Reviews from

in the past

reminds me of KOF with a tint of arcsys. my days of FGs are over and i basically never play them anymore, but this was cute. i mean ive played this before i think but never payed much attention. the soundtrack is iconic though!!

Weird, but what do you expect from goketsuji ichizoku. The stages are borderline absurd with backdrops ranging from a death metal concert to what I can only describe as the checkout aisle of your local pharmacy. The characters are also wack, but considering that's kinda what this series is known for I can't complain. As a fighter it's solid enough I guess. Probably has some funky stuff to learn should you choose to go that way. The final boss in singleplayer is annoying but cheesable so even that's not too big of an issue. This game is one of those "show your friend and be weirded out together" type beats if you know what im gettin at

Matrimelee | MaraSNK%

Mlk, só de saber que eu posso jogar algo parecido com Rage of the Dragons mais uma vez, já fico feliz.

O jogo não é tão mecanicamente complexo, bonito, ou até tão gostoso quanto RotD, Mas insanamente divertido, então eu vou parar com as comparações

Personagem pra krl, e todos eles com movesets bem únicos. O jogo é muito bonito, só peca um pouco nos cenários. a OST é daora.

Mas resumidamente, é um RotD favelão KKKKKKK, e acho bacana os personagens secretos de RotD que incluiram.


the ost is a riot, 1 of the most ambitious of all time