Reviews from

in the past

Si te gusta perderte sin sentido alguno y las pistas mínimas está bien, lo único destacable serían las dungeon 3D de la época junto los escenarios de combate que se ven bonitos

Look at the dragons in this game. Their necks are hunched over into a near-perfect question mark-shaped crook. They're too big for this game's dungeon-crawl mechanic! Who put these dragons into these narrow-ass Being John Malkovich-ass hallways? Imagine being the king of all beasts, able to soar through the skies and breathe the fires of hell itself, and you have to spend all your days lurking in the corner of a closet to guard a treasure chest that's holding a cheeseburger.

An impressive game for it's time, but it's pretty miserable to play without a guide. The menus are very slow. Chests needing a spell to disarm half the time gets pretty obnoxious with the lower MP amounts you have in this one.

I think it's impressive graphically for 1987 and I like being able to search and get nice views of the areas at any moment. Some of the music is pretty nice.

I just wish it came together a bit better, but I just don't think this has aged well.

I don't really have much to say about this one. It's a pretty basic 8-bit JRPG. The game is heavy on grinding to the point of comedy, but I at least appreciate the efforts at a narrative, even if it wasn't anything particularly special. I hate not being able to choose which enemies I target, since the best strategy I'm essentially every fight would be to focus down enemies one-by-one. The AI opts to attack at what feels random so that leads to some frustrating situations. The dungeons suck but I've never enjoyed first-person Dungeon crawling, so take that opinion with a grain of salt. I wish they would have leaned more heavily into the sci-fiaesthetic too. As is, the world has little physical cohesion, jumping between the futuristic and Medieval aesthetics with reckless abandon. Overall I wouldn't recommend anyone play this beyond curiosity. 2/6

if i had to play this game with no guide or automap and on the original difficulty (played ages mode) id just have an aneurysm every ten minutes or so

Cat companion, best companion.
Extremely slow combat but good history and setting.

played on sega ages. really simple and primitive, but still satisfying. fairly ambitious for its time. awesome finale

Specifically talking about the Sega Ages version which lessens the grind and provides map features. Phantasy Star looks insanely good considering the era that it came from. The story is... bizarre. The gameplay is nothing special aside from the first person dungeons which are very well done.

Ooh baby what a tasty game. Pure comfort food. M2 are geniuses with the sega ages version/baby mode. With that new context and updated QoL, this holds up tremendously well. Besides the exploding chests. Highly recommended.

Very simple RPG that is quite a lot of fun to play while mapping the dungeons on a physical notebook. Charming graphics and soundtrack.

Antes de toparme con Samus yo me topé con Alis Landale, mi primer personaje femenino jugable.
Siempre de chiquita dibujaba y hablaba sobre ella con mis compañeros de la primaria para decirles que si hay protas chicas cuando estos me lo negaban al principio.

All while playing this I couldn't believe Phantasy Star came out a year after Dragon Quest and less than a week after Final Fantasy, it looks and feels like it came out years later. Loved the 3D dungeons, even if I found myself getting stuck a fair amount. Great soundtrack.

don't know what to write because i played this years ago

Released just 2 days after the original Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star was actually one of the more innovative and ambitious projects to emerge from JRPG's early years. Despite the grindy combat, obscure means of progression, and sluggish pace - the standard at the time, it was the first JRPG to blend science fiction and fantasy, and the first to feature a female protagonist. It was also visually effective, with animations and graphics that were impressive for its era. However, the sheer difficulty spikes and confusing map layouts mar the otherwise intense dungeon crawling.

I really like the art and world design, the music, protagonist, and the brisk but weighty feel of the combat.

However, the dungeons make me feel kinda motion sick, the writing is difficult to follow, the story is rather weak, and there's not enough goals and places to visit and explore to in ratio to the amount of battles fought and money to be made to get there, so the pacing is just off. And that's WITH the ages version's lower encounters and higher experience. It generally feels sloppy even though it does so much new and interesting stuff with setting.
Looking forward to the sequel.

Also I think this game predicted the clone trooper design

The FM Synth version of this song plays in my head when I am left alone