Reviews from

in the past

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- The story was a little hard to follow - and the team didn't do themselves any favors on the first cutscene. Subsequent cutscenes add a bit to what happened, but the fact that so much time elapses between the game starting and you getting out of the prologue - it doesn't


- Combat is fun - the fights feel fast paced, and the shoot and loot formula is tried and true. I can't speak to solo play, but co-op this game definitely hums. Enemies do a good job of splitting attention between players (depending on damage?), which makes the fights feel more dynamic
- The one unique aspect to this game is the constantly changing difficulty level - once you've mastered one World Tier, you are automatically bumped up to the next tier, forcing you to adapt as the enemies get harder and smarter
- With this comes better loot - a welcome addition.
- Having experienced the shift from World Tier 1 → World Tier 7, I can honestly say that it feels different, and is actually a really neat concept for keeping the game dynamic
- The gear upgrade system combined with enhanced abilities seems really tailored towards creating a build that will scale as you reach harder end game content. I like how you can swap out mods to improve abilities, it makes it easier to get the gun you want


- I chose to play as a Technomancer, for better or worse. At first, I though the range would be helpful, and while it is in certain scenarios, this game does not reward a static, shoot from behind cover play style. The abilities of the Technomancer definitely have utility for a variety of roles, from damage, to support (weakening / freezing enemies) to an ability that heals. So I feel like from an overall standpoint, the Technomancer is a good part of a squad.
- One area that I feel would have made an impact is the ability to respec to another class. Being stuck with one class (without creating a brand new character) seems an arbitrary restriction given how much you can change other things in the game (guns, abilities). I feel like it was probably done out of consideration for it feeling like a challenge to level every class up, but I’m not sure that the game is interesting of fun enough to want to play through it all again to level another class up, let alone 4 times.

End Game

- After completing the main storyline, you enter into the Expedition / Challenge mode. This mode allows you to continue earning epic loot by finding drop pods.
- Josh and I have played a few of these, similar to the World Tier, you can up your challenge level to 15, to allow you to wear a max level of Lv. 50 gear. So far, we've been pretty decent at level 8-9 (World Tier 15). We'll see as we get better gear if we're able to increase!
- After playing extensively, we got up to CT15. We got through every level except for Boom Town and the final Eye of the Storm with Yagak. These were definitely challenging at CT15.

Final Thoughts

- Outriders did some things really well: the difficulty system was unique and worked well, constantly tweaking the gunfights and rewarding you for taking on challenges. The looter shooter backbone of this game was nothing unique, but it worked well.
- However, the story was at times confusing. Even watching all the cutscenes there were points that just simply weren’t explained, and it felt less intentional mystery and more poor storytelling.
- This game really missed an opportunity to let you change classes instead of starting all over again - particularly because you have to unlock all the world tiers again even if you chose to create a new character.
- This game had so much potential, but the first 5 months were really squandered by updates continuing to come out that only addressed bug fixes. Class imbalances, mods not proc’ing, mob strength issues - the list goes on. Eventually, the end game gets monotonous because you play the same levels hoping for different loot to drop. Despite an update put out in May, this game didn’t do a good enough job of ensuring you weren’t getting duplicative loot. Since the loot table was always randomized, there wasn’t even a way to play certain levels to increase your chances of getting a particular drop. Once you do get more or less what you need…there’s nothing else to really do, unless you like speed running 🤮
- Finished with this game for now, we’ll see if at any point in the future they put out any new content

Como pode algo ser tão podre, genérico, até a dublagem é ruim. não aguentei 1 hora disso. ADEMAR LEGEND

Wouldn’t play this if they paid me

This is the definition of a generic game that doesn't really have much of a unique identity. Nothing special about it in any regard, really. Played it for maybe 5 hours and regretted buying it.

wanted to be borderlands but fell so short

This game had so much potential but the stupid ass devs decided not to listen to the community

Played since it was a day one drop on game pass. Was fun, to begin with, but got bored gradually. Also, it got very repetitive. The story feels very spaced out (yes I know it's an RPG but still).
Think a part of my dislike was playing it solo, plus the fact that I tried getting friends on for ages then after finally doing so, they got off after 2 hours calling it trash (I think they had a point).

another earth-has-been-destroyed-let's-go-to-space game

Destiny but I don't care even a little bit about anything other than damage numbers.

