Reviews from

in the past

There's no point other than putting pins in your 3DS menu

Despite how useless this is, i really like it

stole every dollar i ever had as a kid. fuck you.

fun service and made the 3ds super customizable! Which we had something like this again...

a novel concept that is just so nintendo.

how the hell did i clock 6 hours and 33 minutes in this "game"

It's a fun idea to get badges from this game that you can use to decorate your screen, as a whole It's nothing too special but it's neat.

microtransactions be damned, decorating the home screen is too fun

i hate this game and think the monetary options and how much its shoved down your throat is stupid but at the same time i didnt mind it bc they give u enough free plays to where it doesnt seem that bad. im glad we can cut out this middle man nowadays

i hope this rabbit burns in hell

My 3ds was decked out in badges because of this game. Loved trying to collect all the pokemon ones.

I really miss when Nintendo made fun little apps like this. Rest in peace to this era and the 3DS eshop.

would actually completing this entail collecting every badge? I sure as hell don't think so... Anyways this was definitely a strange way to have a pin shop on the 3DS, as instead of buying pins outright or sets of pins they instead made this crane game that rotates badges and costs real money to operate. The fact that you can spend real money and end up not actually getting anything due to how its a mfin claw machine is a bit messed up, so I definitely never actually spent any real money on this. I do remember it being pretty sparse with its free plays though... The presentation and the bunny dude running the counter gave it some charm though so like there are probably worse ways to get scammed

i never used this i just wanted to get like two badges before it shut down
i got a couple mario ones from the tutorial and i’m glad i have them

I completed an Animal Crossing badge and they currently are barely serving any purpose. That being said I love them and they aren't going anywhere

cool badges but i aint spending money on that shit

This is Nintendo at their greediest

i wasted so much money, at least my home page looks cool ig

The utter heartbreak me suffered when the game was discontinued and all my badges were gone, making my 3DS' menu barren still haunts me to this day

99% of gambling addicts quit right before they hit it big

I know people like this one quite a bit but it's not a very consumer friendly practice and I still stand by that outside of that it sure does have the Nintendo charm so that's cool

The first day the game released I was so hyped to customize my menu home with badges from games I loved, I hated that bunny so much but now it just make me nostalgic

There was just enough ways to get free plays to make this worth while to come back to every now and then, the fact they kept updating for a very long time is cool.

Strange that Nintendo would release a gambling game on such a child-friendly console. I think it's cool that it added tons more customization options to the 3DS home screen, but wish it wasn't so blatantly cash-grabby.

Okay, that's all the time I've got.
I gotta get back to gambling on my Nintendo 3DS.

A charmingly presented framework around a incredibly well implemented minigame which is sort of fundamentally evil.

me spending $1500 on kirby badges vs me spending $60 on food for my children