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Much more solid than I was expecting, I had a great time with this from beginning to end and sunk 50 hours into it easily. What stands out most about this game is how thoroughly and mindlessly enjoyable it is, especially as a monster hunter fan, because it is constant gratification. Being able to collect your favourite monsters and adventure with them is a sell on its own but the game lets you take it so much farther than that.

There's tons of positives about this game that I was not anticipating and was really impressed by, like its clever combat system that takes turn based combat a much-needed step further because of the balance of its mechanics and the strategy they create - such as the kinship guage, riding monsters and the rock paper scissors / fire emblem weapon triangle-esque basic attack system; plus, there's the monster-hunter staples there in full effect with its different weapon types / uses, elements, statuses and equipment. I wasn't expecting the game to add so much of what I have come to know and love of mainline monster hunter, such as being able to craft weapons and armour from monster parts (+ make layered armour), combine and craft your own items and go on full multiplayer adventures, all of these were a lovely surprise as I was expecting a much simpler single-player jrpg.

By far the strongest aspect for me were the monsters themselves and how well translated they feel. There's clear fanservice going on here and it had me geeking out a little because monsters all move and interact in different ways when you're riding them, have unique abilities and battle skills and can be personalised to no end, you can have a kulu-ya-ku with nergigante's moves if you put the work in which is fucking amazing. They are also beautifully reworked into this more colourful and cartoonish artstyle. There's tons of monsters in this game from previous mainline entries and it really feels like a greatest hits of fan-favourites, almost all of which are given appropriate screen-time and fun little intro cutscenes which regularly put a smile on my face, especially when my boy Zamtrios popped up. I immediately got myself a zamtrios and started swimming around everywhere and using his kinship move to flatten everything and I was LOVING it. Suffice it to say MHS2's gameplay totally bangs and never got boring especially since its always changing things up: different areas, new mechanics, new companions, seriously good stuff.

Where the game falls off a little is in the story aspects which, as you would expect from a game called monster hunter stories, takes a central approach. While never outrageously or offensively bad, there's honestly not a ton to like about this game's story, its like the story from any other mainline monster hunter game but with more sappy moments about kinship and bonds with your monsters and stuff. A mysterious disturbance causes sudden changes in the ecology and in local monster's behaviour - if you've ever played a monster hunter game you'll be VERY familiar with that trope. Its the same stuff, albeit stretched very thinly and it feels like you spend 90% of the game wandering quite aimlessly trying to find out about your rathalos' mysterious power and how it ties into the disturbances. They really hamfist stories about your grandfather and try to implement a twist villain so late and so unconvincingly since his motivations make like 0 sense. There's also a really annoying mascot palico called navirou that pretty much only exists to speak for the silent protagonist and occassionally offer some unfunny comic relief, he can also go super saiyan for some reason and it is never explained. Despite this I did find myself quite enjoying using the companions and interacting with them because they are at least marginally developed as characters and are a great help in combat, I also really like how each region has its own unique companion and then in the endgame you can pick who you want to travel with (reverto is broken btw).

Also like most monster hunter games, much of the best content and monsters are hidden away in the postgame and multiplayer (which is pretty restricted in co-op at least until you finish the game). So its worth coninuining this long after you finish the main game. Another thing that bothered me just a little is its lengthy and repetitive 'dens' or dungeons that you can explore because barring a couple story specific dungeons you are unlikely to come back to, they basically follow the same patterns. You spend a LOT of time just holding forward and pressing a to pick stuff up so that you can get to the end, where the actual thing you want is located - the egg or monster you're hunting. I would have liked it if after you get the fly ability in the story, you're able to use it anywhere including in dungeons to bypass stuff more easily, it wouldn't take much away from the experience at all and would make late-game egg farming so much easier.

Overall a sick jrpg that blows the majority of pokemon games out of the water with its amazing level of detail, beautiful presentation, surprisingly deep mechanics that rarely ever rely on rng and excellent gameplay with tons of strategy and personalisation. This honestly might just be one of the best spin offs of a big mainline video game series that i've ever played and its a must play for any big monster hunter fan, it certainly scratched that monster hunter itch for me!

I should preface with I'm not a fan of the Monster Hunter series. I gave one game a few hours and just couldn't get into the gameplay loop. I heard good things about this spin off, tried the demo and enjoyed it, along with the game being on sale for $20 so I got it. The thing that hooked me was the combat system. It's more than type matchups. You have to be actively paying attention to what you're fighting against. It's the highlight of the game and the thing that kept me going.

This game takes aspects of the main Monster Hunter series and applies them to this game well, such as having different weapon types, chopping off certain limbs and appendages, and creating weapons and armor from the monsters you've fought against. The designs were cool and I always looking forward to seeing what I could make next as I progressed through the story.

That being said, while the game had a plethora of side content or things to properly utilize, I never really found myself interested in doing it. For the most part, I was doing side content just be going through the story at first, but then I hit a wall and it felt like I had to do it. The story itself is fine I suppose. I'm not a huge fan of having a talking cat being the voice for the silent protagonist and kind of found it grating as it went along. It was a means to an end, and it certainly ramps up the stakes as it goes along.

I got to the final boss today and decided after a few attempts that I was going to stop there. I didn't really find myself enjoying the game and I wasn't interested in grinding to get to the ending. I think if I was a fan of Monster Hunter, I would have been much more interested in exploring other aspects. You don't need to be a Monster Hunter fan to enjoy this game though. This game got a lot of praise and I certainly understand why. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I've got other RPGs I've got a greater interest in checking out than this one.

