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in the past

My first introduction into the Monster Hunter universe, and I don't think I could've asked for a better first intro. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about this game, great monster design, fun combat, awesome environment design that truly feels lived in, it's all great. Definitely a requirement to play with friends (or at least some kind of Sherpa) though, since it adds so much more to the experience just by being able to run around beating the shit out of a monster while acting like dumbasses and just having a good time.

2025 can't come soon enough, I need Monster Hunter Wilds injected directly into my veins Capcom plz

Rating does not accurately reflect how I feel about MHW. The gameplay, ecology, worldbuilding, and music are absolutely stellar, among the best in gaming. However, this being an MMORPG, the story is extremely poor and minimal, and there’s an intense focus on grinding. Unfortunately, this hinders the overall experience, but the best bits of this game will be some of the fondest gaming experiences I’ve had.

Monster Hunter always seemed to me like a game series designed for a very specific niche of players, confined to weird offshoot entries that made the series impenetrable to get into. When World was released, I took notice of the jump in popularity, and after Iceborne, decided to see what all the fuss was about. Holy crap, I have been depriving myself up until now. This game is just stunning, in almost every respect. The visuals and environment design are gorgeous. The monsters are varied, distinct, intelligent, and engaging over hundreds of battles. The weapons are each an entire game's worth of complexity unto themselves, and there are 14 of the damn things. Top it off with immaculate vibes either solo or with friends, and this game truly is a masterpiece.

The core gameplay of MHW is what truly makes this game shine. Each monster is designed to fight in a specific way, walk in a specific way, interact with the world in a specific way. While there are some reskins and similarities between the huge roster of foes each one still feels like an entirely unique experience to fight, requiring different tactics to take down. The depth of that strategy is compounded by the fact that depending on the weapon you use, you will be fighting these monsters in completely different ways to someone else. For reference, I played Insect Glaive, which demanded micromanaging a bug that could collect buffs for myself, create damaging clouds that could trigger elemental effects, or be used to deal huge damage when combined with aerial attacks. Other weapon types will fight in an entirely different way, relying on different parts of the sandbox to tackle each monster. If you want content, then trying to learn how to play with each of the 14 weapons would be 100s of hours of gameplay on its own. Truly, the combination of the monsters you fight and the weapons you wield alone would make this game one of the finest action games ever designed.

It doesn't hurt then that the core looting system behind the game is probably the most fair and engaging of such systems I have experienced. While calling MH a looter game is not very accurate, its core systems bear an eerily similar gameplay loop to others in the genre: playing repeated activities over and over again to farm for random drops used to craft new weapons and armor and upgrades. The amount of loot to craft, either for improving your build or improving your drip, is enough to give you that extra incentive to keep playing with the amazing gameplay sandbox more than the phenomenal gameplay already was, a potent combination. That loot drive is really the main push, since the game lacks any real engaging story content. There is some here that helps contextualize the monster fights and locations, but it is hardly engaging on its own, with certain main "campaign" missions being really boring to play and replay. The story gets out of the way soon though, and the game is all the better for it.

The base game is already amazing enough on its own, but the Iceborne expansion really elevates the value this product delivers. Seriously, it is an entire sequel of content on its own, and worth getting right from the start, though avoid the mistake I made of using the Defender armor and weapons that Iceborne provides, since it trivializes most of the base game with the intent of rushing you to Iceborne; there is so much great content here that it is worth engaging with right from the start. The new monsters, areas, and events in Iceborne just make an already great game even better, and it's insane just how content rich an expansion it really is.

This game is truly a revelation, a game focused entirely around boss fights, using a variety of gameplay styles that all feel just as satisfying to use as the last. The areas you fight in are all gorgeously realized, the loot system is engaging and fair, it all just combines to make a wonderful package. The joy of simply going to the cook and seeing the immaculately animated cooking animation before a mission remains endearing after more than 100 hours, and just shows the passion that went into making this game feel amazing to play. It's a game that you will easily lose yourself playing once it gets its hooks in you, but it nevertheless respects your time, challenges you in ways that you wouldn't expect, and never fails to deliver a good time.

I've played monster hunters on and off since 3 came out on the wii. It never really clicked for me other than thinking big sword looked cool.

I got monster hunter world when it dropped on PC, and I was obsessed. Getting to high rank, and realizing I had a lot of work to do for builds and the coming monsters. To nerg, the coolest and maybe best boss fight I've ever done. It quickly became a game that my friends and I would play every night trying to get the at the time 4 elder sets.

