Reviews from

in the past

if retail workers just started caving annoying customer skulls in they couldn't arrest all of us

A simple, but fun little arcadey "horror" game. Pretty well recreates the stressful feeling of having to do your job and also tend to baby-like customers. Very difficult and a little obtuse at first but once you get the hang of it, it's fun for a few rounds. The low poly look is executed extremely well, and the audio design is superb. The art style is also fun, especially in the products.

a silly lil game that is easy cheesable. :)

i played this years ago and it was cute but basically unplayable, i hear it's better now but i have no plans to revisit

Dios mío que puto mal rollo de puto juego y que angustia y que agobio y que todo.

Hey wow an actually good indie horror game
The soundtrack for this did NOT need to be as good as it was like holy shit

This might be u if your not careful

Traumatised me for life, well done

whenever I feel that university is too hard, I remember I lasted a grand total of two minutes on this before I succumbed to the stress.
Massive props to retail workers, a thankless yet fundamental job, which somehow still pays poverty wages

It's a good concept and it lasts about 10 minutes before you're like "yeah i get the idea" and shut it off.

For some reason the newer version breaks when I finish the opening animation.

ingiocabile, ma a chi dobbiamo dare la colpa?

i'hv never been so stressed playing a game

as far as itchio indie horror stuff goes this is one of the better ones

I absolutely love the look and feel of this game, would be a 5 star game if it was expanded into a full experience.

A quirky take on maze games within a first person perspective, NIGHT OF THE CONSUMERS iterates on this simple concept in an entertaining fashion. The task is simple; stock the shelves before the store closes for the night. The issue arises within the need to provide quality customer service to store patrons. Not to mention, completing an aisle requires you to perform a shelve-stocking minigame, a task that is interruptible by anyone who might catch you in their line of sight. Customers can be staved off by smacking them with boxes, or can be avoided by hiding in employee rooms, and you'll need to take advantage of these tactics to finish your shift.

This isn't exactly a horror game, but it is incredibly thrilling. The tense sound design, mixed with the grotesque representation of a grocery store had me jumping as customers rounded a corner, catching me off guard as I readied to finish the last few aisles. I spent a good two hours before I finally won a round; it feels like a near-impossible task at first, but the key is familiarizing yourself with the store layout, and knowing what aisles to finish first. I've personally worked retail before, and though it's an exaggeration of reality, it is generally spot-on. So props to the devs for parodying that vibe in a really interesting way.

I did end up having some issues. The low resolution output, done for aesthetic purposes, hinders gameplay initially, as you cannot pinpoint aisles from a distance by name. They read as a cluster of pixels, until you get close enough. There's also an issue with an NPC who, one-third of the day in, demands that you not only find her child, but bring them back to the exact spot that she found you. I could not for the life of me complete this on any of my playthroughs. It almost feels like its designed to be a run killer. There is not enough time to complete the task, and the sound design for locating the baby is honestly unreliable. I feel like there's a balance to be found with unique scenarios like this, meant to mix it up a little, but the devs didn't really find it here.

All in all, NIGHT OF THE CONSUMERS is a unique little gem from 2020 that I'm happy I visited. Its social commentary is brief, but entertaining, and the arcade-style gameplay is engaging. I definitely hope this concept is refined and expanded upon, someday. It's not perfect, but there is definitely something special here.

third phase soundtrack slaps. i have ptsd when i see babies in shops now

An amusing concept for a game with some decent humor in it and a good aesthetic. This is unfortunately marred by its poor design; I could put up with the lack of i-frames after satiating a customer (true to life) and the questionable mechanic of hiding in employee rooms (the customers run way too fast for this tactic to be of much use, and going into them wastes time anyway), but I put the game down after I lost due to a customer request that I literally could not complete because the timer was shorter than the time it took to traverse the optimal route to my destination.

That said, I think the pitch and what already exists of the game has plenty of potential, and I'd be interested in a more fleshed-out realization of the game. It needs polish more than anything else.

Made me real stressed for a few minutes so mission accomplished

Perfectly captures the true horror of working a retail job.

Gave me PTSD/5