Reviews from

in the past

If you pick Smoke I'm throwing your Xbox out the window.

Um respiro e uma salvação pra franquia, que vinha passando por uns maus bocados de sucesso comercial e de qualidade de jogo mesmo. Os caras tiveram uma sacada genial quando foram fazer esse jogo, de criar um reboot da série, começando lá do Mortal Kombat 1, mas contar a história com toda a tecnologia mais profissional que a gente tem hoje em dia, com mais qualidade, afinal quem conhece a história de Mortal Kombat sabe que ela é bem mirabolante. E além de fazer esse reboot pra contar a história de um jeito mais adequado, eles também fizeram um link com o final da história do Armageddon, não é só simplesmente um reboot, ele também é uma continuação da história, mais ou menos um reboot disfarçado de continuação. O link é verdadeiro entre as histórias, foi uma sacada muito boa deles pra consertar a história que tava aquela confusão toda nos jogos anteriores. Eles também voltaram com aquele sistema 2D clássico, reconstruíram a gameplay do jogo, colocando a essência do original mas ao mesmo tempo adicionando mecânicas novas, como por exemplo o X-Ray... Enfim, pra mim esse é o melhor Mortal Kombat de todos, a história é sensacional, o universo é muito bem feito, a gameplay é muito boa, realmente eles se superaram nesse aqui.

One of the best games in the Mortal Kombat franchise and one of the best fighting games in general. Excellent gameplay, vast variety of characters, interesting story mode , good graphics,, and excellent innovations in the combat system. On the negative side of the game, the soundtrack is still has a low volume and without impact and the characters are "kind of ugly". This was one of the best "comebacks" of franchises in gaming history and an excellent game in general. You can't skip this one.

had fun but the boss fight against shao khan was bs, god bless liu kang's fireball and crouch fireball

cara eu quero que esse jogo se exploda, quem ta falando bem do modo historia NÃO REJOGOU ELE INTEIRO RECENTEMENTE.
eles tem umas besteiras que e INCOMPREENSIVEL como um developer deixou passar, o jogo tem diversas lutas em que vc ta 1 contra 2 oq não seria um problema se o jogo não desse vantagem alguma enquanto o inimigo tem TUDO.
os boss são totalmente besteira com suas armors e tirando o shao khan (que faz sentido ser absurdo pq e boss final) o resto e so IRRITANTE.
alias o sistema de capitulo pro modo historia desse jogo e um ERRO, eles não precisa fazer um boneco ter um cap sozinho quanto podem correr a historia com todos juntos(isso de capitulo so limita potencial na historia).
agora sobre a historia eu preciso falar como esse jogo e RUIM de historia, o primeiro ato e bem de boa mas do segundo em diante e tanta BURRICE e coisa ruim que agora eu admiro mk 10 e 11, sendo o ato final desse jogo um lixo.
sobre a gameplay eu sinceramente queria entender quem fez essas hitbox HORRIVEL pq puta q pariu VC TA NA CARA DO MALUCO E O COMANDO NÃO PEGA.
O balanceamento desse jogo vai pro espaço tambem pq tem boneco que e doente de quebrado.
trilha sonora não existe e so barulho de fundo.
enfim odiei e agora eu valorizo mk 10 e 11.

Na minha opinião esse é o melhor mortal Kombat

i want to like this so much more than i actually do. maybe i missed out because i only just played this game and never got the chance to play it online. my experience with injustice says that's likely not the case, but it's worth consideration if nothing else.

i think one of the most damning things about this game is that its singleplayer content just outright fucking sucks. story mode is awful for a myriad of reasons, the primary one being that this game really fails as a reboot for the series. so often i found myself wonder "who is this character?" or "how do these characters know each other?" or "what is the established power of this character and how is that relative to other characters?" and other basic questions that any plot should immediately resolve in its exposition. the narrative is ostensibly about raiden and his attempt to save earthrealm, sure okay. who is raiden? what is he like? why does everyone seem to know who he is? what is his established rapport with liu kang and why is it one of the focal points of the game? or even basic really nitpick-y questions like "what is outrealm exactly? how do people get there? how do people know about it? how did someone like johnny cage enter into a tournament where people fight to the death by accident?" go unanswered.

