Reviews from

in the past

Los mejores años de mi vida fueron jugando esta mierda RIP

RIP games on Facebook this one was always a fav of mine x'D

I made a facebook account to play this game and nowadays that feels more like a bad thing than a good one!

era um jogo extremamente simples (em questão de lobby e comunicação entre usuários), mas as artes eram simplesmente maravilhosas, esse jogo foi meu primeiro hiperfoco por conta dos visuais e do capricho com tantos sub gêneros diferentes, é uma pena que os servidores fecharam... sinto falta de jogos que serviam apenas para logar, coletar moedinhas virtuais e gastar emm alguma coisa colorida para colocar na mansão de 5 andares do teu pet que possivelmente só você veria...

i was a furry back in my day

I will never forgive the so called Playfish company for taking this away from me

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ojala vuelva algun dia

Everyone I knew was playing this, so many great memories I don't think anything will ever compare to pet society

"Yok be! İyi hatırlıyorum da! Olamazsın sanki he o kadar?"

pretty sure i spent like 500 hours on this game i used to play it all the time on facebook as a 12 year old.. didnt have a life of my own so i had an album dedicated to this game with 2k+ pictures on it i just loved it so much.. shaped me as who i am

An ok pet simulator game where is predecessor to some of its kind and benefitted being part of Facebook for the interaction novelty. Sadly, it didn't keep up with the times and interest. I highly doubt it's still active today.

Entré en las redes sociales por culpa de este juego

não me esquecerei de você

Got obsessed with this back in the day. I knew it was silly but couldn't stop.