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in the past

Disappointing Souls-like with a twist that is infuriating... not something I can go back to.

I could not find my way through the first area of the game it was such a large featureless maze. Even if i did the fact that you cant level up and have a static barely changing character really kills all motivation to give this game another go

ive decided recently that i really dont have time anymore for games that dont respect my time. I've tried to get into souls but I don't think i have it in me to also play the carbon copy ripoffs unless they do something unique that makes the game less punishing or provides a neat twist. Mortal Shells shell and harden mechanics do neither in my eyes.

Está curioso, pero los enemigos tienen una IA demasiado cortita, el movimiento podría sentirse mejor y el combate te deja demasiado margen para cometer errores.

Went in expecting an okay Soulslike, came out with a piece of myself missing, like I touched a chthonic artifact.

It's sort of like if you made a gibbon code a Souls game. They might be able to process adjectives like "difficult", "cryptic", or "chunky", but that's their full and complete view of the genre. Try and make them process anything more than that, and they'll start slapping each other around, or throwing their shit at people.

Saindo do Gamepass, duração boa, sem enrolação, combate souls, legalzinho

If this game had any more core mechanics tied to a cooldown it would be an MMO

Good bosses, cool art design, interesting combat, but repetitive/hard to decipher level design and not very diverse enemies that become a real annoyance. Solid first entry from a small studio though, would recommend for souls fans

o jogo é legal, mas é tão difícil que chega a ser frustrante... até consegui avançar consideravelmente no jogo mas é tão frustrante o caminho até la que prefiro deixsr de jogar

A bland, colorless imposter assumes the facade of more formidable heroes, but even NPCs can tell it's not the real thing. Funny enough, that's also what happens in the game

I do not like soulslike games.

Every time I try a new Soulslike, there's an inevitable moment where I cringe and say to myself "Oh, no... it's Dark Souls 2..."

Mortal Shell feels to me as if the entire Dark Souls franchise were thrown into an AI to auto-generate a new game. It's lifeless, boring, and is not worth playing at all when there are so many other dozens of other Souls-likes far more worth your time.

Nothing in Mortal Shell really made sense to me. Whatever story existed was extremely unclear and unengaging. The dialogue and much of the lore means nothing at all on the surface level, and I could not have cared less to try and delve into what it was trying to say. That's not to say that all of it was poorly written, it just seemed to be vague, Souls-like lore that was, again, spit out by some bot that was fed every line in the Dark Souls franchise.

The game in general just feels like it takes the concept of Dark Souls and either completely removes or fails to achieve everything that makes that franchise so great. The bosses of the game...exist. Each one is unremarkable, and with a few minor exceptions, has a boring, uninspired moveset that ends up mostly consisting of some strung together slashes and swings. To top it all, a couple of the bosses don't have any music at all, which just took me fully out of the experience of fighting it if I wasn't already. There four 'main' bosses of the game and three 'mini' bosses, and all of the 'mini' bosses are just reskins of the same enemy. One of the 'minibosses' is literally just a REGULAR ENEMY with NO changes except for having a massive health bar, which just flabbergasted me.

There are also a lot of very questionable, amateur design decisions throughout the game, some of which I could not even attempt to explain off. There's really weird small things—like how coming out of a crawlspace fades the screen to black two separate times, wasting a completely unnecessary amount of time, or how at certain points in the game a bell will not stop obnoxiously ringing no matter where you are until you give a certain item to someone—but there are a lot of more significant ones that made playing a pain. For example, you cannot know what an item does until you use it, and so you could end up wasting something good if you don't want to look it up (I don't tend to like to use guides for anything in games in that way unless absolutely necessary, you generally should not have to). By the end of the game I was full of a bunch of random items, many of which I might have only had one of, that I didn't want to use for risk of killing myself or wasting something extremely valuable. After killing a boss, the main hub region of the game gets overlayed in fog, and EVERY ENEMY is replaced with these gremlin demon things that are an absolute pain. One of their primary attacks is latching onto you and biting your neck for a couple seconds, which puts you into a zoomed-in animation that you have no control over. These enemies will often fall from the sky or ceiling with very little indication, making it extremely difficult to avoid them and forcing you to watch the obnoxious animation over and over again.