Then iceborne dropped and I kinda fell out of the game when it started to get title updates. Flash foward to now, and Holy shit this game is amazing. There's so much content to it, and all of it is just a joy to play. From grinding the tempered and arch tempered monsters to all the end game stuff. I'm fully back, and I plan on finishing it all up.

after 4 years and 280 hours, I finally finished MHW campaign, the final battle in iceborne is epic.
must play, I have to make my way through guiding lands now.

Monstros repetido
Jogabilidade cansada
porém, jogado com os crias

I will never be through with this game

Dopo 50 ore ho finito il gioco base ma mi attendono ancora iceborne e altri contenuti secondari. World è il mio primo Monster Hunter quindi non posso offrire un'analisi accurata, consapevole e tecnica rispetto agli altri esponenti, né mi sforzerò di farlo perché mi trovo in difficoltà, difficoltà sul dire cosa mi sia davvero piaciuto di questo gioco.

Sicuramente il gameplay alla base ricco di armi (che non ho ancora provato per intero) e pattern, le meccaniche di caccia, il design dei mostri, l'averlo giocato con gli amici, l'abnorme quantità di set; sicuramente tutto ciò mi ha rapito a livelli indescrivibili ma porre il quesito in questo modo potrebbe risultare svilente per il gioco, più che altro perché lo sto presentando senza ornelli e argomentazioni, sto semplicemente dicendo "mi piace da morire" senza saper andare più a fondo.

Monster Hunter è una droga, mi piace e basta niente di più niente di meno, questo nonostante le cose che non mi sono andate giù come la gestione delle cutscene, la telecamera indescrivibilmente pessima, le invasioni continue e sproporzionate che spesso rendono gli incontri una caciara complice la telecamera.

Non mi interessa quanto imperfetto sia, questo gioco mi instilla una genuina voglia di giocare e giocare a differenza di 3/4 dei titoli su cui metto mano che non vedo l'ora di finire anche se li apprezzo, lo adoro e basta, vorrei esser capace di scrivere una recensione migliore ma credo che in questo caso non serva sprecare parole, chi lo ha apprezzato e ci ha passato centinaia se non migliaia di ore può capirmi al volo.

im including this as world and iceborne, anyway good game

The world finally understood how great Monster Hunter is. I've been playing the series since 2007 and it's breakthrough to mainstream was glorious. One of the few games I'd consider 10/10.

peak monster hunter experience

it's peak. my entry into the series and my horrible addiction. mercifully i've been let free, but with Wilds on the horizon it might just be gg to my free time again. sorry family.

Now this? This is peak monster hunter gameplay. The monsters, armor, fights, it's all such a treat and you can't help yourself from coming back to it, time and time again.

I played so fucking much of this back in Highschool with my friends. The final content monsters were absurdly hard and required a lot of grinding for us to have sets that could pull them off. It's really good but I don't think there's much reason to play it nowadays like a lot of older monhun titles.

Una muy buena expansión que si te gustó el juego base es obligatoria, casi duplica el contenido del juego y mejora la jugabilidad añadiendo mecánicas nuevas.

One of my favorite games on hunting giant boss animals

i will give it a second shot someday, i wanna play rise first and come back yk

One of the best 8° gen games.
Monster design and animation are 10/10
The biomas are so rich and detailed that actually do not looks like a MH game.
Excellent soundtrack.
A truckload of content, almost too much... (I played Word and Iceborne as a whole)

I only complaint about 2 things:
1. A tad grindy; those single digit % drops (Pallium, Mantles, etc) are just bllsht to unneccesary repeat hunts. Also Guiding Lands are just plain grinding rampage, screw that.
2. This is the first game in 2 generations that make me think loading screens are a big problem. That's wayyyyy too many and way too long loading screens, playing on PS4.

Everything else, simply great.

This game is one of the best game in humanity's history. You can simply feel everything: every impact, move; Meanwhile maintaining the direction consistently so it never gets lost in itself. It's as vast as an ocean and deep as the Mariana Trench. There is so much more depth to hidden in the simplicity of the lore, mythological references, simbology and one of the best game designs in history (if not the best), and the gameplay doesnt let it all down, yet simple, it has multiple layers and a HUGE (i really mean it) skill ceilling. And Icebone simply complement it all, it adds WAY more, almost like a full new game, a full new experience though maintaining the same mechanics, making it just the PERFECT game for pretty much everyone, this game is pinnacle of GAME ART.

Pretty much THE Monster Hunter game to play for new audiences. Absolutely fantastic from top to bottom. PC had some early performance problems but they're fixed now.