Reviews from

in the past

I didn't have this downloaded for very long, but it's not the game's fault; there was just a time at which I decided to give up mobile games for good, so I deleted it.

Gets into a mall irl ready to spend dosh. Opens game while waiting in a long line at the register. Game puts a dungeon right there. Game asks a dollar for a key to enter said dungeon. Closes eyes. Upon opening sees childhood friend.

"You're finally awake, you hit your head pretty hard. GPS games? Dungeons inside shopping malls? Microtransactions? What are you on about, c'mon let's play the tanks game on the Sega" (he means on the Terminator 2, we just called every console "sega" as toddlers).

Orna accomplishes a great deal in filling time, that is an accomplishment in and out of itself, yet a hobby should help fill time, not take over it. There is some variety of choice between equipment, spells, character customization and quests, I think it does the bare minimum at least but it requires a lot of grinding (or cash) to simply savor the fruits of it all. Played it on and off, with friends as well in a guild, for over a couple of years and I have no real memory or great experience to show it for. It is a game that exists, with some egregious monetization. Simple as.