i feel as though part of me is being an overly critical internet asshole who thinks he can write a better script than everyone in the world, but these are very basic worldbuilding things that are never established. i don't know who these characters are prior to the events that happen. the plot begins basically in media res so i don't have any time to familiarize myself with all the pre-established character relationships. some of them are explained to the audience, but a large portion aren't, and the story is weaker for that. i can't invest myself in raiden's struggle if i don't know what his limitations are as a deity or what his personality is even like beyond "stern and lawful".

and on a beat-for-beat basis, the plot just makes some bafflingly bad decisions. why do we spend the first third of the story hyping up this tournament as the end-all be-all for the plot conflict only to immediately go "lol okay let's do another tournament but this time for realsies"? what the fuck is the point? why is shao kahn killed by liu kang and then immediately afterwards quan chi goes "okay guys i secretly saved his life he's okay" without any sort of tension or false resolution? again, what the fuck is the point?

in terms of gameplay, story mode really suffers too because of the lack of narrative weight a lot of fights have. oh whoops smoke misunderstood what was going on and wants to fight you now despite several characters in the cutscene telling him he was wrong. fight time. oh man isn't it crazy how sonya and raiden have a case of miscommunication and fight each other because of it? how enthralling. so much of the story mode is filler fights, and don't even get me started on the "you have to do a two on one" fight that pops up every 3 cutscenes. it's so formulaic and tiresome and BORING.

challenge tower is its own bag of worms because... it's 300 missions. that's an intimidating amount of content by itself. now factor in that most of these missions are repetitive concepts or just completely vanilla fights with the spicy twist of "use x move y amount of times" or something to that effect. the noteworthy challenges are the ones that are just outright tedious as all shit to do, like kill shao kahn 3 times in a row with one health bar. it's semi-difficult, but most of the challenges can be broken in half by finding a way to exploit the bad AI by using a specific move or strategy, so all difficulty just becomes tedium. challenge tower could stand to be about 25% as long and it'd be a much more enjoyable experience. as it is? trash, redundant, filler, monotonous trash.

after spending the past few paragraphs ripping this game to shreds, you might be surprised to find that this score isn't just outright negative. and, on some level, it's because NRS know how to make a competent fighting game. i would say i enjoyed this game as a fighting game engine quite a bit. i have my complaints with the roster, mainly that they're a lot of them are same-y (it's easier to count which characters don't have projectiles + a lot of the special moves function in very similar ways for multiple movesets), but i did enjoy exploring the cast and learning the various playstyles. and while the characters can be a bit flat and underdeveloped, i still like a fairly decently portion of them. it's not anything astounding, and you really have to get past the "every woman is designed for the male gaze" aspect, but it's the most enjoyable part of the game for me.

if you look at this purely as a fighting game with no singleplayer content beyond an arcade mode, this game is actually fine. it's a real shame that so much of that content has such a negative impact on the game as a whole for me. there's a lot of potential here that just does not get met. i've heard MKX is a great iteration on what was established here. all i can hope is that it lives up to the hype.

Haven't played MK 11 or X yet, but aside from Deception this one is my fave. Solid story, great combos and fatalities, fun multiplayer and a good roster of characters, what more could you ask for in an MK game?

caso MK 9, ou Mortal Kombat (2011) não existisse, muito provavelmente a franquia Mortal Kombat estaria em baixa.
não tenho como descrever o tanto que eu joguei esse jogo online e na época até o modo história.

recheado de conteúdo e o combate é bem bom, único problema é que competitivamente tem muito combo e personagem ridículo.

mas amo esse jogo, visual bom, cenários lindos, plot fodase é jogo de luta ngm liga e a gameplay é gostosinha (não mais que a Kitana)💀.

Really great at the time but the gameplay has aged a bit

the return to form that this franchise desperately needed. a decent fighting game if you don't take it too seriously.

Um bom Mortal Kombat, modo história ótimo, gameplay muito boa, e personagens marcantes.

easily my favorite mortal kombat game

I am the real life Johnny Cage… minus the money, and the hot wife who isn’t dead, and the house… and the freedom.

