Reviews from

in the past

no se no me acuerdo lo jugue en la play 2

Meh licensed game. Boog's levels were a bit fun and funny to play. Elliot's levels just sucked. Wish the game had a reticle for aiming stuff too. Shrek's games were better.

Ashton Kutcher and Martin Lawrence = worst duo ever.

The satisfying feeling of throwing Elliot into a wall, off a cliff, or into a raging river never got old. Other than that, this game sucks, it's weird as hell. Boog can't jump and the cutscenes are mostly done in a first-person "Boog POV" perspective (presumably to save on budget and time) that never stops looking utterly goofy and uncanny. There's also a nodding mechanic.

But you can throw Elliot off a cliff. It also has the best song ever UH-OHH UH-OHHHHHH I WANNA LOOOOOSE CONTROOLLL

Downloaded the GBA version of this on my GBA Emulator as a joke and over the course of the day I actually beat all of it. It was genuinely a lot better then I expected, but I hope it says something that this is the best piece of Open Season media I’ve experienced and the majority of the time it’s just a mediocre 2D platformer. Sad that this used to be Sony’s headlining franchise before hotel Transylvania.

I used to throw Elliot (The Deer) off the cliff at any point I could and that invincible mf would not die.

a mini game in this game made me spin the controller so hard it ripped the skin off of the palm of my hand

I'll admit it is not a pretty good game and the controllers are kinda clunky, but for me it is nostalgia what gives it all its value. I enjoyed as much as I did the first time I played it in an Xbox360 with my then best friend who I haven't seen in over 8 years. It is one of the few memories I have left of her, and replaying those weird levels was definitely a enjoyable trip down memory lane.

A real philosophers game...

"Mum, can we get a GameCube to play good video games?"

''No, we have a PS2 with games at home''

PS2 with games at home

I didn't know what to expect, but while they're probably worse license games out there this is probably one of the most repetitive and boring. Literally the entire game is just throwing animals and scaring hunters along with finding things for animals, that's it. Sure their is other stuff but the game is mostly this and most of it is boring and clunky, as certain things are just stretched into boring basic fetch quests with no charm. We also spend the game preparing for a hunter battle but we don't actually get to fight in it, instead we fight shaw in a very short and anticlimactic boss fight. But yeah this is definitely open season the game, I really don't know why I even bothered with it in the first place.

Another banger movie video game from the XBOX era. Similar to Madagascar, there was a ton of variety in this game and it was so much more than just one idea, making it a really fun game on it's own, disregarding the source material. Not sure why I exclusively played animated movie-based games on the original XBOX but I know I got a hell of a lot of worth out of these. Lots of memorable levels from this game to this day for me, like the rafting level, the minecart levels, surviving different hunters and more. Really good presentation of ideas that made it yet another important game from my childhood that I enjoyed putting a ton of time into.

Ma name is Boog.

Also, THE REPLACEMENTS did the music for the main menu. 😂

I was just listening to “Wild Wild Life” and it made me realize that playing as a bear and throwing a hunter off a cliff is so much cooler than hunting a bear in a video game. Putting this up five stars.

yeah the one thing i remember about this was me minmaxing the bear's throwing ability and chucking elliot off the cliff as hard as i could