Reviews from

in the past

(PC - Steam)

a very charming Indie game, it was clearly made on a budget but they were very clever on how they used that said budget, it reminded me a lot of majora's mask, combat was okay
the best part of this game is the story and it's characters, although to get to the end you will havee to endure some odd enemy telegraphing and a looooot of repetition.
as is tradition with time travelling games

Solid game with a great visual style and an interesting world. Gameplay is varied enough by the end to not get repetitive, however the difficulty on hard mode near the end can get frustrating. However overall, it is a solid playthrough

Incredible concept that I wished was expanded on much more, since it seems way too linear for what they were going for. It has a decent story, OK combat, but a bit on the easier side.