Reviews from

in the past

Was not bad i enjoyed it. I mean we dont get many games based off india stuff so i think its petty cool when games go against the normal stuff.

Story was bland but its only an hour long so you gotta figure that

Music was decent i mean i enjoyed it.

The puzzles were fun some were easy some were hard. Its a pretty straightfoward game NGL.

Los puzzles parecían interesantes pero se acaban haciendo pesado, no presté atención a la historia

Benign and casual little puzzle game from India that'll take you around 1-2 hours to beat. Neither ground-breaking nor exciting in any way, but you can also tell that it's a labor of love from its small indie team based in Karnataka.

Also the level select music sounds a little bit like "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X.

Being a fan of puzzle games I thought I’d give this a try since it was on PS Plus - I really wished I hadn’t.

The puzzles were just repetitive throughout with a mix matched difficulty, by that I mean there is no slight tweaks to keep the puzzles feeling fresh. The story wasn’t engaging at all for me either.

Me gusta mucho la idea tan sencilla cómo funcionan los puzles, sobre todo que haya movimientos limitados y no estés ad infinitum probando cosas. El aspecto gráfico y sonoro crea un ambiente muy chill para jugar, pero sí es verdad que es tan sútil el HUD que a veces no ves bien dónde estás moviendo las monedas. El arte es feísimo, eso sí.

He echado en falta más mecánicas nuevas, más allá de obligar a redirigir las monedas en cierto sentido.