Reviews from

in the past

Gostei desse jogo, mas do que deveria.
Ontem fui internado por jogar esse game, eu estava de frente pro de costas e logo em seguida fui agraciado por uma chuva de "get over hem him".
Pontos negativos: baraka era meu primo(nessa vez ,era feio)

nada contra esse jogo, mas foi com esse jogo que descobri que odeio jogo de luta complexo.

Eu era viciada, nessa porra de jogo, mono Kabal na veia.

my friend JT played this game & it was TRULY epic to watch,
it felt like a movie

Kratos, not as Kool as the 360 character add on, Freddy Krueger, but plays great and seems like he was always on the roster. Besides, it Mortal Kombat, when are they bad games? Oh yeah, that mythologies crap. Those don't count.

Not really the best story, but I'm really biased towards nostalgia lol


I played this game when I was younger on Xbox 360, but only in bursts at a friend's house. Now I finally got to play the story mode all the way through and had a ton of fun. I found the experience to be extremely enjoyable and would highly recommend it to any fighting game fans! I also felt like the PSVita version did not hold back the experience in any way - honestly playing it on the go with a device from that era of gaming was so much fun!

quando dizem que esse é o melhor mortal kombat feito não estão exagerando, é impressionante como tudo nesse jogo é bom, a história, a gameplay, os modos... é tudo muito bom

Tengo recuerdos muy gratos de este juego. Personalmente fue el que me enamoro de la saga y lo considero de los mejores. Su historia es muy divertida y su sistema de combate tambien. No dejen de jugarlo

As a fighting game, it's a GREAT game, really, but overall, overall, it leaves something to be desired in both the story mode and the challenge tower

Story mode took me I think about 7 hours on normal. Story was really dumb and pointless. Many things just happen for convenience or just to move the plot along. It was pretty fun until I realize that the way to beat it is to find that one weird trick in each fight and just repeat that ad nauseum. Most of the time I would just hold block, then sweep from a distance, or if they get close use a throw. Actually trying to fight improvisationally and use special moves never worked for me, but maybe that's because I lack the necessary reflexes. I don't play with other people or online so that probably detracts from the experience. On the other hand if I did that I would probably just get frustrated and stop anyway. It's a very beautiful game visually. I just wish the story would have tried harder to do something interesting, challenging, meaningful... or anything. Or that the characters weren't simply cookie cutter tropes. Overall I found the game to play great. I've played older MK games and always found the AI to be impenetrable. This game was manageable. In a way learning how to deal with each opponent was satisfying. As I tried to go into each match using the same techniques I realized the same strategies wouldn't work on every opponent. Periodically I would have to discover a different tactic. But again it was too easy to find one move that broke the match. Maybe on harder difficulties that wouldn't be the case, but I have no desire to see the story again. The elder gods are morons.

Na minha opinião, segundo melhor MK que existe!

It's pretty dope how they managed to compact the first three games of the series into one solid reimagining, even if the story is kinda dumb.

This game is full of cool shit and Kratos as a guest character is pretty weird but it feels just right. Gameplay wise, it's pretty fun! I'd say it feels more like classic Mortal Kombat with some elements brought back from the 3D games on the PS2 era.

3.5 stars. Taven and Daegon were completely irrelevant to the entire lore and had 0 impact on Mortal Kombat's history.


-Game is fun to play

-Story mode. It's shit but a fun time if you turn your brain off.

-Filled with side content.


-All the bosses suck.

-The stupid jumpscare in the krypt.

-Why so horny.

-Tower mode is BS

-Story mode. You will go insane if you turn your brain on.

Freddy Krueger, great edition to the 360 edition. Love it!

o jogo em si é legal mas n consegui jogar mt (vendi o console)

Underrated. Good story. Now unavailable on Steam.

Mortal Kombat (2011) é um jogo de luta que reergueu o patamar da franquia mais violenta do gênero ''luta''. O game possui um modo história cinematográfico bem feito, mas com algumas falhas no enredo, porém isso não atrapalha tanto, a jogabilidade é tranquila de aprender, o elenco de personagens é um dos melhores da saga e tem bastante conteúdo offline. Você pode jogar Torre dos desafios com 300 desafios, Test your luck, modo arcade, test your sight, might e strike, além da kripta que é uma área onde você libera bastante conteúdo com dinheiro do próprio game. Recomendo jogá-lo com amigos e para passar o tempo, ja que hoje em dia os servidores não funcionam mais.

Um dos melhores MK ja feitos

Mam do tego sentyment, bo mój ojciec uwielbiał stare Mortale kiedy był na studiach i czasem z nim w to grałem