Reviews from

in the past

Picross if it was an RPG. No, I am not joking, there is a battle system and equipment in this game. Past that, Final Fantasy fanservice combined with an already good and chill style of puzzle, I can get behind this.

Not a final review but

oh my god this could be the best Picross game but it just had to have time gates. Do a few puzzles, forced to wait 30 minutes, etc. Like with Pokemon Picross on 3DS, it theoretically could be ignored by purchasing game currency from the eShop, but that's not an option anymore (it'd be the Japanese eShop, anyway). Such a shame. Guess I'll pick at this one over time.

update: it has forced mega picross so it's actually cringe

Loses some points because (on 3ds at least) the battle system mostly feels like a detriment to it (I tired of it pretty quickly, even after figuring out pretty workable strategies for a team composition I cobbled together) and two worlds of content are locked behind a now-defunct and/or JPN exclusive account system. But other than that, it's a good compilation of Picross puzzles, paced well enough in difficulty to stay compelling. I now understand and almost enjoy Mega Picross, which I always struggled with in the past.

I have an insatiable lust for Picross. Pictlogica was a refreshing break after clearing a good amount of the 3DS Picross games for a couple of reasons. First, it adds some variety with the battles, though that variety quickly wanes as the battles get outrageously difficult, perhaps due to the game's free to play roots. Second, the game's puzzles being characters, enemies, and objects from beloved Final Fantasy made it more exciting to see what each puzzle would unlock. There is definitely a lack of puzzle variety given it's just basic Picross, but sometimes that's all I'm looking for. Pictlogica satisfies in that regard!

So, having put more time into this game, I think I'm ready to give it an actual review. Although I'm only technically a third of the way done with it.

This is a mobile game put on the 3DS, which means it's one of those where you play a little, then are forced to wait for a certain amount of time to pass, rinse and repeat. At first, this was fine. A 30 minute wait and then an hour wait, and then a two hour wait... yeah, I don't like the waiting, but it's not too bad. But the farther you play, the longer the wait times are and there is no way around it with the eShop down. As of writing this, I was put on a 96 hour wait, and I imagine it'll only continue. It's just ridiculous, I've never seen a mobile game force you to wait so long for things (I don't really play mobile games, though) and I wouldn't really wanna pay to get past it, either. Cause even if I could, I'd just have another ten puzzles and then an even longer wait time.

And it's such a shame, too, because this could have been one of the best Picross games. I like having a mix of 10x10, 15x15, and 20x15 puzzles, plus this introduces a new kind of puzzle where you solve four 10x10s to reveal one large image. On top of all of that, there are three Micross boards (or "mosaic" if you've played other nonogram games) and I've always loved those.

What really sets this game apart from other Picross games is it being Final Fantasy. I don't just mean the puzzles and aesthetics are FF themed, but there's a whole new game mode here that more or less turns puzzles into a turn-based RPG. Loosely, at least. It seems like there's some strategy employed in this mode, and it might be up some peoples' alleys, but I couldn't really get too into it. Mostly because it's just doing a bunch of 5x5 puzzles with the stylus until you defeat the enemies. It seems kind of like a predecessor to Picross X, which is another game I haven't had much interest in because it's also entirely 5x5 puzzles. Seriously, this would be so much more fun to do with 10x10s.

So, I might come off as a hypocrite with all of this because I cite Pokémon Picross as my favorite Picross game, and that one also has typical mobile game trappings. Buuut I think that game has a lot of fun gimmicks, worthwhile challenges, I'm much more interested in Pokémon, and I shilled out the $25 for unlimited playtime way before the eShop shut down. I don't know if this is actually the case or not, but I also expect the times you're forced to wait aren't as bad, either. Even if they are, there's reason to play already-beaten puzzles there iirc.

I'm still gonna chip away at this game as I remember to, but I can't really recommend it even to Picross veterans unless they mod in unlimited play at some point. At least there's an English patch, not that it's super necessary for this game.

I'm also going to refrain from rating this game. I can't in good conscience give it the 5 stars I give Picross games in general, but I also don't really know what else to give it.

oh and they make you do mega picross which is cringe

maintaining a mobage timegate microtransaction system in a handheld console port is such a square enix move. i'd like to see jupiter revisit the battle system present here because i found it kind of novel although flawed, otherwise a worthless game.

Aparentemente ele tem suas raízes free-to-play e eu não consigo avançar da área 1 mesmo fazendo todos os puzzles dela, e o jogo tá inteiro em japonês, e eu não sei japonês, e eu já sofri o suficiente com o do Pokémon pra passar por isso de novo.

Picros de Final Fantasy tá em japonês não entendo nada e o Crita explode sempre