Quem conhece a saga Mortal Kombat sabe que esse reboot foi espetacular, muito coerente com as histórias dos jogos antigos. O modo história não é muito desafiador (com exceção do Shao Khan). Perfeito pra jogatina com amigos.

Just played the story mode.

Not really sure how to evaluate the game, as I'm not much of a fighting game guy and was really just here to beat up on some AI and see the story. Even then, I struggled with a lot of the fights—this just isn't my genre!

But the presentation here is fantastic. It's a funny and engaging schlocky time travel story with some immediately compelling characters. Johnny Cage is, as always, my favorite, but everyone here gets a moment to shine. I like how every chapter of the story mode follows a different character's perspective; you're always bouncing around seeing different sides of the conflict. It's nice to go from the Johnny Cage chapter where he's a charming bozo to, say, the Sonya Blade chapter where you get to beat him up for being an annoying bozo.

Also, boy, can't really deny those transitions from cutscenes to gameplay. Really smooth every time.

Esse jogo me marcou bastante, pois na época que eu fui jogar, meu pai estava jogando também, e lembro de ficarmos competindo para ver quem zerava primeiro, kk. Sempre joguei de Kratos, ou de Freddy Krueger, no final meu pai como esperado acabou zerando primeiro que eu, pois ele é o mestre dos jogos de luta, e uns dias depois, consegui zerar com o Kratos e finalizei esse game maravilhoso. Super recomendo!

The story is basically a shounen anime with some western shit in it

You want some police brutality with that?

Mortal Kombat (2011) é um jogo de luta que reergueu o patamar da franquia mais violenta do gênero ''luta''. O game possui um modo história cinematográfico bem feito, mas com algumas falhas no enredo, porém isso não atrapalha tanto, a jogabilidade é tranquila de aprender, o elenco de personagens é um dos melhores da saga e tem bastante conteúdo offline. Você pode jogar Torre dos desafios com 300 desafios, Test your luck, modo arcade, test your sight, might e strike, além da kripta que é uma área onde você libera bastante conteúdo com dinheiro do próprio game. Recomendo jogá-lo com amigos e para passar o tempo, ja que hoje em dia os servidores não funcionam mais.

“Fatality!”, “Finish Him!”, “Flawless Victory!”, “Get Over Here!”. These are just some famous quotes from the infamous Mortal Kombat that everyone knows and remembers. What everyone mainly remembers is the fast paced fighting that has been missed since 1995’s Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. It’s been over 15 years since we got a really good and classic feeling MK game, but it’s finally here and back with all its bloody gore. Yes, the game is still in 3D, but it’s what fighting fans like to call “2.5D”. The game plays on a 2D playing feel and as soon as you start hammering away on those classic moves and combos you feel the nostalgia seeping into your blood.

The most surprising part of the game isn’t the new level of gore, but the amazing story mode. Yes, Mortal Kombat actually has an awesome story mode that plays out far better than last generation’s story modes. Instead of some ridiculous adventure mode or scrolling text, we get a fully acted, scripted, and voiced story about the actual Mortal Kombat tournament and back story on almost every classic character. The voice acting is actually good and Netherealm Studios actually took the time to bring out each character’s personality such as Johnny Cage’s smart a lack Hollywood attitude. Liu Kang’s eagerness, Kung Lao’s jealousy, and Sonya’s hotheadedness. The story is done beautifully despite picking up where Armageddon left off. Raiden travels in time to his past self to stop the destruction of Armageddon. There are plot twists and even some seriously tense moments in the story that is quite gripping. I can actually say it’s the best story mode in any fighting game ever made.

However, fans came for the fight and this seriously delivers. Not only are the animations smooth and great to look at, but the controls are as tight as ever. The game responds without any delay and that’s what a fighter is all about. Not only is the usual gore back, but the game just packs a serious punch and feels punchy. The hits transfer amazingly well into feelings and that’s never been done in an MK game before. The newest things brought to the series are X-Ray moves. Fill you super meter up all the way and you can execute an extremely brutal move that shows your opponent in X-Ray vision and you can see bones crunch, snap, and organs burst. The anatomy is done superbly well with muscles, organs, and everything else in the right place. Each character has their own special skeletal structure so it stays true to the anatomy. I say bravo on Netherealm’s part instead of doing it cheaply.

