Reviews from

in the past

As far as unmodded play goes, I'm done with this for the forseeable future. I won't say forever, because that simply isn't true. But I don't see myself returning to boring ass vanilla minecraft until the teams gets off their ass and actually adds significant, interesting content to the game.

Le jeu le plus joué du monde, que dire de plus ??

literalmente minecraft, um jogo q simplesmente mudou um mundo, ver venom e os aventureiros, feromonas, monark depois de chegar da escola não tem preço, esse jogo é uma era, e ate hoje ele é bom em tudo, sempre bom jogar em uma sexta de noite com os amigos

Esse jogo revolucionou d+ na época, baixar mods como mod de construção, mod do AETHER, mod que adicionava novas estruturas, mod do HEROBRINE... o tumblr para jogar online, acompanhar Monark, venon extreme, entre outros... esse jogo me marcou d+, sei lá, uma realidade alternativa que em que esse jogo não existiu, não consigo imaginar como teria sido minha adolescência...

idk how i forgot to mark this down as played mingrafd

Los mejores creditos de la historia de los videojuegos

5 étoiles car avec mon pote Asreal on a construit un camp de concentration appelé Pedoschwitz

Is it wrong for me to log this before I reach The End?

Idk what to really say about this.

Its Minecraft! Its peak! Especially with friends!

daniperu: "non mi dice niente giosu"

Jeu de mon enfance qui, objectivement, est médiocre, peu intéressant seul, et est géré par un studio de fainéant qui ne le mérite pas

Honestly, I have a lot of fun playing when I'm in the mood for it! It's just that I can only really play it in short bursts at a time, but that's completely a me problem I will admit XD

there need to be serious changes for this game to be good again. alternatively, just play older versions such as 1.13

sempre jogo e rejogo esse jogo, eu amo muito ele e ele marcou minha infacia, ele ée muito especial para mim

Jogo por 6 meses, fico enjoado, paro de jogar por 6 meses, vejo um vídeo no youtube de minecraft, volto a jogar...Dito isso 10/10 meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos

We all know i will be comming back. Just a matter of time.

probably the game i played the most at a certain time of my life
if your bored with building u can start exploring, if urbored of exploring u can go online, if ur bored with servers u can add mods
ull never run out of things u can do in minecraft

No hay mucho que decir, infancia en su estado puro instalando los packs de mods de Heberon de las series del Willy o de Vegetita y actualmente solo juego packs de mods ya que me aburre el vanilla

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The ender dragon dies

me moldou como pessoa

eu tenho sem brincadeira mais de umas 5 mil horas FACIL aqui

I mean it is Minecraft it is an awesome game. My first experience was playing Minecraft on the Xbox 360 with my friends, then I migrated to PC Minecraft which is the best way to play it. This game is very nostalgic to me and will get the urge to play it every few months. I have poured countless hours into this game and it is all very special to me. I was also obsessed with Minecraft YouTubers. All in all this is a very dear game to me and reminds me of times that were simpler, it makes me all warm inside. Also, being able to play Minecraft with my partner is great!

instills a sense of dread in me i can't quite explain

Aun cuesta creer que tenga tantísimas posibilidades y tanta originalidad. Es una obra maestra, aunque últimamente están olvidando actualizarlo y parece algo olvidado. Microsoft debería mimarlo más.