Reviews from

in the past

Great game and just a phenomenal soundtrack. The lore of the logs in these games is very mysterious and a great read.

ну такое себе, не очень
2 часть лучше

The mobility and only being able to attack horizontally in most cases kinda drives me insane

Muito clunky de se jogar. Pega o Returns que ele é tudo isso aqui mas melhor

Me dan ganas de jugar al 2, porque este tiene buenas ideas, un gameplay cuidado y una buena música, pero tiene más pinta de un 'prototipo' de una idea que seguramente han mejorado en esa segunda parte.

Love how it looks, ended up being a game I enjoy watching others play more than I liked playing it myself.

Rough around the edges but there's a diamond in there. Imagine if it was remade to be better and more polished... Now that would be crazy.

El primer juego que empezó una de las mejores sagas indie jamás creadas, pero que envejeció terriblemente mal.

Por lo que más quieran, jueguen el remaster y la secuela.
Me lo van a agradecer.

Joguei há muito tempo, pra mim é um dos roguelikes mais clássicos, tendo que jogar e rejogar várias vezes para desbloquear os itens e personagens é um estilo de jogo que gosto bastante até e esse jogo foi um dos primeiros que joguei que tinha isso. Se eu tivesse amigos pra jogar provavelmente seria 2x mais divertido.

copied from steam:
It's been a long time since i've played this game, but looking back I still have great memories of it-- getting absolutely crazy and broken runs, listening to the awesome soundtrack, and maybe abusing a few glitches here and there ;). I think this game really stands for itself as a classic.

Despite being outclassed by games inspired by it, Risk of Rain is worth playing for the soundtrack alone, and gave me a fun afternoon. After seeing credits roll a few times I'm content with what I've done and don't feel there will be too much more to discover.

I feel once you're psychotic enough, you start enjoying this game way more. And I got deep enough in the sauce to be one of them. Good game with nice art, and an insanely good gameplay loop.

Played after Risk of Rain 2. I like the ambitious choice of jumping from 2D to 3D with the sequel. Feels like they brought it to life, and the 3D space works a lot better than 2D for this genre. However, this was still a bit of fun to play through.

It's a good game, I just don't love roguelikes.

Um game de passar mta raiva, com monstros q te matam facilmente e chefes gigantescos!!!

Would be crazy if they made a sequel that was in 3D

pretty cool game I didn't play much of
I find the whole platformer rougelike deal pretty interesting though I'm not very good at it
the music is really good and the same can be said of the art

Meu Roguelike favorito, personalidade, upgrades, inimigos, personagens, habilidades. E os sprites são bem pequenininhos, é mto surpreendente como funciona tão bem o visual desse jogo.

Never played it above drizzle lmao, still better then ror2 tho imo

The classic 2D RoR is a slow and difficult game in comparison to the faster paced and more elegant sequels, and while it's certainly one of my favourite action roguelites of the 2010's I can see how polarising it's slow and meticulous design is.

The premise is relatively simple, a cargo ship crashes on a planet and you have to collect the futuristic supplies to help you escape while fighting the local flora and fauna. There's massive variety of items and difficulty constantly creeps up through each playthrough spawning more powerful enemies. You start with one survivor who has a tight long-range skill set and must begin unlocking new items, heroes, and secrets from there.

Risk of Rain's adoption of a side-scrolling action game was unique for the time, especially as a sci-fi roguelite, with it's unique pixelated art style, ethereal soundtrack, and truly alien environments giving it a style and aesthetic that truly stood out. The simple 4-skill design for each character is fine tuned and as satisfying as they are different, embodying a wide variety of unique play styles that is refreshing to see when most procedural games rely on the numbers to set the differences.

That said RoR is truly at its hardest when you first turn the game on. The initial difficulty is very slow paced, the starting character's skill set very simple to learn but hard to master, and of course you have only the starting items. It's only once you've died 20-30 times that you're in a position to start getting unlocks and that's a long time to go without encouragement, getting to grips with the repetitive early gameplay. Most people will dip out before things get interesting, but if you stick with it the unlocked items and characters are the core of this game's variety.

Between the secret items littered throughout the variety of stages, the massive roster of foes to face, the modifiers for enemies you can encounter, the huge variety of items to unlock, the large roster of playable characters, and each level having randomised layouts there is a lot of quality game design to experience here - unfortunately that does mean getting over that starting hump which is admittedly a tall order. It's a polarising title and while I loved every moment of this mechanically tight and challenging 2D platformer, your mileage may vary.

Just not my style of Roguelikes, might try the remake

I guess I’m too fucking dumb to enjoy this.

J'était vraiment à chier (et je suis le suis toujours), mais grâce à lui j'ai découvert la scène indé, et pour ça, merci.

i played the fuck out of this in like 2014

Se pah, meu jogo indie preferido