Reviews from

in the past

Its not every day that you see a game in the Iñupiaq language. Never Alone is a nice and short game based on a native Alaskan folk tale where you explore the arctic scenery while controlling Nuna and her Fox.
I must say i loved the language and the narrator's voice, it's a mesmerizing one, it feels different.
For a few dollars i'd say this is a decent and relaxing 3 hours long game that doesn't overstay its welcome.

Um joguinho relaxante, paciente, perfeito pra tardes nubladas.


Never Alone is a beautiful and touching experience. It's based on an Alaskan Native folktale, and it shows. The snowy landscapes are stunning, the story is simple yet heartwarming, and the little documentary videos are super interesting. The platforming can be frustrating sometimes, and it's pretty short, but the cultural aspect and unique atmosphere make it worth playing. If you want something different and meaningful, give it a try.

It is a good puzzle and platforming game in addition to its interesting mini-documentary about the Iñupiat people and their way of life. This is the first time I got invested in documentaries in games.

That dark ice moving and crushing the player part (Ice Floes) infuriated the living out of me as I spawned outside of the camera over and over again. It also messed up the controls with my wireless controller because the game is setting it in coop mode by itself.

2D puzzle platformer is not supposed to be this buggy. That aside, this is a nice little story seeped in Iñupiaq culture. I quite like the mini documentation that is unlocked throughout the playthrough. It's pretty cool that people actually keep fox as pet.

got this as part of the monthly xbox gold game, and i actually played it. a fun, simplistic side scrolling platform with nice detailing in the environment

Didn't know anything going in and enjoyed it.

Jogos com mecânicas geniais, contudo mal executadas.

Frustrating, buggy.
I liked the idea of translating something that's only for oral tradition, into something like a videogame, but that's where the problem is. it's something of a videgame. Couldnt enjoy one bit sadly.

Eu já vi jogo co-op dificil mas esse aqui meu amigo, requer paciência...

The idea of featuring a different culture religion and traditions is pretty cool. Execution is mediocre though.

even though it was extremely short it was a nice story and very cute. really loved the style and the forward progression it has. and loved bring awareness to the Inupiat culture

A stunning pearl in a genre that I am usually not that passionate about.

Much like the game, my review will be short, yet complete of information.
I received this game as part of a bundle, I had heard about it, but I didn't think it might do for me.
The game is not that long clocking in at 3 hours including the DLC and the completionism, but it's a wonderful indie product!

Although the duration isn't that important, especially in this case followed by such a touching plot. The game it's very linear and simple, yet beautiful. Throughout your adventure, videos will unlock that CULTURALLY explain the gameplay choices used in the game, therefore, each mechanic, except the owl that shows you the videos, has its own reason derived from the Inuit culture; educational, and above all a really good experience that also teaches the player! So, it doesn't just entertain you with the gameplay but gives you small gems of cultural knowledge.

The game isn't very long, and when it comes to gameplay it does not stray away from the genre.
The game is an original yet classic platformer, with a very linear yet beautiful plot with some unexpected "twists" especially when including the Inuit lore. It ends with a very special moral message, and, above all, if you see the extra movie content, education.


I can see that there is some heart that went into it but the platforming was abysmal
I remember getting stuck on the geometry multiple times before giving up on this game forever
Mind you that I played this on Switch, it might perform better on other platforms, just not on this one

I think this game is perfectly fine, I just mainly wish it was longer and had more gameplay variety. But, it's pretty and atmospheric, and the gameplay that is there is just fine, it serves its purpose.

Um jogo muito charmoso rico em imagens e interpretações culturais. Outra maneira de guardar a memória.

Buggy boring platformer with some cool cultural bits that are incredibly slow to develop.

A great tale with some good platforming. It's nothing too complex, but I really admire the extensive work put into to capture accurate inuit tales and translate that to a solid game.

Very sweet "breezy" game with documentary elements mixed in. I felt a chunk of Limbo and a dash of ICO.
The mechanics and puzzles are underwhelming but a simple heartfelt story keeps you playing.

Some of the art and Alaska natives' backstory videos are quite appealing.

Might play it again with the kid.

It's janky, skip it.
Wants you to buy because it's cute and all, but gameplay is trash

Lots of glitches in this game, lovely art style, but man it was tough going and I had to force myself to finish it.

A remarkably chill and informative platformer, even if the controls weren't totally designed for a single-player-only experience.

Cool idea, poor execution, should've been a documentary.

They game started with a good compelling story and the way of telling it was really good. But the levels get repetitive and moreover the last 40% of the game is really bad. I had to force myself to play in order to finish the game.

Cute indie game you can beat in co-op and learn something about other culture

A classic co-op that I've played many times. Maybe not the best ever but its an interesting and easy to pick up game for beginners