Reviews from

in the past

Platform: PS2 (No idea why it isn't included)

I don't really have a rating for this as I don't remember a lot of the actual game and mostly watched my brother play, but I just want to share a story for the 5 people who may see this in their life.

A few years ago me and my brother went to put the damaged scratched to hell disc back into our gnarly ps2 for a nostalgia kick, and the chaos that ensued is ingrained into my memory.

By some miracle, the game never froze. Instead, it was just severely glitched out, playing sound effects on a loop in the background, but stopping once the game loaded into something new, like a menu or cutscene.

When we loaded into the opening cutscene, a guy eventually yells "FIREEEE!" (I believe it was a prank? Idk who cares) but that specific line of dialogue kept playing on loop throughout the entire cutscene and even during gameplay. I like to believe the game was screaming for help. On fire, if you will.

Not sure what else to add to this, but it's a core memory for sure. I'll always remember the game for that.

I love horses, but the history at that age of mine, i dont know how i was able to understand and pass stuff

This game has the distinct honour of being the worst I have played in my life. 12 yr old me has yet to recover.

Poop scooping simulator/10