Reviews from

in the past

Made me realize I'm the only one in my friend group who can't draw

Brought out Moe’s inner demon. Very entertaining.

A couple goofs have been had playing this game. Good times

Un solido juego para pasar el rato con amigos, pero eso es todo, cumple con su cometido y es lo que importa

The perfect place for immature humor. It is genuinely pretty fun, though, and it's so comfortable and easy to return to.


Depends entirely on how funny your friends are. Mine are 9/10

just respond “arson” to everything i promise it’s funny and everyone will laugh and you’ll win

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Easily one of the most fun games in Jackbox's arsenal. Witty and conversational with so much potential for inside jokes and very malleable for any friend group.

Brings in creative ideas and answers when playing with friends.. for some reason o.0

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK muito bom, gravei 2 vídeos jogando essa porra, depois nunca mais joguei por motivos de não chamei mais a galera pra jogar isso.

Cycling through the same 3 answers over and over again is a foolproof strategy.

this is the Jackbox charm at its core

Good for home parties but the different Quips will indeed clash.

A superior Cards Against Humanity. Mileage may vary depending on the crowd you're playing with.

So many goddamn slurs have been used in this game

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My name is Fartknocker. I am the last of my kind. The tap on the last vat of 'c*m' jokes has finally run dry. This is my story.

where all inside jokes eventually go to die but hey i got my points for the low hanging fruit

I am the funniest person alive.

thaaaaaaaaaaaats a quiplash