Reviews from

in the past

seeing as I was accidentally hardcore MH pilled thanks to 3U the lead up to this game was something else. It fucking delivered on so many levels, charge blade was so incredibly OP it made my bones bend in the best way. Level 140 rajang quests in the hub still make me cry

In an era where every new monster hunter game keeps detracting from what made the series good, this stands as the top of the Ziggurat looking down on them. Every hunt feels like a savage fight for survival against beasts desperate to tear you apart. The amount of content is incredible and the game just feels so good to play.

can't believe i didn't play this game until now because it's probably one of the best games on the 3ds as a whole
i love this series so much and can't wait for wilds

Lots of very good memories on this game!

I love it and it introduced many of my favorite monsters.

I go back and forth on my favorite Monster Hunter game, but this one is in the conversation. The Magalas are some of my favorite monsters in the series, and I thought the story in this one was fairly compelling (for a Monster Hunter game).

In terms of pure fun, there has never been a better video game. Monster Hunter at it's best.

Played like 80 hours, got repetitive and stopped playing it. If I had friends just like the time when I was playing MH3rd Portable I would enjoy it maybe. It has good improvements on the 3rd game but still couldn't finish it.

Huge nostalgia bias, but still love it, Gore Magala is one of the most well developed and HYPED up monsters in the series!

Got this game sometime in 2015 and finally came back to it and beat it last year. The controls take a while to get used to but few things are more fun than Monster Hunter multiplayer.

Glad I played the series, but it's not very fun by yourself.

My absolute favorite MonHun game to this day!
An endless number of hours can be poured into playing this game and you'll only reach the surface of what it has to offer!

As someone who started playing monster hunter way back when, this was one of the last I truly got sucked into, rise was great, but I just miss that OG mh, nothing fancy just slashing

My first Monster Hunter. Very unintuitive to a newcomer, but still a lot of fun.

My favorite and the second best mh game

El mejor monster hunter, sin lloros fans de world

Why did noone tell me this game was the second coming of Christ?

On m'a un peu "forcé" à acheter le jeu pour jouer en multi mais j'ai franchement bien aimé et j'ai d'ailleurs passé plus en temps à jouer en solo. La première fois (et la dernière oups) que je touchais à un jeu Monster Hunter.

Monster Hunter will forever be a part of my life.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, the 4th generation of Monster Hunter is the wildest and innovative game in the franchise. It gave us a lot of new gameplay mechanics and added new things into the franchise without losing its Monster Hunter essence. First, let's talk about how 4 ultimate introduced us their first take on an actual gameplay cutscene, yes that's right, cutscenes and no not the introduce a monster type scene. A full on game with characters having dialogues and telling an actual story. A Monster Hunter with an amazing story, yes! 4 Ultimate will forever hold that title, since 4U is the very first Monster Hunter game that has an amazing storyline, it still has that Monster Hunter formula in the story but it gave us a well-written story between the flagship monster and our hunter including the npc characters in the story. Another thing 4U has introduced was the two new weapons, the Insect Glaive and the Charge Blade. Surprisingly, both weapons are a great addition to the game since you can know play a different playstyle, both weapons are crazy and unique. The Insect glaive can perform aerial attacks and not just aerial attacks but it can make you keep up with flying monsters in an aerial battle! Charge Blade on the other hand is not your average giant sword and shield, it can also turn into an big axe that feels like a chainsaw, it sacrifice its defense when it changes into an axe but for a bigger and better damage! Let's talk about the gameplay, 4U introduced us into a new fun way to hunt by making Hunters mount these giant beasts and if successful you can take down and disable it for a few seconds so you can deal more damage into the monsters, I enjoyed every second of a quest in 4U since every battle feels new. Those little additions to the game was cool and made the game more enjoyable. Gore Magala, a new flagship and an unknown type of monster the design is crazy and capcom really went all out with its design, and let's talk about how cool its OST and its fighting patterns! Each time I fight Gore Magala it felt really cool and feels like I am in the last battle of my life every second of your battles each encounter feels like destiny is playing with you! That's how crazy good the battle between Gore and your hunter. I will not talk about the Elder Dragon for 4U since it will lead to a major spoiler and 4U is the Monster Hunter game that you should enjoy every bit of its storyline since this is the monster hunter game with an amazing and well-written storyline and characters. In conclusion, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is one of the greatest games in the franchise, yes it might have outdated graphics since it is only available for the Nintendo 3DS but it still holds as its own as a Monster Hunter game. MH4U is a solid monster hunter game and a solid game itself. The only downside of this game was its graphics and that's it. I enjoyed every moment of 4U.

Review in progress:
One of the best games on 3DS. The pacing is much better than in 3.

Absolutely fantastic game held back a bit by its age. Going into 4 as my first MH game I loved every bit of it, combat is really fun and rewarding, the progression system is super satisfying making new armor after every kill and all the extra stuff you can do is a treat. I got through most of the main story before playing MHR, and found that going back to it afterwards was a bit difficult. It’s still a great game, but compared to the most recent iteration of the formula it feels like it does everything to make the moment to moment speed to clunky. Why can’t I walk and heal, why do most monsters stun me for like a minute without any chance to dodge out of the way, why can’t you get honey from the merchant until the very end. Every animation takes so long, even sheathing your weapon just to finally heal up or run away gives enough time for the monster to stun you and whittle you down. Another thing that really hurts the movement is if I’m so damn slow all the time why do they make it so that I have to run around a massive map just to find the damn guy and if I don’t throw a specific item at it I’ll have to do it all again when it runs away after 10 hits. Aside from that I think a standout are the locations and characters, the fact that your shops and things are all part of a group that you travel with everywhere is really damn cool and I haven’t seen it anywhere prior. The sheer mountain of content is a blessing and a curse, there’s so much to do if you want to do it, but it leaves me feeling a bit unsatisfied with a clean cut end point. Once the big ending cinematic played I decided that’s enough for now and counts as a finish.




fuck tigerx that meth addict piece of shit

It's a good entry in the series but a bit overhyped. People say this is the best MH story and I was expecting something really mindblowing but it's nothing major. It's just not utterly terrible like the other games, but still extremely generic and boring at most points.

But anyway, people don't play this game because of the story (and neither do I). Gameplay is pretty fun and the village progression is great. Weapons and armours look sick.

Most of the late-game fights are pretty bad, though. And even some early ones like Rathalos and Khezu. The monsters do the "combo you to death" too much in this game. Dying to your own fault is fine, but dying because of the relentless AI or jankyness of the fight is frustrating. Savage Jho, the metal raths, the Khezus, Brachydios - they're all terrible fights in this game. But I suppose every MH has their share of bullshit fights...

juego base acabado y de momento god
jaja la charge blade hace pum

Buen monster hunter de los mas entretenidos

Hundreds of hours of gameplay, incredible production values for a 3DS game, an incredible soundtrack, and caters to both solo AND multiplayer-oriented players. One of the best games on the 3DS, and it's not even close.

i love me monster hunter and in terms of classic gens this one does story and character very well, great monsters great music, and more weapons than ever before! wowie zowie

Have 500 hours in this one, peak Old School Monster Hunter

I had some fun with this game. I really liked the different monster designs and thought the gameplay was pretty alright. It was a little difficult to control thanks to the 3DS, but after a bit, I got used to it.