Reviews from

in the past

This game sucks ass only good thing is that it has nickelodeon characters just buy garfield kart furious racing instead

guilty pleasure honestly but still poo poo garbage

VERY large improvement, but still not amazing. It's a basic kart racer, like I'm not gonna play this over anything else, but it was alright. Looks fine, the pit crew mechanic is neat, and the tracks were all well done. It's functional. It works.

Nothing special, but I enjoyed it. 

There are some unique elements to it, like the characters giving special perks or upgrades. The tracks were good, and I liked the addition of hidden paths in some tracks; it was obviously taking most of its inspiration from Mario Kart.

Overall, it's an okay game, but a 6-year-old would think it's amazing.

I thought it was really fun personally

Buen jueguito de Karts con los personajes de Nickelodeon, con una muy buena selección de personajes estando entre ellos mis favoritos que son Rocko y el Invasor Zim, así que no me quejo. Tiene 42 desafíos que son muy divertidos y con pistas muy variadas haciendo referencias a muchas de sus series icónicas. La dificultad es retadora hasta que se desbloquea el Insane Mode que es innecesariamente frustrante y sobre todo si lo juegas en single player, todo lo demás está bien. Recomendado.

it's not great! but better than i thought. huge roster and some fun references and tracks. wish it controlled better though.

This game was my favorite game that released in 2020. It Fixes everything I didn't like from the first game and adds so much more

Ein generischer Kart Racer wie man ihn erwartet. Mit son paar Charakteren und son paar Strecken und son paar Referenzen die an Franchises erinnern, aber dir nicht das Gefühl geben wirklich dazuzugehören.
Und obendrein ist es noch eine ziemlich dreiste Mogelpackung. Laut Pressemitteilung hat das Spiel ganze 100 Nick-Charaktere! Was sie damit meinen:
Es gibt 30 Fahrer. Und 70 PNGs zu sammeln.

Das größte Problem als Fanservice Spiel ist das Fehlen vom kompletten Sounddesign. Keine Sprüche oder Grunts oder sonst was aus den Shows gerippt. Kein Song im Spiel, auch wenn ein paar gute dabei sind, klingt so wie aus dem jeweiligen Franchise auf dem die Strecke basiert.

Abseits davon ist es aber fast, hm, passabel wenn man sich ans Driften gewöhnt und den nervigsten Itemspam seit Mario Kart Wii akzeptieren will. Aber das Fahren ist an sich echt in Ordnung, das Geschwindigkeitsgefühl kann gelegentlich überzeugen und es gibt einige echt gut gebaute Strecken.
Die selben Strecken in einem besseren Spiel wären vermutlich ihre Zeit wert gewesen. Hier wirkt das bisschen effort groß verschwendet.
Wenn man den Job ernst nehmen würde, stünde man ganz knapp vor etwas solidem denn im Zeitfahren macht es sogar Spaß. Außerhalb davon, eeh.

Nojento de ruim, mas engraçado com amigos.

Fun to play it for one time and delete it.

I wanted this to be good since the makings of a good game are in there. The courses pull from interesting moments in each show, there is a pretty decent show diversity, and the challenge mode is fun to jump into between grand prix. Unfortunately, the controls are awful feeling stiff and imprecise, drifting is very infuriating since you either go too wide or cut too deep and your kart ends up falling off the track. The music is repetitive and ear-grating, and while it looks like there is a lot of content, it is all beatable within a few hours. At best, this is a game fun to screw around in with friends, but you'd have more fun with Mario Kart. Just play that instead, and don't bother here.

There's something just weirdly flat about this game. Everything works well, the graphics are decent enough and its not a horrible game to play.... But its also just so weirdly Polite? Nothings ever really fast enough, aggressive enough or pushy enough to actually leave any mark.

This also applies to the audio which is a mix of utterly forgettable and overly tame and again, polite thanks to the game refusing to actually use voice clips properly.

It all leads to a game that isn't terrible but merely 'exists' and once again, is way too polite to exist and of all the words I could use to describe anything associated with Nickelodeon, Polite really shouldn't be that defining word.

that was a impovement but it's not hard to improve on garbage

Half-baked racer falls flat on controls and gameplay. If you want a better racer, play something like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or something instead. It is better than its prequel but still not good.

Way better than the first Kart Racers, and boy does it get increasingly challenging. However, this felt like a fantastic alternative to Mario Kart. I can see what it's trying to do, and I love it. Not the best, but far from the worst. Definitely a must-have if you're a Nick fan though, for sure.

Also the hardest difficulty is so unbalanced, seriously-

Another average "conveyor" karting game.
Despite the lack of voices from the racers, the lack of support for 2k and 4k monitors (you have to play in very pixel graphics, you can’t even set windowed mode), a bad sound system and the “average” performance of everything else,
Anyway, this is a normal karting, and, for which many thanks to him, it makes possible not only to play ordinary races together, but to pass championships together with 1 or 3 friends! And, in principle, the game fulfills its function, just a competitive race for 2 evenings, just to relax, but you will not find anything special here. You can only notice a large selection of settings for your cart and abilities, oh yes, there is also a money system right there, but everything is very cheap, and in order to discover what to spend it on, you have to go through a bunch of challenges in solo play.

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They got Chokey Chicken in an E rated game in 2021 because you can only see the Chokey part of the sign.

Other than that it's a fairly standard Mario Kart clone but the slime gimmick from the first game is better realized here with the character based loadout gimmick and the inclusion of the challenge mode makes it have a better single player offering than most mario karts. Shame they still had no budget to bring in any voice actors.

While it fixes maybe like 2 issues from the first game, it's still not a good game.
The Driving feels stiff, the drifting feels like CRT's drifting only worse and more floaty, they still don't have any voice acting even though there are ten times more character to play as.
At the end of the day, this is just another cheap license game that tricks kids into buying it because it has their favorite cartoon characters on it.