Reviews from

in the past

im going by the quiz feature on this. was fun

People say it's just a Pokedex app but it goes deeper. It has a move dex and my favourite part specifically the quizes. I sat there doing the quizes and it was so much fun actually and made me realise I know to much about Pokemon.

Mostly doing this to pose the question: why are people reviewing this as if it's a game and not a cool little Pokedex. I wish they made a new version of this on Switch.

I don't know how I feel logging this into my account.
Seriously, can this even be called a game? It's like logging the 3ds music player (which clears pokedex 3d btw)

top juegos más chungos de pokémon, cómo cojones me voy a saber el grito de cada pokémon

Drawing QR-Codes to make the Pokémon appear was kinda fun.

The quizzes are kinda fun, but there's no reason to ever use this over a fan-made Pokédex. I always hoped they'd add Gen 6 and 7 to it eventually.

This cost me £20 for a fucking Pokédex

The models are better than Gen 9 though

I was gonna read the whole PokéDex in Japanese as practice. I got up to around entry 75. However, it's more boring than I thought and since it's now been about a week since I last thought about this, I think this is it. When viewed as a game, it's obviously horrible. As a database with freely viewable models of and information on all Pokémon up to Gen 5, however, I think it has its charm.

My 10 y/o self thought this was a good way to spend that gift card

It's a pretty neat use of the 3DS but really shouldn't have cost $15

esta bien si te olvidas del hecho de que has pagao 15 euros (la parte en la que te das cuenta del poder de dibujar tus propios qr es como el descubrimiento de la masturbación)

Its hard to navigate and kind of lame. also very overpriced.

why the fuck did i spend 15 dollars on a pokedex? the models are nice and the little minigames are fun, but like that still doesn't answer my own question. I guess I just REALLY wanted new pokemon content on my 3DS...

A fairly decent resource for Pokemon up to generation V. However, it was $15 and Serebii can provide the information better.