Reviews from

in the past

Guy just wanted to live alone and run his own bakery :(

PS. Chocola <3

Bought this on switch when it went on sale as a joke and its FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFINE. Arts fairly ok and story is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh kinda alright.

Eu... Eu joguei Nekopara... me desafiaram e eu acabei jogando, é um fetiche meio estranho e não me agradou não, mas o jogo é bonitinho, mas ele te dá pouquíssimas escolhas, eu pensei que ia jogar uma visual novel mas acabei vendo um anime interativo.

My first Nekoweek with my Nekohomies, can't wait to play Vol.0 with my Nekobesties next year. Also the MC is based af

Remember the anime remember the anime remember the anime 😭😭😭

Eu n precisava ter sofrido tanto


(they are kinda hot tho)

My friend bought me this game, and I didn't even make it halfway through. Ultimately I'd find sexy anime catgirl wish fulfillment VN to be pretty inoffensive; not my thing, but not worthy of such a low rating.

But the girls in this game look...suspiciously underage, and it's seriously disturbing. Couple that with there being absolutely no story, and you get a VN that is simply just "She's not ACTUALLY underage bro she's not human so shes like 6789684792632 years old!" smut content and nothing else.

I don't trust anyone who finds anything likable about Nekopara.

I had never been in a worst mental state while playing a video game before this game and i wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy

Great scenes but very basic story. I love the art.

what im even doing with my life anymore

Average teenage boy power fantasy about fucking girls with cat ears and his sist- WAIT WHAT?!?!?

i pet the cats and they go meow and purr and stuff and i smiled.

This game alternates between completely messed up and boring as hell. I've never been so simultaneously uncomfortable and bored out of my mind in my life.

Story and characters are sleep-inducing, +0.5 stars for being a free 100% achievement game

I bought these as a joke when they were on sale and then read all of them. I don’t know why I did that.

Anyway I didn’t play with the h patch so I wasn’t traumatized I was mostly just bored. Character designs are cute, though.

Nekopara's most important point is the rules that govern that world. The first rule is: There is no rule.
They are treated and act like humans when it is convenient and they are treated and act like cats when it is convenient.
The only thing to praise in Nekopara is the production of the game that is great, the sprites, voice acting and animation. The only horrible thing is the sex sound, oh my god what a terrible thing was that? A tip if you're going to play: Don't think, don't question, turn off your brain.