This super meter actually does one other thing that I love and these are enhanced moves. Forget the crap from DC Universe completely. When you fill one section of the meter up (it fills up faster when you are getting your butt whooped) you can do the special move while holding down the “Attack Modifier” and it’ll change the super move up a little bit and make it more powerful. For example, Doing Jax’s Gotcha Grab will only do two hits, but if you enhance it he’ll punch them five or six times and do more damage. Do Scorpion’s Spear Throw and he’ll throw two out for extra damage. These are great and each special attack has its own unique enhancement. This is great for strategists who want to give their fight a little extra kick. The second things you can do with the meter is the usual Breakers, but this requires two pieces to be filled.

For the first time, Tag Teaming was put into the game and it works just as great as you’d think. Each character has a special tag out move and it makes the game more intense and just that much more fun. Of course, the single-player story mode will have you fighting against two people for a challenge, but when you play online or with a friend it’s an absolute blast. Of course, this could have gone all wrong but the team learned from games like Marvel vs Capcom to get it right. This is just one more feature the team got right but could have gone horribly wrong or made the game too unbalanced.

The Fatalities are gory and each character has two plus a Stage Fatality combo. Each character’s Fatality can be viewed in the move list in the pause menu, but you have to unlock the second one in the Krypt (more on that later). One thing I have to mention is that Babalities were brought back, but only certain characters can do these. These haven’t been since UMK3! When it comes to fighters there are no characters in here past UMK3. Classics only here and that’s for the better. You won’t see Kenshi, Kira, Drahmin, Hsu Hao or any of those guys, but there will be DLC add-ins later on so who knows. Each character is beautifully rendered and they fight just like you remember so fans can feel relieved about that. There is one new character and that is Cyber Sub-Zero to tie into the story mode, and he plays differently from the regular Sub-Zero and has some unique moves. Kratos is also an exclusive character for PS3 owners and he plays just like he does in the games complete with some quite time buttons and moves from God of War III. He even has his own unique stage with three different stage fatalities to choose from.

Mortal Kombat has always been known for adding a ton of content in since Deadly Alliance, but this time you’re going to like the extras. The Krypt is back with just one type of kurrency this time around and the Krypt has five different sections. Each one has uniquely animated item containers and some are extremely gross, brutal, and gory. I won’t spoil it but it’s very creative. My favorite extra is the Challenge Tower. There are hundreds of challenges that consist of fights that have different parameters such as zombies coming toward you and you have to use Johnny Cage’s special Energy Ball move to kill them before they get to you. There are so many I would spend days explaining them but they are great fun and you earn kurrency doing them. One thing I wanted back so bad were the mini-games Test Your Might and Sight last seen in Deadly Alliance. They are back just as great as before, but two new ones were added. Test Your Strike is just like Might but you have to hold the meter inside a box for a few seconds before striking. Test Your Luck has you spinning a wheel and decides the fighter and fighting conditions for you.

Lastly Kombat Kodes was brought back last seen in UMK3, for people who don’t know, each character gets three boxes during the loading screen and there are different codes such as headless combat, armless combat, dream combat, upside down combat, X-Rays disabled, blocking disabled, and it just goes on and on. These are used a lot in the challenge tower that I was talking about, but having them in VS is a blast. Lastly, the online modes are a must have for any fighter these days and MK was the very first one and seems to be one of the best. While Tag Team and regular 1vs1 are expected a new King of the Hill mode lets you pick an avatar and puts everyone in a room that looks like a theater. The winner keeps fighting everyone in the room until he loses, but people can rate the fight based on a number score and can even cheer or boo the fight. This is a fun mode and is greatly welcomed.

My only big issue with the game is that the combos aren’t as crazy as MK3 and you still have to memorize most of them and a lot of people don’t like that. This still really isn’t a button masher so strategic minds are still needed to fight well here. I really wanted to see more crazy combos that aren’t complicated to pull off, but if you are hardcore enough you will find a way. Besides that, there really isn’t too much to complain about unless you want to gripe about characters from MK4 and on not being included.

