Reviews from

in the past

This game was fun as freaking hell! Unique top down perspective without split screen made it kind of weird, but also made for some intense fun 2 player battles.

idk i really don't think this is 3/10 kind of horrid but it's unplayable to me.These tracks don't do enough to signpost you on upcoming turns. Like it's not a skill thing, even racing games with stronger forward driving visibility cues will still give you roadsigns signaling an upcoming turn so you can prepare accordingly.


I would rather play the fucking GBA Pixar Cars game

I really like it. Codemasters used to make some amazing NES games.

Não posso dizer muita coisa também, então só digo nostalgia (o que é 90% dos casos de jogos antigos).

If you like RC Pro Am, check this one out, it's a blast, especially with friends, since you can screw them over in races.

Here's another case of mistaken identity - I played this thinking it was Super Off Road (which I played as a kid and will get around to sometime) and it turned out to be a completely different game.

Having actually grown up playing Micro Machines (the toys, not the game) I really love the premise of this. Racing the various vehicles around settings like classrooms, tables and bathtubs is exactly what I did as a kid and I appreciate the creativity as well as the nostalgia kick. Combine this with a decent amount of content (different drivers, 25 tracks and various game modes) and this is something I really wanted to enjoy.

Unfortunately, the extreme levels of screen crunch make some tracks virtually unplayable - the classroom tracks are full of hazards and feature the worst-handling vehicle in the game, while the pool table tracks are particularly bad at signposting where you're supposed to go. And while there are a decent amount of fun tracks (the tanks are a particular highlight because they allow you to shoot at each other), the fact that all 25 tracks must be played sequentially instead of being divided into different 'cups' means that almost all the good tracks are gated behind bullshit ones.

I didn't enjoy this but it's a genuinely cool idea so I'm glad it exists - will probably give its sequel a spin at some point!

This games ability to turn every day settings into race courses is charming. Things like the race track lines changing depending on the location, such as using cereal in a kitchen, is creative. And you even get different vehicles for each of these settings, with their own speed and handling. Though that's not always a good thing...

The main problem I have with the game is that the camera makes it nearly impossible to play a lot of the courses without memorising them ahead of time. You have split seconds to react to turns and obstacles. In some vehicles this isn't too bad, but some of the faster ones can be a nightmare. The worst of these by FAR are the sports cars in the classroom stages. They're super fast and their handling is pure shit. Plus they decided to make these the courses with the most obstacles and falling points?? While I could at least say all the other vehicles and courses could be played well if you know their layout, the sports car stages are pure frustration. Trying to line your car up to a tiny ruler bridge after a turn is near impossible. They are single-handedly the reason I couldn't do the 25-track-straight single player mode.

Basically the game does a great job at making use of the theming of the tracks to create unique track elements, but the camera angle makes it very unforgiving to anyone not intimately familiar with the courses already. And classroom tracks can go to hell.

A good NES style arcade racer. Always remember racing around the bedroom.

played this with my dad, fun times were had