Reviews from

in the past

He jugado menos de lo que me gustaría. Tiene mucho potencial. Also buena forma de descubrir quién de tus amigos (o tú) es disléxico y quien suspendía hasta plástica.

Un clásico en las clases de la uni.

Si lo jugas a las 3 de la mañana con dos amigos que se quedaron en llamada para segundear la moción de jugar este juego poronga, esta bueno.

Ahí va un pro tip: se escribe YOGURT, con T al final.

holy shit, pinturillo. i almost forgot about you.

back in 2013, i would sit on skype with my best friend and we would 1v1 on pinturillo. i swear i don't remember it being pinturillo "2" and not just "pinturillo" but my memory of those days is getting more fuzzy as i get older. one thing i do remember? this was when we were DEEP in our minecraft phases, so if we weren't being cringe on wattpad we were being cringe on skype. when i think of pinturillo, i think of the skype groupchat we had. i remember spamming that stupid dancing turkey emoji, and never ever having cams on but sitting in calls for 8 hours anyways. i remember how every single prompt of ours ended up with us forcing our minecraft youtubers in it somehow like dolls, or just drawing each other.

i think we just liked drawing together, and these little guessing games were just a fun way to do that. imagine if those 13 year olds had access to magma or drawpile??? we would have been UNSTOPPABLE. the way we churned out fanfics was a testament to how dedicated we were, i cant imagine giving us access to a collaborative paint tool sai in tandem lmao.

but anyways, i still have screenshots of her pinturillo drawings posted on my old instagram account. maybe i'll call her up for a game sometime.

Excelente juego para pasar el tiempo con amigos, divertido. El predecesor de Gartic Phone

era un cague de risa cuando kickeaban al que dibujaba pero isketch es superior