Reviews from

in the past

Im way to curious. Easy 100% in less than 20 mins

Este juego te hara pasar los mejor 5 minutos de tu vida. Tiene de todo. Una isla, gente, historia oculta, profecias, un volcan, y una pizza con piña.

Então era tudo abacaxi na pizza?

Pineapple on pizza is actually awesome.

Es un juego grotesco e hilarante, Pineapple on pizza quiere transmitir el sabor de la pizza con piña y más o menos se puede divisar el paralelismo: Empiezas en un juego desenfadado y divertido y luego termina de una forma macabra y loca, como la pizza con piña que se ve normal al principio como una pizza normal y luego el sabor de la piña estropea el salado de la pizza sin previo aviso. El juego no es divertido por ninguna premisa jugable, es simplemente un juego para los fanáticos de Alva Majo y te diviertes buscando las múltiples referencias que hay en el juego a los desarrolladores o los elementos que se pudo ver en los dev-vlogs del creador en su canal de youtube. El humor negro que maneja el juego te puede llegar a impactar si eres una persona sensible, pero se ha de entender que el creador jamás tuvo como fin hacer un juego traumante, solo es su particular sentido del humor que te puede gustar más o menos. Todo lo que el juego ofrece es una experiencia fugaz y cómica que te saque una sonrisa. El arte es bonito, no cansa a la vista, es realmente entretenido observar las construcciones, los detalles de los distintos NPC y sus rutinas; puede hasta funcionar como un walking simulator al que entrar solo para disfrutar por un paseo por la playa o por la isla a tu antojo. RECOMIENDO EL JUEGO SIEMPRE Y CUANDO TE GUSTE EL HUMOR NEGRO 10/10

Riveting. Really shows the full potential of video games as an art medium

la gente se tira por el acantilado, hacen una escalera humana, los niños se caen al suelo y mueren con lava de verdad, hay un bebe y una tortuga. 10/10

Objetivamente terrível mas tenho de dar crédito onde é merecido: este jogo inteiro foi concebido com apenas 1 objetivo e conseguiu alcançá-lo comigo: a sua única piada fez-me rir, e acho que isso vale alguma coisa.
Eu spoilaria mas é uma experiência grátis de 15 minutos. Se estiverem curiosos só joguem.

- All Steam Achievements

Gotta be honest, I found out about this one on a WhatCulture video, and they said basically nothing about it. Me, being curious AF, decided to instantly download the thing and start playing it without any information whatsoever.
For a minute there, I thought it'd be a screamer or something like that.
Glad to report it isn't.

Excellent music, tho.

I was expecting a bit more, but it's still a free and short experience so it doesn't hurt to try.

vale a pena se vc quer ter varios jogos platinados

Alva Majo, the developer of the game, has never tried Hawaiian pizza (pizza with pineaple) because he is allergic to pineapple and because, according to his words, "it stinks", so he made this game so people like him could enjoy (or suffer) the experience of adding pineapple to a pizza.

The game follows the philosophy of ShortGames, not "Short games", but ShortGames. The main difference is that a short game is just that, a game that is short, meanwhile, a ShortGame is a game that not only is short, but conveys the experience of a long game in a short amount of time. For example, taking the first level of any Mario game wouldn't be a ShortGame but a short game, since you are just taking a fraction of a game and it doesn't feel better by being just that. A ShortGame is close to what shortfilms are for movies, they are an experience on their own. Examples of ShortGames could be Morai, Thirty Flights of Loving, or Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist.

It's hard to talk about ShortGames since almost everything could be considered as a spoiler since they tend to last less than thirty minutes, but let's sum up the premise of Pineapple on Pizza based on what you see in the first minute: You are on an island. You hear joyful music. Everyone is dancing happily. Everyone except you, because you are walking around. Everyone seems to be celebrating something in harmony. Everyone except you, who seems to have some kind of curious conscious... From there, you will explore the island and discover as many misteries as your curiosity and exploration allow you to.

The game is not only radically original (at the end of the day, it is trying to adapt a flavour into a videogame) but also surprising and delightful.

And it is free, I mean, what else are you looking for? Go play it!

Went into this blind. Very funny. Great time.

This review contains spoilers

I feel bad for laughing about people throwing a baby and his falling in lava...

I have developed ptsd from this game. Pineapple really doesn’t belong on pizza.

not really a game honestly, but besides that this is really fun to go in blind

short silly little game about murdering an island full of innocent people. fun for a good twenty minutes, achievements are pretty easy as long as you aren't a stupid idiot like me and can't find the "skilled dancer" for like half an hour.
also pineapple on pizza is pretty good ngl

Pineapple on Pizza o como arruinarle la fiesta a tus vecinos en menos de 5 minutos. No voy a extender esta review mucho mas, es super simpático y la única canción es tremendo dab banger. Descubrelo por ti mismo, si eres el aguafiestas de la familia te la vas a gozar.