Reviews from

in the past

lol. lmao. This game had absolutely no business being as good as it was.

J'y jouais chez un ami quand j'étais petit donc j'ai jamais rien compris ni fini le jeu, juste y avait des dinosaures donc je trouvais ça marrant.

wreith's Review of the Video Game "Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie": The Official Review of the Official Game of the Movie - it's aight.

Man, so many awe-inspiring moments in this. Walking through that brontosaurus stampede was devastating.

É realmente impressionante que esse jogo seja de ps2, realmente além do seu tempo.

I legitimately don't remember anything about this game aside from the fact that I thought the dinosaur AI was cool

Una absoluta sorpresa que no esperaba para nada que fuese a gustarme tanto. Qué maravilla de juego de acción y aventura en primera persona recreando los eventos de la película y añadiendo cosas nuevas. Las fases de controlar a Kong contra los T-Rex son una pasada.

primeiro jogo que zerei quando criança, guardo muito carinho

Best movie tie-in there's ever been

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That's right, a good movie tie-in! Made by Rayman/Beyond Good and Evil creator Michel Ancel. Apparently Peter Jackson liked BG&E so much he chose Michel's team to create the game!

Play in first person as Jack, or in third person as Kong himself. Really fun, really atmospheric and very faithful to the movie, with some great voice acting from the movie's cast. One of the first games to throw away the HUD and rely on visual/audio cues to let you know what's up. While it's short (4–6 hours) and could use a few more Kong levels it's a great game and worth checking out.

Also on the Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2 and PC. The Xbox 360 version is superior due to heavily upgraded graphics.

Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005): Es básicamente un script muy largo, pero menudo script. Te mantiene en tensión constante, y como experiencia lineal y guiada es espectacular. Con cuatro mecánicas hace mucho sin que se sienta repetitivo, y aunque breve, es muy disfrutable. (7,50)

misunderstood masterpiece

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This game is worse expectations are for a game Peter Jackson worked on. The Story is the same as the movie, with few minors changes for gameplay that aren't worth remembering, although there was a dumb moment when Jack let's the natives capture him without resistance. The Characters are the same as the movie, so that's good. The Graphics are bad, they look generic, and the few good looking environments don't make up for the generic looking island. The Gameplay has you play along the more action like parts of the movie, plus adding more moments of that for gameplay, but the gameplay mostly has you attacking giant bugs and dinosaurs over and over again, making levels repetitive, the only fun I had with this game was playing as King Kong himself, his controls are not smooth, but at least you can swing about with him, movement controls are very stiff and feel limited when you play as anyone. The Music is good, feels like the atmosphere the game replicates from the movie. King Kong wasn't killed by the aero planes, it was repetitive levels killed the beast.

Супер игра по фильму, тот редкий случай когда даже лучше чем сам фильм, хотя местами однообразная, но не успевает надоедать...

It was buggy sometimes, but it had its charm, plus it has Jack Black!

I have never been more scared playing a game while trying to run from that T-Rex. Two magazines on backup!

A marvelous, although dated and slightly frustrating game.

One of the fondest memories from my childhood Is when me and my bestfriend were sharing a keyboard and trying to outrun the V-Rex while laughing and screaming on top of our lungs

KING KONG AIN'T GOT SHIT ON M-gets eaten by a giant flying rat

Gotta get those Xbox gamer points

Literally the best king king game ever

Among the better tie-ins. Nothing special really. Using Kong himself was fun

Juego de mi infancia que retomé hace poco para responder a la pregunta del millón ¿Es tan bueno como recordamos? (Afrontando la respuesta con miedo de hacerle daño a aquel niño) La verdad que el juego me ha encantado, tiene sus problemas como la repetición de mecánicas constantes sobre todo de cara a las horas finales del juego. Para mi este Kong sigue siendo un obligado del catálogo de PlayStation 2, sobre todo las primeras horas con Jack cuando la isla se va abriendo y el juego te va enseñando como jugarlo, realmente algunos niveles te hacen sentir pequeño frente al mundo hostil en el que te encuentras y el juego se atreve a coger parte de los elementos de los survival horror clásicos e implementarlos en un juego de una película (en la época de los juegos de películas) y creo que estas fases son de lo mejor del título, en las que apenas tienes que disparar. Otro de los puntos fuertes es la interfaz limpia que allá por la época era algo dificil de ver y te hace meterte de lleno en la historia. Los niveles con Kong no son algo muy trabajado pero tampoco creo que no aporten nada, no se puede analizar este juego sin tener en cuenta la película. Jackson y Ubisoft querían que ambos se sintieran hermanos y en la película vemos dos historias principales, la de los humanos y la de King Kong con Anne con lo que justifica completamente estas fases. Eso no quita que les falte un poco de originalidad y se quede en golpear un botón y subir a Anne a sitios para que te desbloqué el camino a seguir. Si no lo habéis jugado os recomiendo empaparos de la película antes de conectar y revivir esta aventura que hoy en día se mantiene muy en forma.

this game's actually pretty legit ngl, i wanna get around to finishing it sometime

The most fun movie tie-in game ever made. I have completed this game countless times and it remains fun to this day. Great visuals for its time and unique, but satisfying combat system for Jack and Kong. Playing as Kong is as fun as you would hope it would be and Jack has a decent first person shooter campaign. I dare you to mention a better direct movie based game, the only one I can think of is Wolverine on 360.