Mortal Shell is not really hard because of how poorly balanced it is, and when it is, it doesn't feel like the good kind of 'git gud' difficulty that it should be. There are five different 'shells' in the game, each having a different value of health/defense, stamina, and resolve (which lets you do special actions), and also a different set of upgrades. This is a pretty interesting concept, but it is executed very poorly and I ended up just using one shell, the one with the highest health and defense, throughout pretty much the entire game, as the others will end up killing you pretty quickly if you're not an expert at the game. There is very little incentive to switch shells, apart from wanting to try a different playstyle, but I just found sticking to that one the whole time was the most efficient way to be able to tank through bosses. The healing system is pretty weird, especially for boss fights. There are a couple items that will heal you over time, but they aren't reliable because of how little it is, and how inconsistently you will get them. Instead, I just found it convenient to abuse the death 'penalty' system for bosses. You essentially can die twice in this game, first knocking you out of your shell and putting you in a very vulnerable state, but picking it back up will give you another chance and fully heal you. If you die after this, you will actually die, but the shell will remain in the same spot. Picking it up on your next life where its frozen in space will fully heal you, so I would just keep it around until I was low on health during a fight to act as basically a THIRD life. If you died in your vulnerable state, however, you cannot pick up your shell and thus cannot use that healing. This whole system just seems poorly crafted. I cannot tell at all if they intended it to be used like that, and I generally think not because it is quite inconsistent and often unreliable.

Enemy placement and level design I also found to be very weird. It's not always terrible but, in one area in particular, specifically the entire Seat of Infinity area, it honestly just felt like the Souls equivalent of a child's Mario Maker level. This area consisted a lot of uneven, vast, open spaces, and enemies were placed completely haphazardly throughout the area, along with a lot of environmental features that didn't really make much sense. Visually the area is one of the better ones but it was otherwise either an empty wasteland or a clusterfuck with no in between to indicate any kind of well-thought out pattern for the area's pacing.

Mortal Shell is a DEEPLY flawed game that really just feels like a soulless version of any respectable souls-like. It's not quite the worst game I've ever played, and it's not wholly unredeemable; the game is very nice visually and the standard combat does generally do a good job of emulating the satisfaction of Dark Souls combat enough to where It was enjoyable a decent chunk of the time. There are simply so many flaws in every other aspect of the game that it was impossible for me to play for too long without noticing something new. Near the very end of the game I was having a bit of fun with some of the cool upgrades that you get, and then went to fight the final boss, which as I found out is not something you can go back on at all once you begin; you cannot even change your weapons, buy more items, or anything, after starting it. This was really off-putting and not a great way at all to end an already pretty negative experience, as the ability to try out new strategies after dying once or twice to a fight is an extremely important part of the Souls-like experience, and that is just completely stripped away here. I ended up beating it without too much issue and without using the game-given help as well, but I was still quite disappointed that I could not have gone back at all to just change my weapon, or even get a second to adjust my inventory, considering the game can't be paused and after dying you spawn immediately back at the start of the fight. From beginning to end Mortal Shell left a bad taste in my mouth and is not something that I would ever want to return to.


unfortunately they made no effort in trying to not be dark souls

rotting christ soundtrack tho 👌

esta es la versión go to, corre a 60 fps la mayor parte del tiempo, no se ve como si estuvieses usando 3 pares de lentes 3D encima y el haptic feedback es un toque agradable, estoy ansioso por lo próximo de cold simmetry

It’s like punishing but in a weird way? Like getting healing is really hard unless you reload the game, it’s so weird. And the hardening mechanic is alright.

Después de jugarlo un rato, no me convenció, y perdí interés rápidamente, no sé...

Meio confuso, tu se perde fácil.
Visuais ok. o jogo é bonito mas é bem escuro e não tem muita variedade.
Inimigos legais mas pouca variedade.
Jogo BEM curto.

jogo ok. divertidinho, se pegar numa promoção boa vale a pena

Good game but very much a dark souls rip off. I did have a lot of fun playing it though it definitely has a slew of flaws. For one it is, visually, dark as hell, and the environments are extremely difficult to discern from one another - this combined with no map of any kind makes getting lost a frequent problem. Also, there are like 5 or 6 types of enemies and the game is surprisingly short. Makes me want to just play dark souls tbh but a good effort that could have been polished a bit more.

Mortal Shell is basically the "we have Dark Souls at home" of Soulslikes. Its combat feels like the store brand of the traditional Souls combat we've all come to know and love. It's more cludgy feeling, with strange parry timing and an extremely overpowered harden mechanic, but it's still recognizable in spite of these adjustments. The game's worldbuilding and design also pales in comparison to Souls, with large and empty areas and confusing lore filled with jargon. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the need to run all the way through a dungeon after beating the boss--it felt like artifical lengthening. Despite these flaws, I still did find myself enjoying Mortal Shell. It's store brand, but that can still be a good time.

Lá vamos nós com mais um joguinho do nosso querido Game Pass, desta vez o jogo é Mortal Shell, que recentemente descobri que será retirado do catálogo, então não poderia deixar de jogá-lo.

Mortal Shell é um jogo bastante interessante que tenta seguir a base do nosso tão querido Dark Souls, sendo assim um "souls-like". Portanto, é natural que o jogo seja uma aventura desafiadora. Uma das características mais marcantes de Mortal Shell é o seu sistema de combate. Os jogadores assumem o papel de um "Shell", um ser vazio que pode habitar diferentes corpos mortais. Cada um desses corpos tem habilidades únicas e estilos de combate distintos, oferecendo uma variedade interessante de opções estratégicas.

