Reviews from

in the past

nice final boss battle consisting of mashing ctrl

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Played PS4 Game of the Year Edition Disc on PS5.

I thought this DLC was pretty fun. I liked the story of it as well as the characters involved. The gameplay was kind of fun but got kind of annoying.

he really was the lord of the rings i guess

A very short, uninteresting series of highly specific objectives that are far too interested in showing you how many orcs it can throw at you and not interested enough in giving you something to do that might keep you from falling asleep.

Read the full review.

Entertaining, but my god do the game's flaws really shine in this. Why do you feel the need to rip control from my hands so a warchief and his minions each deliver a stupid line of dialogue?

The Bright Lord is the second expansion released for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

You're playing again as the Bright Lord, the Silver Hand Celebrimbor in the map of Udun, the first map introduced within the main game.
While the Lord of the Hunt was taking place after the events of the main game, this time, you're going into the past. At the time when Celebrimbor stole the Ring of Power from the Dark Lord Sauron and decided to use the power of the Ring to take control of Uruks and defeat Sauron once for all.
Your objective in this short journey is to brand all five warchiefs and to upgrade the power of the Ring by completing a set of small side quests and of course, to defeat Sauron.
Also this time, you're not given all skills and runes you've achieved in the main game, since you are no longer playing as Talion. The main difference you'll notice is that there is no slow-motion while aiming with bow and arrows, but the shots are automatically already charged.
The final boss fight is far better than in the one main game, making completing this DLC a satisfying experience.

All in all, a short, but still impactful story, which in my opinion can be described as a prequel to the main story. It also gives us a deeper knowlegde of what Celebrimbor was and what is the meaning of the towers, which were built all around Mordor.


that final fight was such a clusterfuck with how powerful the warchiefs are tho. dunno if their traits are randomized here, but motherfuckers were oneshotting me, setting me on fire, and poisoning me nonstop. made it a bit of a mess to brand enough to charge the one ring to win.

still tho, pretty nice and changes up gameplay enough

maneirão, uma pena ser curto

I really enjoyed playing as Celebrindor. They could have made bigger DLCs though

The DLC is about retaking towers and branding warchiefs as the Bright Lord, while you learn more about its personality and motives. The twist here is Celebrimbor's playstyle. Although you can't slow time you will make it up for AoE branding and proper use of the One Ring, which means unlimited executions and branding for a time. In contrast with Tallion's more strategic approach, Celebrimbor's gameplay is a power trip, which hastens the pace without sacrificing storyline. Aside from that, the story is just him and Sauron dissing each other. The only DLC you should buy