Reviews from

in the past

I had some expectations going into this game but I was still surprised by just how well put together everything was. It's unique and fun! The mechanics work, though sometimes I felt like they got a little in the way - they served more as distractions than actual gameplay. The Thing You Come Here For absolutely rules though. The broadcasts are consistently entertaining, propped up by some very solid acting. If you have any interest in playing this game, give it a shot - there's really nothing else like it.

absolute tenner i'd say
besides the game having a unique idea and brilliant execution, a lot of the fun for me was fucking around with the different feeds and making edits for my own amusement

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Commentary on a socialist government while manipulating the masses through what is shown on the news, based on your own decisions and influence? It's like this game was made for me!

Probably one of the strangest games I've ever played and maybe one of the best FMV games. Not For Broadcasts dark off the wall humour, unique mechanics, hectic vision mixing gameplay and an engaging story provides hours of entertainment due to it's multiple endings, Pythonesque comedy and interesting story progression.

It's problems arise though when it tries to handle it's bewildering political elements and extreme tonal shifts. The games story and writing goes from surreal hilarity ( the news being interrupted by gimp escapes, killer toys causing a COVID style lockdown, and ads about enlarged prostates) to dark and bleak poignancy (nuclear war, character deaths, "team approved" euthanasia centres and also censorship on both sides) which makes the game often feel directionless and all over the place. It's not incoherent but it is a bit overstuffed and can certainly be too intense for some.

All of the directions the game goes in though come with their own additions and the actors do a fantastic job throughout with stellar performance and crazy musical numbers. All of this adds up to one of the most unique and thought provoking experiences I've played in a while. Been playing it since early access. It's fun, addicting and weird as Hell.

As is, one of the most novel things I have played in a long time. Probably the best FMV game I've ever touched. I have a soft spot for the framing device as being a technical director -- as this is a job I have held in the past. The interstitial scenes while not in the broadcast room weaken the product a bit for me.

Glad they got to finish, love what they did here.

I loved the shit out of this game. Highly recommend.

I'm honestly shocked at how much I loved this game. It's funny, smart, and always catching me off-guard, and the sheer amount of branching paths and meaningful choices you can make is insane.

shelved for now; i enjoed what i played so far but dont have an interest in finishing it currently

Not for Broadcast is a bit of a mixed bag.

On one hand, this game is an impressive experiment on bringing the old FMV games like Night Trap and Double Switch to the modern age, and does so surprisingly well. It is fun to play, and melds it's themes and story to the gameplay in a commendable way.
On the other hand, everything surrounding the gameplay is of very variable quality. The writing and acting of the FMV evokes the feeling of a hobbyist theater troop, and a novice director who couldn't decide what kind of play he wanted to make. There are visual novel type segments between the broadcasts that - while being relatively well written on their own - are at complete odds with the tone of the broadcasts, creating a bit of a jarring experience on the whole, and thus end up detracting from the experience.

This game does not know whether it wants to be an absurd comedy musical, a political satire, or a serious cerebral piece of art about censorship and government control. It tries to be all three at once and as such fails at exceeding at any of them. The comedy often tries too hard, the political commentary is quite confused and shallow, and the serious moments are impossible to take seriously due to the absurd tone the broadcasts take most of the time. This game really needed to pick a lane and stick with it, because it could not successfully meld it's themes with it's sense of humor. Disco Elysium this is not.

The game is however wrapped in the package of consistently fun and interesting gameplay and surprisingly many choices, and despite my complaints I enjoyed my time on the whole. I may still return to see what other paths the story could've taken with different choices.

If this game's direction could've stayed consistent, I would give it a glowing recommendation. Now instead my recommendation is a tepid one.

An interesting story and it's clear that the developers love the game and are engaging to make the best out of it.

Worth a shot.