A dificuldade do jogo é notável, exigindo bastante paciência de quem está jogando. Os inimigos são difíceis e os combates podem ser desafiadores. Cada inimigo possui padrões de ataque específicos que devem ser estudados e explorados, adicionando uma camada de estratégia ao jogo. O sistema de bloqueio e esquiva também é fundamental para o sucesso nos combates, permitindo que os jogadores evitem ataques inimigos e realizem contra-ataques efetivos. Isso não é muito diferente daquilo que estamos acostumados quando se fala de um jogo souls-like.

Além disso, a ambientação de Mortal Shell é excepcional. O mundo do jogo é sombrio, melancólico e cheio de mistérios. Os cenários são detalhados e bem projetados, e a trilha sonora é igualmente notável.

No entanto, apesar de achar Mortal Shell uma experiência incrível, achei o jogo curto demais, com pouca variedade de inimigos e ambientes. A história também não ajuda, sendo vaga e mal explicada, deixando muitas questões sem resposta. Jogando o game pela gameplay, ele é bem legal, porém, se analisarmos mais a fundo, muita coisa falta nele.

No geral, Mortal Shell é um jogo que recomendo para os fãs de souls-like, vale muito a pena testar e jogar. Se você aprecia jogos com mecânicas de combate difíceis, Mortal Shell certamente proporcionará uma experiência interessante. Embora possa não ser perfeito em todos os aspectos, o jogo oferece uma proposta única que vale a pena explorar.

- Sistema de combate legal.
- Sistema de Shell intrigante.

- Jogo curto demais.
- Variedade de inimigos não me agradou.
- História poderia ser melhor desenvolvida.

peguei pra terminar. conclusão: bem bosta

as áreas são completamente estranhas e confusas, a trilha sonora é praticamente inexistente, as boss battles sao 0% empolgantes, a variedade do combate e da customização do personagem num geral é praticamente inexistente além de ser bem bugado em algumas partes. chato e inconsistente, resumindo.

I tried to like it because it's supposed to be one of the better souls like clones but.. it's really not. The gameplay is clunky and the world is bleak.

Como um amigo meu me disse: "Jogo para fã da FromSoftware que não aguenta esperar por um novo souls", ele falou algo assim não me lembro direito.

Enfim, basicamente um starter pack de souls com algumas mecânicas interessantes, como por exemplo a troca de corpo e o endurecimento. É legal, consegue te segurar até terminar o jogo, no entanto ainda tem muitas partes que parecem um tanto cru e mereciam uma direção de arte e som melhores. Não chega aos pés de um Dark Souls ou outros souls incríveis, mas considerando que foi feito por um estúdio pequeno, até que é jogável, ok.

Fantastic game that at first I didn't like because I wasn't used to the fighting mechanics and the genre, which made it really difficult. After watching some YouTube and practicing mechanics, I quickly became a fan. Immersion was really good and the setting is amazing. Story from what I understood was great (whole lore was not easy to grasp for me). The voice acting was well done, with the things being said really painting a clear picture of the vibe this game is going for. I enjoyed running around clashing with bad guys and slowly getting better at the game, which felt rewarding.

Only complaints is having to lock-on to an enemy to see their health, final boss was visually weirdly in my opinion (different then what you'd think they'd look like), and so much enemies on the way out of temples. After clearing a temple I feel like I already did it and cleared it. So would rather just run past all the enemies that spawn to try to stop you from leaving then having to through it again.

Really loved this one, it has a nice athmosephere, and really great combat.
I just wished there was more of a story hidden in certain objects and bosses…because the story this game has is pretty good, yet not very fleshed out.
I needed round about 11 hours to see the credits and I really had a blast from second one until the end

New game plus is a different story though…
First I thought that all my weapons (all four) had lost their upgrades, but after a few more minutes and uprading one of them, I had to realize that the enemy’s health had Been scaled up…that’s not the new game plus I wanted,
normally new game plus is a joy to play, with all the experience and the items you got in your first run…not in this game though…it all suddenly feels very slow and unrewarding….

My advice
If you like souls like games or are searching for a way to find your way into souls likes, play this game once and than deinstall it, it is great for one playthrough, but every second you are playing more, the game shows it’s problems

Liked this one, does not tries to hide being a complete souls like, but adds some good new stuff to the ''genre''. Besides all that, the game have a pretty bad start and the initial location (the florest) is so confusing even when you are hours into the game. (and you need to keep coming back there all game)

The healing mechanic can make some players get really mad, but overall rewards skill. (every hit counts, especially on a dungeon) And the resources to get heal are '''''''difficult'''''' to get (boring and does not rewards properly)

Parry is useless and annoying to master. (with some bugs too)

a really stiff and slow souls-like