Had a blast playing it with my friends because the gameplay itself was so good, but the story and the characters really dragged the experience down. If you have a friend or two that you can run it with, give it a shot. Otherwise, give it a pass.

Gameplay good but voice acting is a shambles

Played it with 2 buddies. Skipped every cutscene. Mindlessly shoot for 20 hours. Deleted it.

Sendo um ''shooter and looter'', Outriders possui uma ótima jogabilidade, boa história ( embora o final deixe muitas perguntas ) e missões diversificadas.

Apesar de legal e divertido, a dificuldade do jogo torna-se desbalanceada a partir do ''grau de mundo 5''.

Would’ve liked it a lot more if I was able to convince any friend to play through it with me.

Look, after what everybody had said about this game, I was pleasantly surprised.

The lore is stupid, the world design is bland, the dialogue is cheesy


The core gameplay is a riot. The mechanics all flow great, the level system is engaging, the weapons nearly all feel great to use, this is a great game to fill in some time if you want a super light RPG to just tear through, Probably a riot in coop

(gunplay kinda sucks with a controller play this on pc 100 100)

Esse jogo é bem divertido, principalmente se jogar com algum brodi. O mapa dele é bem bonito, os gráficos também. A mecânica do jogo é sensacional, bem fluída.
A possibilidade de combos que vc pode fazer é algo bem interessante, modificação de mods de skill e tals. Ah, e as armas e armaduras são bem fodonas!

Um ponto bem ruim desse jogo é a repetição de criaturas. Quando vc vai caçar achando que será um bichão muito foda, ai na verdade só a muda a cor de um outro que vc já havia visto. :(

Agora irei jogar a DLC, e depois ir em busca dos 100% , que não acho que seja complicado.

Excellent sci-fi story. A little slow in the first few hours but once it gets going it’s phenomenal.

É bom, mas ao mesmo tempo é chato.

This is what the Zoomers on TikTok call "Mid".

Sensaciones encontradas. Una historia y ambientación bastante mejores de lo que pensaba aunque sin ser sobresalientes.

Eso sí, alargado de manera exagerada en muchas zonas con oleadas innecesarias de enemigos que alimenta la sensación de repetitividad.


Das Spiel ist nicht sonderlich abwechslungsreich und dennoch habe ich es auf 2 Plattformen beendet und hatte meinen Spass dabei. Für mich ein Guilty Pleasure Game

This game had so much potential. The developers only needed a few more months to polish things and tighten up the net code. It could have been something great. Unfortunately, I cannot review what does not exist. As is, they have done a lot to fix it and it's fun to play with friends, but it's still a buggy mess with hard enemies = bullet sponges. I don't think I could stomach playing it alone though.

Reviewed on 06/17/21

Maybe the greatest example of a "good in the moment" game that I'll forget in a week or so. The gameplay is fine, but I certainly couldn't imagine playing this solo. However, there are much better co-op shooters on the market to play, with many of them being free, so I can't really recommend this to anyone.

Rating: 4/10
Platinum Difficulty: 4/10
Platinum #170

I got it into my head that since I liked playing Remnant solo, I might like this too. I played Techomancer and used a lot of Blighted Rounds. Although I thought the combat was pretty good, enough to overcome the lackluster quests and technical performance ... I just don't like randomized loot very much. Like in Nioh, the frequent juggling and evaluation of dozens of barely non-identical items is just yanking me out of what should be rewarding flow states.

Guys, don't make me spend time in a menu unless the decisions I make there are going to be interesting or important.

Outriders is a game which clearly has a lot of potential, but squanders it in several ways. The story is weak and takes itself overly seriously. The world tier progression system is interesting, but in practice the difficulty is all over the place. One encounter could be easy, while the next is impossibly difficult. The game does have some enjoyable looting & shooting, but it's marred with these problems along with technical issues left & right.

if you have 1650 super, automatically you have 5 fps.