Reviews from

in the past

Unsure if I can give this a 0 star rating but this game is horrible and the worst Nonogram/picross title I have ever played.

Buggy, poor execution and just lazy designs that are repeated on different parts of the game. I couldn't finish 3 puzzles as the game gave me two colors but multiple selections for each color (as in 3 options for the same white) and I had to guess which to use.

Avoid this game.

Love nonograms, used to play them on my
phone quite often and was excited to find this. I will be playing it on and off for sure.

Not even a finished game. Unplayable.

This game really makes me appreciate the effort that Jupiter puts into the Picross games.

Nonograms Prophecy is extremely cheap on the eShop, but is a derivative, frustrating, and sometimes nonfunctioning shell of a nonograms game. Puzzles often aren't true puzzles, and can be solved multiple ways despite the game only accepting one solution. Other game modes are stolen from the Picross series and implemented much more lazily. One of the color puzzles I encountered is unsolvable by logic because two of the colors are the exact same color. The "Big Picture" mode is simplistic to a fault but still manages to point out the flaws in the game even harder. Basic QoL systems you'd expect in a 2019 nonogram game either don't work properly or are entirely nonexistent.

Definitely avoid this one. There isn't really anything here for either new or long-time Picross players.

I bought this on sale. One of the puzzles is permanently broken as a 1x15 instead of 15x15. Some of them are a literal guessing game and doesn't tell you if you get a spot right or wrong. Don't buy this.

This might be the least polished nonogram game I've ever played. The controls are kind of clunky and there are parts that feel unfinished. I don't recall any major issues with the black & white puzzles, but as you progress in the higher level color puzzles things get quite frustrating. Lots of puzzles use multiple different shades of the same color that I could not distinguish, so it just became a guessing game as to which color to use. I got it for free as part of a No Gravity Games promotion, and I'm really glad I didn't spend money on this.

Nonograms Prophecy is a broken game. There are multiple puzzles that do not work, whether because the game won't let you fill the grid or because the grid itself is loaded incorrectly.

Unfortunately, even if these glitches were amended, Nonograms Prophecy is still a rather weak nonogram game. While there are plenty of puzzles on offer, most of them are extremely simple, relying straight lines and simple shapes to make underwhelming images. Others have unclear solutions, making it difficult to solve using the logic inherent to a nonogram. Despite having a potentially novel Ancient Greek theme, Nonograms Prophecy does nothing with it for its puzzles. Instead we have the simplistic shapes of typical objects - or in some cases, rip offs of existing game characters.

On Nintendo Switch, there are many better options for nonogram games. You have Jupiter's numerous Picross titles, all of which have great quality of life features and consistently strong puzzles. You have games like Murder by Numbers or PictoQuest or Pixel Puzzle Makeout League that mix genres with the traditional puzzles. Even if you don't mind simplistic puzzles, a game like Piczle Puzzle & Watch Collection does a stronger job of matching its theme in its Piczle Cross mode. You might see this one going for really cheap or for free - the publisher likes to do events like that to drive downloads of their games on the eShop - but even then, it's not worth it for a game that is overly simplistic at best and impossible to properly finish.

I cant say this is any good, there too many flaws well covered by other reviews to do that.

I can at least say that the earliest levels are a half decent introduction to picross as a concept.

This game feels like it's made of that cheap creaky plastic that shatters into needle shards if you drop it.

Grabbed this on the Switch on cheap.

In a word: terrible.

In a few sentences: There's no real attempt to establish reasonable object shapes at all from the nonograms and their colored nonograms section is broken -- the second 8x8 puzzle (like many of the other nongrams in the early game) is symmetrical, so even if you get the puzzle right based on the available color slots, there's a chance that the puzzle doesn't accept your answer.

In my case, it didn't accept my first answer or the 180 degree flipped version of it. So...I quit. This is after playing through the entirety of Picross S1 and S2, so it's not like I don't know how nonograms work.

Pass on this game as hard as you can.