Reviews from

in the past

as a kid i would play the one special stage where the pictures are animated over and over again for some reason. i don't think i ever actually got very far in the game -- far enough that when i picked it up again to write this review, i didn't remember having to blow on the DS to get the leaves to move up -- but i'll be damned if it's not a simple, easy to understand and pick up game.

(sidenote: the devs composed like one original song for this game, and it's a banger)

É bem louco parar pra pensar que eu fiquei algumas horas da minha vida jogando um "sete erros" digital, mas QuickSpot é bem divertidinho. As imagens são bem bonitas e legais, tem bastante conteúdo até e a responsividade da interface é bem boa e não causa problemas. Eu não gostei tanto do modo "desafio" do jogo - com tempo e tal pra achar erros em várias imagens -, mas o modo "normal", de achar 10 erros em cada imagem sem tempo, fez meu dia.

You know, this is about as perfect of execution as you could hope for from a spot the difference game.

It's got two different modes, an insane amount of creativity and charm, and it's handled really well. The levels towards the end did get a tad bit unfair if you ask me, with some of the final levels having differences that were only a few pixels on screen. But the main game is extremely fair and doable, that was just the extra levels.

It had a ton of variety in the art styles used and there were a lot of different pictures with a lot of different changes, so the game always had something new up it's sleeve. It also used a ton of other Namco IPs for easter eggs & content in the game, and it's so charming.
The music was probably my least favorite part, mostly just being basic chiptune remixes of classical music or other old public domain music, but even those were alright.

So yeah honestly, for what this is, it's great. If you think a spot the differences game would be interesting, then this is a great choice.