Reviews from

in the past

Did Ratchet & Clank need to have a bland but accessible 4-player co-op platformer?
Did they make one anyway?

I haven't actually played this game, I am putting this here because I think everyone forgot the existence of this one.

Sadly never got to finish the co-op playthrough I started years back. Maybe one day.

The sensible, good taste part of my brain: This is painfully average and nowhere near as good as the PS3 games that come before it.

The part of my brain that loves Dr. Nefarious: Holy shit, I can play as Dr. Nefarious!

haha this game was gonna be called 4play

All 4 one seemed to sacrifice what could have been a far better single player experience into a rather average Co-op experience, riddled with simple puzzles and an unbalanced weapon arsenal. But not all is lost in transition, and the game still provides for an entertaining story and a somewhat long, but enjoyable co-op run.

prefer the original title of this game Ratchet & Clank: 4Play

Played it with dad, so much fun!!!

I had fun with the co-op
Need to replay to refresh my memory but it's really not that bad

Minha infância

queria dar 7 estrelas, mas faz tempo que eu nao jogo, nao sei que nota dar

It was alright for a multiplayer ratchet game. Nowhere near as good as the others, but it had its charms.

When playing in co-op, it's extremely fun. When playing alone, it's all right. Nothing much else to add.

All 4 one? More like all 4/10 one

the hottest mid i've ever played. fun for a while, but that story is boneless

O que me chamou atenção nesse jogo foi basicamente a campanha multiplayer cooperativa, resgatando a boa sensação de beat'em'ups e outros jogos de gêneros similares, como run'n'gun.

Boa comédia e gameplay funcional, apesar de não muito criativo.

A bit of a weird entry, but I played it with my 3 younger brothers and it was a good time.

People whinged about how putting mario games online was impossible while I did an optional Ryno puzzle room with three other randoms with no mics online.

Well it's not a traditional Ratchet & Clank game but it's co-op and it's fun enough. Reminds me of Nicktoons Unite. You finally get to play as Dr. Nefarious.