Besides all this amazing content the game looks superb using the Unreal Engine 3 and every background is greatly animated, and they are all from classic MK games all the way back to the first one. The classic Stage Fatalities are also back but they are upgraded to pack more of a punch and are gorier. Overall the game looks and sounds amazing with lots of content to unlock and many modes to play. This is probably one of the best fighting games of this decade so far and definitely my pick for best fighting game of the year.

Kollector’s Edition: For hardcore fans, an extra $40 gets you two beautifully crafted bookends of Scorpion and Sub-Zero in gory Kombat, Ermac’s classic outfit, a well put together art book, and PS3 themes and avatars. The big box is also nicely made if you want that too.

Tournament Edition: For an extra $90 you get a wonderfully created arcade stick but it does not come with any of the other stuff besides the extra outfit. It’s up to you which one you get, but I preferred the Kollector’s Edition since the stick can be bought separately elsewhere.

a última vez que estive esperançoso com Mortal Kombat foi logo após o lançamento desse jogo, que parecia que daria novos ares a essa franquia que caminhava lentamente até a sua morte, uma pena que suas sequências não mantiveram o nível
Mortal Kombat 9 (ou Mortal Kombat 2011) é tranquilamente o melhor MK moderno, sendo o principal jogo da franquia desde o Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
O Ed Boon percebeu que a era PS2 da série foi péssima, até mesmo para o público casual, que só curtiu o Shaolin Monks e o Armageddon (dois jogos que eu, pessoalmente, acho fracos) e que ele estava colocando a sua própria criação em uma situação arriscada, a sua magnum opus que colocava o leite na mesa das crianças estava com um pé na cova.
Assim, ele acertou na ideia: fazer um reboot do clássico, "reiniciando" a história, pegando os fãs mais antigos pela nostalgia e deixando os fãs mais novos poderem acompanhar a narrativa conjuntamente. A história do jogo é boa? Para os padrões do gênero ela é decente, tendo algumas partes boas, mas diversas partes confusas e desnecessárias.
A gameplay é simples, pegando apenas o essencial das mecânicas que o jogo precisa ter, porém adicionando algo que deixou os fãs mais novos extremamente empolgados: os X-Ray. Me diga, que jovem não gosta de ver golpes que mostram os ossos quebrando, Skate 3 já mostrou que isso é agradável ao máximo para o público médio.
Infelizmente, esse foi o jogo que começou com os cameos (ou Kameos nesse caso) na franquia. Eles que, infelizmente, começaram a entupir o cast com personagens que nem deveriam estar lá.
A sensação desse jogo é muito boa: novidade, recomeço, uma nova tentativa, ele dá esperança ao fã mais antigo de que as coisas vão melhorar. Entretanto, depois vieram respectivamente o MKX e o MK 11, que voltaram ao padrão de qualidade baixo da franquia

X ray is revolutionary man. I remember reading the hype around the new mortal Kombat thing and it is absolutely a perfect fit for the ip. Finally adding a gauge to the series. But holy shit the story is weak. Entertaining but weak. Combat is stiff but fast. Not a lot of experimentation but fun. Overall a fun title that definitely directed the series path forward for better and worse

Tenho um carinho enorme por esse Mortal Kombat em específico por ser o primeiro a qual eu joguei da franquia e fui até o fim no modo história e também nos finais de cada personagem no modo de Torneio clássico da franquia, é de longe um dos melhores quiçá o melhor por toda sua praticidade na jogabilidade que envelheceu muito bem aos dias de hoje e possui uma história que me envolve até hoje se eu pegá-lo para jogar de novo, e de novo e de novo e ainda assim consegue ser tão desafiador quanto na primeira vez, em sua maioria causado pelo seu chefão (Shao Khan) que dá um trabalho desgraçado até hoje para derrotar, mas enfim, não tem como não recomendá-lo nem sequer pensar em um ponto negativo, pois esse foi um dos quais mais me marcou em minha infância e novamente para ressaltar não envelheceu nem um pouco mal, por isso, recomendo até hoje!


When a single character wipes out 90% of the cast in a single cutscene.

saudade da época em que eu tentava desbloquear o kratos no xbox360

100%ing requires you make your characters bleed. That doesn't seem ethical. Mileena is best girl