Reviews from

in the past

A strong statement on the effects of colonialism. Very emotional.

This is the best videogame I've ever played!!! It replicates masterfully the essence of eating pineapple pizza, I almost can feel it in my mouth. I highly recommend this game, no matter if you have tried the pineapple pizza or not.

As we say in Brazil, gobragão e só pressão!

Pineapple on Pizza (

Juego que describe como es el sabor de la pizza con piña. Casi casi una canción (temazo) con un gameplay repletito de detallitos.


¿Todavía sigues ahí?

this game is as good as pineapple on pizza

Pineapple on pizza isn't that bad to be honest.

It is very short but worth playing. The less you know the better.

That is what forgiveness pineapple on pizza sounds like. Screaming and then silence.

I agree, pineapple on pizza is just pure agony

Juego de 10 minutos que lo que quieres mostar lo hace guay.

English | Español

It lasts as long as it takes me to eat a pineapple pizza and somehow conveys something similar from the sheer absurdity of an island where everyone dances until things happen. Play it, you literally have nothing to lose.

Dura lo que tardo en comerme una pizza con piña y de alguna manera transmite algo parecido desde el puro absurdo de una isla donde todos bailan hasta que pasan cosas. Jugadlo, literalmente no tenéis nada que perder.

I want more games like this.

Porque la pizza no debe llevar piña

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Es gratis y corto así que esta bastante bien

This is the only remotely funny pineapple on pizza joke made in probably a decade



Some of the best pieces of media have come from adaptions. Whether its with movies like Fight Club turning a forgettable book into a classic movie, or maybe its Madhouse taking One Punch Man from an ugly webcomic to one of the most beloved anime series ever made. One thing (at least as far as I'm aware of) that has never been adapted into a piece of media has been a pizza. While Pinneapple on Pizza is mostly just a goofy meme game, I'm kind of fascinated by the idea of adapting the concepts and themes of pineapple pizza and visualizing it in the form of a video game. I'm definitely all for that kind of weird shit even if the final product is just an unfunny meme game.

This game has a turtle with a funny face so it's already the GOTY.

I mean, jokes and shitposting aside, it's... fine? I'm a bit perplexed because I had fun but I don't really know why yet. It's an incredibly short and a bit surreal experience that I don't know what it wants to tell, it's just probably another joke about pineapple on pizza, and it's a weird, sad yet endearing one. Also I'll admit the ''plot-twist'' is kinda unexpected.

I really can't bring myself to not like a game that is stupid and it knows it, it's a very brief and free experience with a nice song and cool little things to discover, so yeah, it's one of those games that even tho it hasn't a ton to offer, I kinda enjoyed it more than I should have.

Esta experiencia audiovisual lúdica es completamente contraria a comer pizza con piña

Tu pizza a juicio.

Divertido e intenso, me ha durado un poco mas de lo que pone en la descripción porque no podia dejar de bailar como los isleños y me costaba mover al personaje en plena danza.

Buen trabajo Alva Majo.

Hola! Soy Alva Majo!
Desarrollador de videojuegos Indie

La crisis de los misiles de Cuba...

I get it now 😭................................

lustiger gag als Videospiel

Moraleja: No pongáis pizza a la piña por que podéis causar el fin del mundo