Reviews from

in the past

played for the touhou and arknights collabs

Esse jogo é simplesmente viciante e muito desafiador. Ele tem uma estética muito agradável, mas peca pelo fato de não ter um criador de fases.

The most clearly-made-in-a-level-editor rhythm game to not have a level editor

If you play withouth gooning in mind, then its just a good rhytim game.

uma pena que vc tem que comprar a dlc para ter todo o conteúdo. mas pode ser divertido se tu curte taiko

put 8 hours into this, and i realized that i just dont click with rhythm games. BUT I did like a good amount of music in this game, one of my favorite songs is "Frost Land" by Zris.

yeah i played this on mac. i'm irrelevant too you know!

I regret to say this is my favourite rhythm game.

Yeah it's a bit strange but is a really fun, simple and addicting rhythm game.

I like the songs and I find that the artstyle is pretty cute and it gives me an incentive to collect the illustrations.

I should mention that the game is kinda only worth it when its on sale, and when you get Muse Plus (or if you had Just as Planned DLC like I did). Otherwise you only get a handful of songs.

Otherwise I think its totally worth the money, you should try it out!

Part Time Rin is also the best thing to grace this world.

Muse Dash is a fun and simple rhythm game. Easy to get into due to its simple controls paired with fun gameplay. It’s also got a really fun and charming art style which I appreciate a lot. But there’s not a ton that can be said about Muse Dash for me. It’s a good intro to the genre, and while not a masterpiece by any means the game is fun for what it is.

I don't think that there's a more addicting rhythm game. It's truly amazing.

I can't... I can't feel my fingers...

Inject it into my veins, please.

Muse Dash was surprisingly awesome. The songs are super catchy, the gameplay was a little simple at first, but ramped up in difficulty quick. I can see myself going back to this every so often. For four bucks, a great little rhythm game for my simple weeb heart.

Overall, I rate Muse Dash a 7.75/10

It's a great rhythm game but I can't stand the amount of fan service it has. The loading screens are full of art with thighs and other "questionable" parts of the female body. At least you can choose which loading screen to use but still, it's quite disturbing. On Steam, it doesn't show that this game is 18+ and you can easily mistaken it for a kid's game (like me). I guess it's worth buying it if you'd really like because always it's like under 1 euro but it will most likely stay in your library, untouched, after you see what's in it.

it's simple and 2 buttons, but at least there's a lot of characters, stages, and songs.

Muse Dash is a rhythm game with colorful graphics and an interesting soundtrack. The player controls the character by jumping and hitting enemies to the rhythm of the music. There are several difficulty levels and different game modes.
Overall, the game is a good option for fans of rhythm games. The graphics are bright and attractive, and the controls are quite simple and intuitive. However, the game can feel a little monotonous and quickly become boring after a few hours of play. But overall, Muse Dash is a good choice for fans of the genre.

pretty simple rhythm game, gets harder as you go on and thats when you have to start looking at tutorials

Le gameplay est plutôt sympa (pendant 1 heure ou 2)... en revanche je ne suis pas un mec foutu, ravagé par la vie.
Si vous êtes un pédophile, un foutu ou un investigateur curieux intrigué par la bassesse humaine dans sa forme la plus pure, foncez !

this is just taiko for pedophiles. anyone who has more than five hours max on this game deserves to be on a list idgaf

divertidinho, mas nãaoo tanto assim, é bom pra jogar quando não tem wifi

maybe a bit simple also the colours give me both rotten teeth and a migraine

top 10 games to not play in front of my parents

Super flashy and interesting rythm game

A very nice rhythm game. And you probably can’t say more. Not OSU, but the tracks (including additional ones for every taste) are pleasing to the ears. The controls are good, although it is most convenient to play on a switch via a touch screen. You can try it if you just want to start getting to know yourself in rhythm games, the main game on Steam is quite cheap and you can immediately understand whether you will like this genre as a whole. As they say, everyone has a rhythm, you just have to want to feel it.

Очень приятная ритм игра. А больше наверно и не скажешь. Не OSU, но треки(в том числе дополнительные и на любой вкус) радуют уши. Управление хорошее, хотя на свитче через тач скрин удобнее всего играть. Можно попробовать, если только хотите начать познавать себя в ритм играх, основная игра в стиме стоит достаточно дешево и можно сразу понять, понравится в целом этот жанр. Как говорится, во всех есть ритм, надо только захотеть его чувствовать.

Solid 2 lane Taiko-like with hold notes and other gimmicks. An insane amount of content for the price with the "Just as Planned" DLC (though I believe it's not avaliable any more). Note timing could be a little tighter, the game is a bit too mash-friendly. I also wish there was a less grindy way to unlock all of the Master difficulties and that you could see your scores without having to click on each song individually. Still, it's hard to argue I didn't get my money's worth. Some good tracks in here too.

thought i retired this game but i'm back on my bullshit

One of the loading screen tips literally says "How old are the girls? You're asking too many questions!"
Man, this game is for bums.