Whenever a friend of yours wants to get a Pokemon game on the Switch, just point them to this instead. You will have them play this real man's monster collector.

gamefreak developers punching the air after this one released

Me alegra que Capcom haga tambien buenos JRPGs. Un pokelike pero con los bichos de MonHun y un sistema de combate curioso, una crianza muy guapa y una historia decente. Lastima que las cosas que hace mal las hace muy mal, pero aun asi una buena experiencia

La historia deja mucho que desear y se siente muy frustrante continuamente, por eso no obtiene un 5, es triste que en el MH de historias no tenga una mejor desarrollada.

Aparte de eso es un excelente juego, una buena secuela de su predecesor aunque nos hubiera gustado una conexión más directa en la narrativa.

Creo que es un imperdible si comienzas en el mundo del JRPG y más aún si estás con las ansias de la franquicia Monster Hunter.

Очень необычная пошаговая JRPG. Очень интересно собирать новых монстров в команду. Приятная графика и дизайн всего и вся

Better than pokémon but the combat gets pretty repetitive and the story is nothing special. However, I really had fun with this game and as a mainline monster hunter fan there was a lot to enjoy. I can still recommend this to non monster hunter fans too.

Very cute and fun game that I would suggest non fans to play. Only downside is the relative lack of variety in monsters.

My son Rathalos who has every disease.
But seriously this is a very fun game. Good if you like RPGs or Monster Hunter or both. Fun story and nice monster variety.

I always did like Monster Hunter for the story, and this entry's no exception.

Takes the missed potential of the previous game, and refines it into something truly special. The endgame is absolute bunk, and the framerate on Switch atrocious, but everything else is extremely solid - perfect Pokémon alternative if you're looking for something to scratch that same itch.

The most B-tier, Jade Cocoon ass game. I love MonHun so I was a sucker for this.

A very good RPG. Liked it a lot. Hope first gets rereleased.

Literally the best turn based rpg on the Switch, and one of the best of the decade. Seriously how did this game fly under the radar it’s so wonderful I love it

Coges una franquicia de cazar monstruos e intentas adaptarla a un RPG a lo Pokémon, te sale fatal.

Combates eternos con la simpleza de piedra papel tijeras, historia que va a saltos ilógicos y en el que las cosas pasan un poco porque sí, un desastre tonal que no sabe qué quiere contar, un mundo sosísimo...

Solo se salvan los diseños de los monstruos.

After the first couple hours, I thought I was going to thoroughly enjoy this. It felt like a Pokemon game, but actually well designed. After about 15 hours or so, I had to drop it because it just wasn't keeping me interested. The story is incredibly bland and repetitive, which usually isn't a deal breaker for me. It certainly doesn't help, though. The battle mechanics ended up being way too literally rock-paper-scissors for me. At first I thought it was going to expand and become much more complex, but it never really did. The monsters themselves are cool, as they are in normal MH games. I didn't find the act of "catching" them and raising them very engaging, though. For all the things it does right, it feels like the ways it strays from the Pokemon formula hurt the game. The presentation of it all is miles ahead of Pokemon in terms of the cut scenes, the battle animations, etc. but it's not enough. The roaming around, battling, and the narrative all feel a bit repetitive and simple after a while. I enjoyed my time with it for about 10 hours - after that, it fell off.

I do think there is a lot here that Pokemon games should be taking note of (they won't) to improve their own games. Primarily the presentational aspects I mentioned a moment ago. Outside of its flashy (and quick) battles, it doesn't do much to stand out in the genre.

Inicialmente, estava um pouco cegado pelo meu favoritismo pela melhor franquia de Monster Collection Games, Pokémon.

À medida que o tempo foi passando, comecei a apreciar Monster Hunter Stories 2 pelo jogo que é, e não enquanto mera comparação com Pokémon. O art style é bastante atrativo e, a meu ver, bonito e o combate equilibra a complexidade e a satisfação.

Played a dozen hours or so. I wanted to like it so much, but even on a switch it was janky and difficult to control, and the story was painfully boring to me. The creatures are very cute, though.

[European Portuguese - Switch - Dated 27/07/2021]

"Independentemente da tua afinidade com JRPGs, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin é uma aventura que com certeza não quererás perder. Não obstante o desempenho sofrível em modo consola (por vezes até portátil) e uma ou outra picuinhice minha; como o clichê da história ou a falta de música durante a exploração, este é um título que merece a tua dedicação pela escrita bem humorada, estilo artístico empregue e pelo combate simples, mas envolvente. Mesmo não sendo fã de Monster Hunter acredito, piamente, que encontrarás algo que amolecerá o teu coração, basta apenas dares uma oportunidade."

See more @

Definiria como um game bobo. Mas não de forma pejorativa. A história é interessante, mas sem nenhuma profundidade. É divertido, mas um pouco repetitivo, assim como todos os outros games de colecionar monstros. Gostei muito, me fez companhia em um momento difícil e me ajudou a voltar para o mundo dos games depois de uma pausa! Muitas roupas para equipar, muitas armas para fazer e achei que tem poucos monstros únicos, muito color swap nos bichos! Dificuldade surpreendentemente mega balanceada, todos os chefes fiquei com receio de não conseguir passar! Gostei bastante da dublagem também. Excelente! No final um jogo honeste e sem muita firula!

Gameplay: GREAT!
Music: GOOD
Replayable? Not for me
Streamed? Yes

Extra Notes? It has all the right things, as a fan of monster hunter, to love ths simple JRPG - but it has very hard cons that, personally, hindered the experience. But i'm glad i played it.

Monster Hunter Stories 2 (2021): Aún con su buen comienzo, las horas le hacen demasiado repetitivo. El loop caza-mejorar arma-caza funcionará en un ARPG, pero por turnos de hace horriblemente tedioso. Sumado a un historia que no cuenta nada, no creo que jugarlo aporte nada (4,90)

So much more content unlocks after story. Have hundreds of hours in and am still playing.