Reviews from

in the past

Very cool, I loved it when it gave me eureka moments, I wish investigating was more engaging.

Great music and endearing writing/characters. Has the classic issue of point and click games where the forward momentum gets lost without clear direction. Needing to examine the same piece of evidence multiple times was a big moment for unlearning that "key items are just used once"!

Great characters, wasn't too invested into the Steel Samurai plot though.

"Let the parrot take the stand!"

Surreal de bom, joguei inteiro durante minhas aulas de português.

I thought the whole gay lawyers thing was a joke so when Phoenix and Miles starting having rough gay sex during the credits I was just slightly caught off-guard.

phoenix mi hombre, le quiero comer to la p*lla

"Thanks to you, I am saddled with unnecessary... feelings."

And then all of the fujoshis clapped!

The plot's been pretty great so far and the gameplay is solid, it's easily the best visual novel I've ever played. The experience could be improved by voice acting or more control settings such text speed up or the option for hints

Ace Attorney is one of my favorite game series, and since I haven't played the trilogy for like six years I wanted to give them another go. This first game is a really solid one, filled with wonderful characters, really funny moments and incredibly satisfactory parts that make you feel pretty clever. That would normally be all I say about it, but since I love this series I've decided to give a little review for each chapter.

• The First Turnabout: this is the perfect introduction to the franchise, it's simple yet fun even in multiple runs, and it sets the tone and the core mechanics of the game. This and the first case of Trials are the best first chapters.

• Turnabout Sisters: probably my favorite of this game. It starts with a completely unexpected twist, it introduces us to the best characters in the game (Maya, Gumshoe and Edgeworth) and it devolves into many wacky situations, culminating with an immensely satisfying defeat of the main villain.

• Turnabout Samurai: as far as "filler" chapters go this one is good, it has best side character Oldbag after all, but it's true that the investigation segments can drag a lot and the antagonist here is pretty bland.

• Turnabout Goodbyes: another fantastic case. This one gives Edgeworth a lot of depth, it has a great atmosphere and as a closing to the game it works perfectly... but unfortunately it's not the last chapter in this version of the game.

• Rise from the Ashes: I'm mixed on this one, it introduces a great companion and an imposing villain, and the stuff done with Edgeworth here is immaculate, but this chapter does feel pretty shoehorned in, the better quality of the new characters' sprites contrasts a lot with the old ones and it feels way too freaking long, specially when the middle chunk is just dealing with the stories of the forgettable side cast.

Anyways, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is an amazing game and the start of an even more amazing franchise, and I can't wait to play the rest sometime this year.

Real gamers don't skip the 5th case.

Really well written stories with very likable, memorable characters and some amazing plot twists and great gameplay especially for a visual novel.

Okay, this game is very nice, enjoyed it a lot, but there's some part of the game where you present the evident for that specific statement of the witness and it wouldn't register, and you need to present it to other statement that is not even close the statement that you should present that evidence, overall good game, would play the other two!

1. Turnabout Goodbyes
2. Rise From The Ashes
3. Turnabout Sisters
4. Turnabout Samurai
5. The First Turnabout (in that order)

Super engaging! I played it in the trilogy on 3DS and had an absolute blast, and the expressive hand-drawn sprites really make this just a treat all around. The characters are wacky and memorable in their own ways, and the cases are sometimes delightfully stupid. Can't wait to play the rest of these!

Fun cases, but had some stinkers. Also had some questionable at best logic.

je te promet kassem je vais le finir un jour

pretty fun but tedious at times

Bastante solido para ser el primero, y tiene una muy buena narrativa en general, que creo es algo que uno deberia de descubrir por su cuenta.

Overall solid story and some fun cases. Characters are suspects are also all interesting, but my main gripe is with the evidence hunting. It can be a little tediois depending on what exactly you’re looking for, and the formula for the game’s stories are pretty repetitive. However the last case makes up for a lot of the shortcomings, with von Karma and the entire DL-6 storyline. A good game from front to back

Probably one of the best debut titles of any Visual Novel series, if not THE best. Phoenix Wright's reputation as one of the best VN games out there is not unwarranted, and once you play this game, it's easy to see why.

Everything is structured in a pretty easy to comprehend way. You have your investigation portion, get your evidence, and go to court where you'll use it. It's pretty damn simple to comprehend, but not so easy to put together sometimes. I'll admit I used a guide a lot, but someone smarter than me can appreciate putting the pieces together all the same.

I think Trial 1 is where pretty much everyone gets hooked despite it being the shortest case in the series; it does a good job at introducing someone to the game. When I first played this game and fired that first "OBJECTION!" and the music stopped, the dopamine rush from that moment was glorious. It's a short case, but it's a tutorial, so it's fine.

By the end of Trial 4, the game will have solidified into a masterpiece. This is a spoiler-free review, so I won't get into it, but holy shit. What a masterpiece.

GAY LAWYERS. What gets better than this