Reviews from

in the past

El mejor sandbox de todos los tiempos. Simplemente incomparable. Música sin igual. Tan sencillo, y tan complejo al mismo tiempo. Simplemente sublime.

Man the nostalgia I have for this game just a classic

Good game to play for 1 week every year

genuinely the happiest moments of my life have been spent on this game

Overrated game that get old very quick

Siempre que juego tengo que hacer una granja de gallinas
Si o si
Las amo

Rating based on nostalgia mostly, the game is fun but I'm not very creative when it comes to builds and allat.
I do enjoy the exploring aspect of it quite a lot tho

Classic. I can get lost in this for hours.

Ok ok ok so. Minecraft is a really unique game. I used to play base game 24/7 alone or with friends around the time of both old PE versions and from around 1.8 to 1.16. And honestly? I had some of my best gaming memories from around this time. Fucking around with friends, getting griefed and then the revenge afterwards. There was a whimsy to it that no other game gave.

Now? I have a hard time playing new (1.17-1.20) Minecraft, I just cannot click with it as I used to back around 1.8-1.16. But y'know what keeps bringing me back? The mods. The modpacks. Literally everything thats made by the community. I cannot stress enough that if you do not like the base game, go try the modding scene. It'll get you addicted, or even re-addicted to the game like how it did with me.

Sure modern Minecraft has its issues but this game is a classic in every single way

Ebeishaya igra, truly one of the greatest in the human history

"You don't quit minecraft, you just take very long breaks"

It's obvious the strength this game had on the upcoming youth and previous generation but to me, this game created not just fun moments in-between life but genuine memories I could never forget. I started playing in the "Ye Old Beta" days, when grass was as green as lime dye & food was an instantaneous, and your only, means of healing. That being said, usually I place a playtime on my logged games but this is the only title I couldn't even give a rough estimate of hours I've put into this game. The only scale of timeplayed I can provide is that I started playing back in 2010/2011 and only recently playing less & less as of 2023.

To prevent regurgitating almost everything that's been said about this game, if you haven't boughten this or even tried it alone or with friends-- please, do.

It's not just a game now aimed towards children, you'll find what keeps you coming back one block at a time.

it's Minecraft, how could you hate it

"Once upon a time, there was a player...
The player was you."
I remember when the days were longer, the grass was greener, and life was simpler. My cousins and I would huddle around our Xbox to dream. While we were far too young to construct medieval castles or climb the highest mountains, when we played Minecraft we could achieve anything our minds could think of. Minecraft is in essence just a videogame, an amalgamation of 0s and 1s strung together by some guy named Notch. Even though this game from the start was deemed simple and at times boring, people brought it to life, the player brought it to life. There is a reason why so many people from diverse backgrounds come together to express themselves on this platform and it is for the simple reason that Minecraft lets you dream. People dreamt and dreamt. Someone dreamt of a library where censored books could be given to people living in authoritarian states: the Uncensored Library was created. Someone dreamt of a space without rules where dynasties were created and governments were destroyed: 2B2T was created. I dreamt of a second home where all my friends could come together to destroy each other's property and slay an ender dragon: our realm was created.
Minecraft is not just a game. Minecraft is life itself. Like life, Minecraft lets you dream, but dreams are only dreams, it is up to you, the player, to make them realities. And if dreams are kept as dreams they will eventually fade, like life. Minecraft is a game, and games end.
And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love.
You are the player.
Wake up.

I've been playing this game since 2011. You just have to respect it.

I am placing blocks and shit cause im in fuckin' minecrafttttt

its minecraft bro! all i can say is as much as im aware its a great game i never managed to become addicted to it or even play it for long periods of time... sorry...

Its a classic, but it does not really hold up as well now without mods.

bro, its minecraft, its literally perfect

Doesn’t keep me hooked for more than 2 hours