from

in the past

meu maior inimigo era a câmera e chegou um momento que já estava virando uma tortura, é um bom jogo mas não recomendo jogá-lo emulando

Did the Boss dirty, but it's CQC combos are so satisfying

What the fuck does Kojima mean by you can date a sixteen year old?

Almost went over my head that the moving nuke catapult is called "Peace Walker". The subtly at play is awe-inspiring

bosses are total dogshit my god

It's wild that this is (was) a PSP exclusive. It's such a integral part of Big Boss' story and added in some SUPER fun mechanics that were perfected in MGSV.

A step back in every meaningful way for the series, if not two.

So to begin with, at the very basic design level, what we have is an array of incredibly simple and short missions; the aspect of previous games that involved an element of exploring and interacting with the environment is gone. Difficulty is also gone.

Secondly, instead of cinematic cutscenes, you get comic book esque presentation of story -- again, a downgrade. I couldn't bring myself to play past a couple of hours.

The craziest twist of the developing of the franchise I've seen probably ever.
After so opened "Snake eater" that included so many different possibilities, Kojima took the Snake into this not so gigantic game, that screams how it is made for portable console but thanks to that MGS revealed something amazing.
Beautiful cutscenes, made with Shinkawa artworks instead of classical rendered in real time with 3D model characters, thanks to that some fresh air have gotten into our lungs.
Also to not burn this little console the levels are split into these short missions, made specificly for quick rides to the work/school etc. This very feature presents how enjoyable, new ways are there to still explore, even in already known formula.
The GOAT. Do not let this miss you just because it's portable.

Peace Walker es de los mejores juegos que salieron en PSP, aún me sorprendo que del unico cambio que tuvo la version HD de la de PSP, fue la resolución y el framerate y poco mas. Y pese a que no tenga cinemáticas in-game, el estilo manga que lo remplaza hace justicia en este aspecto, sin duda es de los mejores de la saga MGS y siempre será de los mejores juegos que salieron en la PSP.

definitely made me like big boss way more, the story is pretty nice, introduced cool characters and comic cutscenes were great but on the grand scheme of things i think this is the weakest entry on the series, even though it innovated a lot on the gameplay and i thought some were nice, some kinda bugged me out like having limited gear and having to wait to build them.

i guess this was made much more to be an online co-op game but playing it alone felt a bit dull at times and the bosses at first glance were kind of cool to fight but later on it felt like such a hassle at how long it takes and having to use so much supplies and beyond that they were all robots and i think it misses a big part of the charm on the characters i fought throughout the series, they also dont have many gimmicks for you to get through theyre just tanky as hell and you gotta shoot the hell out of them.

still great as its metal gear but pales in comparison to the previous ones

O poder nuclear é de grande dissuasão...

Este jogo apesar de limitado usa bem seus artificios, tornando o gameplay o mais palatavel possivel, ainda sim é inconsistente, tornando muitas vezes uma jogatina maçante.

Mas, diferente de portable ops, este se justifica e é carregado por uma exelente narrativa, a trama logo apresenta um misterio bem intimista com os sentimentos de big boss, alem de trabalhar bem a problematica gerada atravez do poder que gorvenos tem em mão, podendo exterminar povos inteiros com um simples clique de botão.

Ao final da jornada, big boss passa por tantos conflitos que tem um puta desenvolvimento para com seus ideais.

Tem bons bosses, nunca vou tankar o dinossauro, mas infelizmente em suma maioria são bem limitados quanto a moveset, ate mais que alguns do ps1, mas outro elogio a se destacar é novamente o uso de cutcenes em formato de comics, usado em portable ops anteriormente é trazido de volta aqui da melhor forma possivel.

Metal Gear that ends with an anime boss fight

pretty bad compared to the other games. Uhhh you can be gay in the game though so I guess thats chill af.

The best game on the PSP, in my opinion. They did a really great job of translating Metal Gear gameplay into a portable format. Love all of the Monster Hunter inspiration and cameos. Love all of the absurd extras and co-op features.

I bei tempi quando i giapponesi carriavano in coop contro i boss.

Just might be my favorite game in the series, and one of the best co-op games ever made. It's still great as a single player experience, but is best played with one other player.

The PS3/360 versions still have their online capabilities, while Vita/PSP utilizes only ad-hoc for multiplayer.

Please remake this and put it on PC.

The addition of Co-op with goofy bullshit to MGS made for one of my best gaming experiences ever. There's two-player co-op for the entire campaign, with four players for bosses.

Friendly fire is a default thing, so you can tranq your buddies.

Also, the story is good but this was my first MGS game so damn I was confused.

One of the best in the series just might be one of the most criminally overlooked.

The gameplay is diverse with loads of extra ops and main ops to choose from. And you actually do have a choice. The characters and story are as topsy-turvy as you'd come to expect. But when you wade through the dense content experience, there's a tragically sympathetic character arc that fills in the world of MGS with something that feels vital and meaningful.

cannot bother myself with the frustrating bosses

Eu amaria conseguir zerar esse jogo, mas com os controles do PSP fica complicado.

The fact this game fit on a PSP is still insane to me

the storys pretty good the gameplays kinda dick tho

Ótimo jogo, é bem fácil de entender e muito divertido de jogar com amigos.

it's fine. very, very fine. maybe the finest video game i've played.

(i couldn't get the final mission to unlock despite seemingly filling all the requirements i've seen posted online, so i watched the final mission on youtube. oops!)

"V for Victory!"

People hate on this game too much. The gameplay isn't as bad as people say it is its honestly good fun but it does get tiring towards the end a little. The story is really good and really encaptures what would have been big boss' rise and its complimented by the amazing cutscenes with art by Yoji Shinkawa and Ashley Wood which is very stylish and i love how dirty it looks. The cast is also one of my favorite casts in metal gear game these characters are all so charming and it made me sympathetic towards Big Boss.

Although I think the continuation of Big Boss' story was a bit unnecessary, I still found the core gameplay of Peacewalker engaging and it laid the foundation for mgsv, the controls are pretty ass on the psp tho ngl