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A história é pagação de pau pra Americano, mas é uma excelente DLC em todos os outros aspectos!

É maior do que eu pensei que fosse, volta ao mesmo esquema do jogo base de mapa semi aberto (esse é meio confuso, fiquei perdido) e adiciona um inimigo novo.

El primer DLC creo que es mucho mejor en lo que respecta al a historia, este DLC no me terminó por atrapar pero aún así es entretenido, es más contenido de Metro al final de cuentas.

Nobody used the motion sensor in Exodus because it was really annoying and didn't give you good information. This game fixes that issue by forcing you to use it, lest you step on a land mine every 5 minutes.

two colonels dlc was much better but you should play this if you like metro exodus.

Dobré dlc o příběhu sama. <3

Very solid DLC for a great game! Sam's Story reshapes the tragic and gruesome stylistic of the gameplay into a more dynamic, combat-centric, and easygoing fps, while still retaining the core components that make Metro: Exodus so valuable. The exact opposite of the more dark and deeply disturbing Two Colonels.

muito chata, se fosse linear seria melhor

l'un des meilleurs DLC produit récemment, une histoire génialissime

An excellent free roam chapter with good choice and consequence gameplay and stakes I actually cared about

The batwings were a PITA, but I really enjoyed everything else about this dlc. A worthy follow-up to the main game.


Todo o charme que tá no jogo base tá aqui, tu tem um puta mundinho aberto bacana com várias coisas pra explorar, sidequests e um protagonista muito carismático. Eu fiquei engajado na história do Sam, curti demais.

Um ponto negativo é que o mundo aberto é um pouquinho confuso, você se perde facilmente e o mapa não ajuda. Facilitaria se tivesse um tipo de fast travel pra que não ocorresse a dor de cabeça de se perder pq o level design não é tão intuitivo assim. Não lembro de ter passado isso no jogo base.

You get more Metro with a nice new open world and you get to play as Sam, who was probably my favorite part of the crew in Exodus. I enjoyed exploring the DLC area, and the two new weapons were both nice - I will say that the Batwing fights got repetitive fast, and I wish that there was only one of them. Despite that, this is a great DLC that Exodus players should pick up and play.

Once again, an improvement on the base game for Exodus. Really wasn't anticipating such a meaty expansion length wise here.

This time around we have something more similar to the open world hubs of the main game (vs the linear areas of The Two Colonels) but they're much less bloated this go around. Lots of exploration to be had and plenty of opportunities for cat and mouse games to play with bandits. It almost feels like this DLC is what Exodus as a game in general could've been if it was a bit better.

This possibly could've been my favorite Metro game/experience across the whole franchise overall if it didn't fall off in the last hour or so. Everything from when you defeat the boss encounter of the DLC through the end of the expansion takes a turn for the worst. It becomes a linear funneling through some mostly uninspired locations with annoying enemy design and combat overload. During said combat overload there was this heavy fog which made visibility a mess to top things off. It wasn't enough to tarnish the experience fully but it definitely put a bit of a damper on things in the end.

I'm glad these DLCs turned things around after the base game didn't come through for me as much. I'll be cautiously interested in what comes next for the series.

Everything I disliked about Exodus.

Solid expansion for an already solid game.
It might be better to have a break between starting this DLC and finishing the main game, to avoid overdose of the gameplay.

The Two Colonels ne kadar hikaye odaklı olmuşsa bu dlc oynanış odaklı. Kaptan ve Tom arasındaki ilişki biraz hızlı anlatılmış. Hikaye açlığını doyurmuyor fakat Metro evrenini yansıtmayı çok iyi başarıyor. Bu arada boss müziği güzel

More more Metro Exodus contents. Instant W.

É um sentimento estranho experenciar uma história sobre um personagem americano que se sente deslocado nessa rússia pós apocalípitcia enquanto você se sente deslocado com ambas culturas

Pretty good. A fitting epilogue for Sam's character however the boss fights are pretty cheap.

История Сэма происходит уже после событий оригинальной игры. Американец Сэм покидает свою команду, своих друзей и отправляется во Владивосток, чтоб через него попасть домой. Потому что он давно мечтал вернуться на родину в город Сан-Диего, надеясь найти там своего отца.
Если DLC “Два Полковника” создавала краткую, коридорную, и очень трогательную историю. То здесь мы получаем полуоткрытый мир для исследования, с простым, но хорошим сюжетом и с очень уникальными, очень харизматичными персонажами. Также, как и в оригинальной части получилось сделать их живыми. Владивосток является разрушенным городом из-за многочисленных цунами. Но в нем также осталось небольшое поселение и Сэму придется познакомится с местными группами людей.

Геймплей никак не изменился с Metro Exodus. Мы также перемещаемся по локациям, исследуя полуоткрытый мир на точки интереса и лут. Появились новые виды мутантов, Крылан и Электропауки. Чтобы перемещаться по затопленному миру нам дают катер. Также в DLC явно не хватает сайд-квестов. Мир выглядит очень хорошо, но вот перемещение по нему ужасно. Очень непонятно, куда можно двигаться, а куда нет. Можно потратить очень много времени, чтоб это понять.

DLC с довольно простым сюжетом, но с очень колоритными персонажами. Геймплей никак не изменился, добавили только два новых мутанта, оружие, которое отличается только внешне. Проблемы с левел дизайном. Мне лично не составило труда получить удовольствие от этой истории. В принципе, я могу рекомендовать это DLC, если вам не нужны нововведения в геймплее, а вы просто хотите получить вполне хорошую историю.

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Verkligen dumt att Sam inte åkte med Tom till San Diego och sprängde U-båten där... Förstörde klimaxet en aning med en sådan uppenbar miss... Förutom det tyckte jag mycket om att latja runt i Vladivostok, bra dlc.

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Good DLC, typical metro fun, I liked the ending with Sam ending up in the USA would make for an awesome new game set there.

Bem, digamos que ela acerta no que Two colonels erra, com uma gameplay, mapa e duração relativamente extensos, mas infelizmente possui uma história um pouco morna.

They managed to do it again! A very worthy sequel, at the ending i has goosebumps. The gameplay didn't disappoint either, for example, the first flying boss is very cool.

Więcej Metra, po dłuższej przerwie bardzo przyjemny powrót do gry. Dostajemy nową mapę, która przypomina mały hub z podstawki. Gra nadal stawia mocno na fabułę, a nasz protagonista (tym razem w tej roli wystąpił Sam) zyskuje głos. Dużo specyficznego humoru i KLIMAT postapokaliptycznej Rosji. Właściwie nadal jedynym minusem pozostaje dla mnie lekka drętwota w wykonaniu, ale poza tym wszystko inne to majstersztyk. Daję grubą fokę polecenia!

A surprisingly long bit of DLC that was gladly welcomed. Sam was a bit of a mystery in the main game, and with him being American he always felt like the outsider of the group. So it was nice to spend more time with him, and really cement that he's a double hard bastard. A genuine action hero.