Reviews from

in the past

I'm only playing this because i have like no games on my switch so far. It's... fine. Got boring in the tutorial and kinda stayed that way but its not the worst time waster

Fun little mobile puzzler, very cute. Started to feel quite samey and ocassionally abitrarily difficult. IIRC they're bringing out a big overhaul soon so maybe I'll check it out again.

Really cute and inventive dishes, but not much to it.

Lo siento, no pienso pagar un centavo para si quiera pasar un nivel lfklsdfk

Extraño a Pokemon Shuffle

If you want a vision of a coffee imagine a finger obliterating eevees face, forever.

This game is adorable and has unique puzzles!! Too bad the puzzles suck ass!!

This game isn't perfect by any means, but I think it has a lot of charm. The aesthetic is extremely cute and good, and I think the actual gameplay is pretty neat? It's definitely gone through some growing pains and the physics are kind of wonky, but it does feel like it's trying out something kind of new in terms of puzzle design.

Some of the puzzles are pretty bad, though. The stage with a wall of tomatoes in Master Mode is a nightmare.

12/17/20 edit: oh god butter's so bad. We've hit the gimmick that really wants you to spend money on it. It's bad, I'm done. Please free Genius Sonority from the mobile game mines and let them make something cool like the Gamecube games again, they don't deserve to be attached to things like this.

Pokemon shuffle is way better than this sorry excuse for "gameplay".

The cute presentation of Café Mix is nice, but the gameplay itself gets incredibly boring once you reach the later levels where it's just "try the same solution 50 times until RNG lets you pass".

Honestly, I abandoned this, like, an hour in. Energy in mobile games sucks.

Divertido, faz muito bem o seu papel, só não mantém a imersão.

Garchomp keeps shitting at table 5.

A neat enough way of conveying the idea of mixing ingredients trough gameplay by putting a match type game in a looser state. It is definitely carried more by the cute pokemon art (except for pikachu, that looks like some weird big headed puppet monstrosity) than anything else, because it never asks too much of you, even after introducing three or four new types of "puzzles", so it can get real boring really fast.

Pra quem nunca gostou de match-3, eu gostei muito de um jogo bem feito e bem polido que usa mecânicas parecidas, mas me permite interagir com as peças de uma forma mais livre. As novas mecânicas são acrescentadas num ritmo bem bom, por mais que algumas, como os malditos tomates, sejam bem irritantes. Além disso, provavelmente ele é o JOGO DE POKÉMON MAIS LINDO E MAIS FOFO JÁ FEITO NA HISTÓRIA. Pena que ele tem um esquema de níveis e jeito de jogar que não me prende muito, mas valeu a semana que fiquei brincando no Café.