Reviews from

in the past

Mortal Kombat’s inputs will always be butt, but what else ain’t to love about this reboot? Absolutely insane story mode set a new standard for fighters.

The gameplay is good, story is weak, still better than anything that came after.

Nossa eu lembro de quando eu tinha 12 anos e minha mae me deu esse jogo eu cheguei em casa, liguei o Xbox e fiquei jogando a tarde inteira

the return to form that this franchise desperately needed. a decent fighting game if you don't take it too seriously.

when sindel slapped 60% of the protagonists to death I ascended

This game with a modern console port with GGPO would make this the best game in the series AND my new daily fighter

Não tenho muito a dizer sobre MK. É uma série que nunca consegui entender o apelo.

Essa versão traz melhorias interessantes para a franquia, atualizando mecânicas e gráficos. O sistema per se, entretanto, não consigo achar divertido ou engajante como em outros jogos de luta, tais como Soul Calibur.

Probably the best Mortal Kombat.

Meu jogo de luta favorito, pena que na época eu era bem idiota então nunca fui muito bom dskadskak

"the most important fighting game of the 2000's"

i want to like this so much more than i actually do. maybe i missed out because i only just played this game and never got the chance to play it online. my experience with injustice says that's likely not the case, but it's worth consideration if nothing else.

i think one of the most damning things about this game is that its singleplayer content just outright fucking sucks. story mode is awful for a myriad of reasons, the primary one being that this game really fails as a reboot for the series. so often i found myself wonder "who is this character?" or "how do these characters know each other?" or "what is the established power of this character and how is that relative to other characters?" and other basic questions that any plot should immediately resolve in its exposition. the narrative is ostensibly about raiden and his attempt to save earthrealm, sure okay. who is raiden? what is he like? why does everyone seem to know who he is? what is his established rapport with liu kang and why is it one of the focal points of the game? or even basic really nitpick-y questions like "what is outrealm exactly? how do people get there? how do people know about it? how did someone like johnny cage enter into a tournament where people fight to the death by accident?" go unanswered.

i feel as though part of me is being an overly critical internet asshole who thinks he can write a better script than everyone in the world, but these are very basic worldbuilding things that are never established. i don't know who these characters are prior to the events that happen. the plot begins basically in media res so i don't have any time to familiarize myself with all the pre-established character relationships. some of them are explained to the audience, but a large portion aren't, and the story is weaker for that. i can't invest myself in raiden's struggle if i don't know what his limitations are as a deity or what his personality is even like beyond "stern and lawful".

and on a beat-for-beat basis, the plot just makes some bafflingly bad decisions. why do we spend the first third of the story hyping up this tournament as the end-all be-all for the plot conflict only to immediately go "lol okay let's do another tournament but this time for realsies"? what the fuck is the point? why is shao kahn killed by liu kang and then immediately afterwards quan chi goes "okay guys i secretly saved his life he's okay" without any sort of tension or false resolution? again, what the fuck is the point?

in terms of gameplay, story mode really suffers too because of the lack of narrative weight a lot of fights have. oh whoops smoke misunderstood what was going on and wants to fight you now despite several characters in the cutscene telling him he was wrong. fight time. oh man isn't it crazy how sonya and raiden have a case of miscommunication and fight each other because of it? how enthralling. so much of the story mode is filler fights, and don't even get me started on the "you have to do a two on one" fight that pops up every 3 cutscenes. it's so formulaic and tiresome and BORING.

challenge tower is its own bag of worms because... it's 300 missions. that's an intimidating amount of content by itself. now factor in that most of these missions are repetitive concepts or just completely vanilla fights with the spicy twist of "use x move y amount of times" or something to that effect. the noteworthy challenges are the ones that are just outright tedious as all shit to do, like kill shao kahn 3 times in a row with one health bar. it's semi-difficult, but most of the challenges can be broken in half by finding a way to exploit the bad AI by using a specific move or strategy, so all difficulty just becomes tedium. challenge tower could stand to be about 25% as long and it'd be a much more enjoyable experience. as it is? trash, redundant, filler, monotonous trash.

after spending the past few paragraphs ripping this game to shreds, you might be surprised to find that this score isn't just outright negative. and, on some level, it's because NRS know how to make a competent fighting game. i would say i enjoyed this game as a fighting game engine quite a bit. i have my complaints with the roster, mainly that they're a lot of them are same-y (it's easier to count which characters don't have projectiles + a lot of the special moves function in very similar ways for multiple movesets), but i did enjoy exploring the cast and learning the various playstyles. and while the characters can be a bit flat and underdeveloped, i still like a fairly decently portion of them. it's not anything astounding, and you really have to get past the "every woman is designed for the male gaze" aspect, but it's the most enjoyable part of the game for me.

if you look at this purely as a fighting game with no singleplayer content beyond an arcade mode, this game is actually fine. it's a real shame that so much of that content has such a negative impact on the game as a whole for me. there's a lot of potential here that just does not get met. i've heard MKX is a great iteration on what was established here. all i can hope is that it lives up to the hype.

A masterful fighting game that rightfully deserves all the praise it gets. This was my introduction to the Mortal Kombat franchise, and it immediately hooked me in. The story is the best in the franchise, with amazing character moments and brilliant cutscenes giving so much depth to a game that really didn't need it. The roster is stacked and has yet to be outmatched by its successors. The gameplay is pure Mortal Kombat as it truly embraces that arcade-style while overhauling it for modern-day systems. It is a blast to play and is the one fighting game I continuously return to when I crave that classic Mortal Kombat action.

convinced me i may like fighting games

Haven't played MK 11 or X yet, but aside from Deception this one is my fave. Solid story, great combos and fatalities, fun multiplayer and a good roster of characters, what more could you ask for in an MK game?

Never have I played a game that relies so much on button mashing in my life.


Don't really like the direction that was taken from this game onwards in a few ways, but still pretty fun.

Probably the best Mortal Kombat I've played.

Great story mode, best fatalities and at the time it was visually breathtaking.

one of those completely broken games that are good

more fun to play than MK11

The story is basically a shounen anime with some western shit in it

Probably the most stupid story ever, but a real fun game. Also, why is every woman character dressed like a stripper?

Very, very fluid combat. One of my favorites in terms of combos and fatalities for sure.

my noob and ermac got me in a lot of trouble

Yeah, this is fun as fuck.

Also, there's a big ass roster so I seriously can't pick the hottest one...
Hmmm, I guess I gotta say perhaps Nightwolf because b e e f and animal spirits, shit's actually really cool!