Reviews from

in the past

I play it with my brother when I wanna play something that doesn't have a story and doesn't require me to focus too much. When I want something laid-back. The dunks and ally pops and powerups n all make it a rly enjoyable game

NBA 2K Playgrounds 2, at Mackolas' request, has been given a lower rating, and it's not hard to see why. This game falls flat, struggling to deliver a smooth and enjoyable experience. The gameplay is marred by various issues, including significant glitches that make it a frustrating endeavor to play. It's like trying to win a race with one leg tied behind your back.

Comparing NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 to Team Fortress 2 is like comparing apples to oranges, or perhaps more fittingly, like comparing a half-deflated basketball to a rocket launcher. The two games are in entirely different leagues, and it's safe to say that NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 doesn't hold a candle to the iconic Team Fortress 2. While opinions on games can vary greatly, it's highly unlikely that anyone, anywhere, would genuinely assert that NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 surpasses the sheer excellence of Team Fortress 2.

In light of these considerations, I'd have to rate NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 a disappointing 3/10. It's a game with potential, but it falls short of delivering the engaging and balanced gameplay that players deserve. If you're looking for a top-tier gaming experience, you'd be better off looking elsewhere.

Joguei um pouquinho pra testar, já que ia sair da PS Plus Extra. É ok, mas parece faltar algo. Ainda não foi esse o basquete arcade com poderzinhos que eu queria.
É lotado de micro transações que eu nem tentei entender e só ignorei, já que eu queria só testar pra saber se a jogabilidade era divertida ou não. E... é só mais ou menos divertido no final. Triste.

NBA Jam, this is not. It's an arcade style basketball game ruined by lootboxes (digital card packs), microtransactions and grinding. Players are unlocked through card packs, purchasable with in-game earned baller pucks or bought-with-real-money golden bucks. Bronze, Silver and Gold card packs exist and just like expected, lower packs contain average players while gold packs contain household names. It's worse because players do have NBA Jam like stats in each category, but they have to be leveled up from bronze to diamond (shoot 3's to increase 3 point stats, steal the ball to increase steal ability, etc.)

Court Creator and player customization are basically locked behind a paywall since the swag packs that contain these items can only be bought with golden bucks (real money).

Gameplay doesn't fare much better. It's classic 2v2 basketball, but played in a single, 3 minute quarter. Lottery Pick is the gamechanger here, where successful shots, steals, rebounds and blocks reward you with a random 30-second power-up (double 2-point shots, double 3-pointers, infinite turbo, increase to stats, freeze the opponents' goal, etc.).

The 2010 NBA Jam remake by EA is a much better game.

The second game in the NBA Playground series does not improve upon the clunky gameplay from the original, adds more microtransactions, and lacks a compelling single player mode. There are some interesting ideas here, but there are too many missteps.

Recomendado, y más si lo juegas con un amigo, trae todo lo del 1 con nuevos mapas en el 2, impresionante.

Está muy divertido, de vez en cuando juego una partida.

The very first thing you do in this game is open its version of loot boxes, tells you everything you need to know. I feel gross even having this on my alt account