Reviews from

in the past

I have no idea what I'm doing frankly.
An incredibly fun party, brawler, fighting game (???) where you go into it not knowing what the hell it's about but knowing you gotta survive 'til the end.
The visuals are lovely, but with the amount of chaos and moving parts on screen, it can get rather disorientating lol.

Treasure's most 'okay' game to me personally. Real fun party game and a good way to kill a couple hours throwing objects at each other. I like the visuals but that's about the most that stands out to me.

Went back to this to record some footage for a video I'm making and it's as fun as I rememeber! Sure, it's objectively treasure least good game, but viewing art objectively sucks and is lame.

Treasure still never misses. fun little party fighter with a ton of different characters each with unique playstyles. treasure never misses. Though I guess this game with its release on a console that isn't known much for party games and it's surprisingly strange learning curve, it falls into the bizarre category of "game that would be awesome with 3 friends that also all understand it", which is a pretty niche category imo.

Good and chaotic game, little content

Treasure at it again with dangerously soulful presentation and creativity and kinda simple everything else. The artstyle is super charming and the gameplay, while simplistic and kinda repetitive, is fairly satisfying with how smooth the jumping and throwing is. It's also super short but the ending is cute. I also really like how Marina shows up.

I'm mashin but boy does this game look cool

five stars. fuck you.

i dont actually speak any Japanese but tbh that kinda contributed to the chaotic nature of the game. most of the time i was just mashing buttons and hoping for the best. the art style has aged better than any hyper-realistic game released 10 years ago and will continue to age like fine wine while every modern AAA game ages like milk

theres a lot of funny characters with funny voices

You ever just, feel the power of your actions in a game? That oompf, smaaaaaash, kabooooom when you unleash a killer combo or fling an opponent across the screen? That's Rakugaki Showtime, and now I need to find 3 other friends to shill this to!

A very simple and short game, yet charming. Sure, you can finish the game by mashing the same few buttons over and over and yes a single campaign is around 20 minutes, but it never stops being fun and you want to replay it again and again.

Also very cute art style.

Honestly my big gripe with it is that no one has bothered making an online version of this game.


Why isn't this tageged treasure :(

Didn't play for very long, but I'm impressed by the sheer style it exudes, as well as its simple, punchy gameplay.